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Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Smart Contracts…all of these surely make the ears of eager founders perk up. Rightfully so, as Blockchain Technology has been considered the next big thing, destined to revolutionize the Internet and how transactions occur.
Opportunities abound, including in stock market trades or other financial transactions, including lending, land registry, smart contracts, supply chain, e-voting, insurance, asset management, healthcare, music, government, etc. It is decentralized, verifiable and incorruptible theoretically. So what should you as the founder of Blockchain business know? Wherever you may fall within Blockchain Technology and its use in your business, you should be aware of some things:.
As with any early adoption, risk abounds, as does opportunity. Understanding how to navigate the Blockchain, both practically and legally, will likely be required of all founders in the coming of what some are calling Web 3.
Top Things to Know as a Blockchain Founder. September 5, by Brian Hall Parent Category. Wherever you may fall within Blockchain Technology and its use in your business, you should be aware of some things: Be mindful of the ever-changing landscape of regulations, which may impact whether traditional fundraising or crowdfunding may be preferable.
While smart contracts allow for automatic execution when specific conditions are met, they are coded and thus require human creation. This means human error is possible, which means the risk of liability remains. In addition, while it is true that with no central point of failure and being secured using cryptography, Blockchain applications are considered safer from hacking and fraud, hacks have occurred, including the famed DAO Hack, which ultimately modified how Ethereum operated once the hard fork, or change in the code, was implemented.
Typical considerations involving indemnification and limitation of liability should be considered in all relevant contracts. Consider your intellectual property and whether you can claim exclusivity to your works, particularly in light of the fact that it exists in the distributed public Blockchain network. Patents have been filed and more will follow. Just like any business, you must consider your intangible property brand, code, methods, works of authorship, etc.
Blockchain developers are fetching a pretty penny these days. Surrounding yourself with the proper team and ensuring your employment agreements including non-competes are enforceable will be important.
Lots of Unknowns with Inevitable Disputes. As we saw with the explosion of Internet law, advising clients with limited or no legal precedent will be an ongoing challenge. Share on Facebook Share. Share on Twitter Tweet. Share on Google Plus Share. Share on LinkedIn Share.