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The blockchain the technology behind the virtual currency bitcoin, can be used for many other applications. On every new transaction an unforgeable encryption is made with the history of all previous transactions - like a financial DNA.
When there is a dubious transaction in one ledger no consensus is reached in the network and all other ledgers deny this transaction. There are various applications to think off: Because the blockchain is a decentralized technology and puts the power back in the hands of the individual, it can give an opposing force in our digital landscape that is dominated by a few large companies such as Google and Facebook. Want to know more? Gather all the latest insights and stories about the future of the memory during our theme year All Future Memories.
However, if you use your eyes you will notice that magic is omnipresent. The Antwerp-based group was selected out of no less than applicants through a contest on vi.
The focus should be on deciding how the different disciplines interact with one another, whether any of them take the lead or are there to support and provide visual impact to the narrative. Not just statically, in photos in magazines, but dynamically on the catwalk — but also, for the past ten years, in moving images. Fashion films are visually surprising, but the story is often thin as a sheer blouse.
Skip to main content. Three things you have to know about the blockchain How this digital ledger can change the world. Tell your friends Facebook Twitter. Digital culture Published on: The promise of the blockchain There are various applications to think off: Perhaps you're also interested in: All Future Memories Wall of knowledge Gather all the latest insights and stories about the future of the memory during our theme year All Future Memories.
Film Performance An ode to la mode Something Raw Something Raw The final edition.