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It is delivered to customers by cryogenic tankers into onsite vacuum-insulated storage vessels which typically, with associated vaporisation equipment, provide several days' supply.
Oxygen can also be used as a chemical reactant for catalytic and non-catalytic oxidation reactions mainly in the hydrocarbon and chemical processing industries. You can read our full Cookies Policy by clicking here. Chemicals Many oxidation reactions use pure oxygen rather than air to benefit from higher reaction rates, higher yields, easier product separation and , reduced capital cost of new plants and reduced air emissions.
Food Oxygen can be used in fermentation to maintain an aerobic state. Also used in some cases for modified atmosphere packaging MAP of foodstuffs. Fish farms Higher levels of dissolved oxygen, resulting from the use of oxygen instead of air,allow more fish to be grown and remain healthy in a given volume of water. Lasers Oxygen is used as an assist gas for the cutting of mild steel and stainless steel.
Medical Breathing oxygen instead of air allows greater oxygenation of the blood stream in situations of impaired breathing action and lung function. Steelmaking and combustion processes Oxygen is used to replace or supplement air in burners in many industries to obtain increased temperatures to increase throughput and improve energy efficiency.
Typical industries include steel, non-ferrous, glass amongst many others Water treatment Oxygen can be used in place of air in the activated sludge process to maintain a higher population of micro-organisms. Using oxygen injected through a side stream instead of using a mechanical aerator eliminates surface agitation, reducing odour.
If you have a question or want to buy, click here to email us. Related Links Liquid Oxygen. BOC websites use cookies. By continuing to use this website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.
Our Cookies Policy provides more information about cookies and how to manage or disable them. I accept cookies from BOC Sites. Many oxidation reactions use pure oxygen rather than air to benefit from higher reaction rates, higher yields, easier product separation and , reduced capital cost of new plants and reduced air emissions. Oxygen can be used in fermentation to maintain an aerobic state. Higher levels of dissolved oxygen, resulting from the use of oxygen instead of air,allow more fish to be grown and remain healthy in a given volume of water.
Oxygen is used as an assist gas for the cutting of mild steel and stainless steel. Breathing oxygen instead of air allows greater oxygenation of the blood stream in situations of impaired breathing action and lung function. Oxygen is used to replace or supplement air in burners in many industries to obtain increased temperatures to increase throughput and improve energy efficiency. Typical industries include steel, non-ferrous, glass amongst many others. Oxygen can be used in place of air in the activated sludge process to maintain a higher population of micro-organisms.