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It also sells new items. It was established in in London, [2] and has since grown to have more than stores in the UK and over abroad. The pronunciation of the chain's acronym name was confirmed in British TV commercials aired in March which confirmed it was the same as sex. The company now has more than stores worldwide including over stores in the United Kingdom , [6] , 60 in Spain , 38 in Ireland , 23 in Australia , 19 in India , 14 in the Netherlands , 8 in Poland , 9 in Portugal , and 23 in Mexico.
Cex is a privately owned company. In Cex began issuing licences for franchising. As a second hand retailer, Cex trades with customers offering either cash or a voucher for redemption in any Cex store. Some premium and new release items Cex will offer close or sometimes higher than the as new retail value of the product.
Cex offer a month warranty subject to terms on all of the second hand products the company sells. Cex no longer accept bitcoin as payment. The service covers the repair of Video game consoles , Smartphones , Tablet computers and laptops. Cex offer a 2 year warranty on device repairs and no fix, no fee promise to customers.
At the end of January , all Cex stores operating in the United States closed. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 20 May Retrieved 14 November Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 14 May , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Watford , Hertfordshire , United Kingdom.