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Nobody is going to accept transaction costs of more than a few percent for small transactions and nobody is going to sell anything more expensive than a cup of coffee without using an escrow and waiting until the transfer to that escrow clears before they hand over the product or service.
That pretty much kills it as a means of value exchange except as a last resort. The final nail in the coffin, it is just as traceable as a credit card or bank transfer. The people who touted it as being as anonymous as cash have been proven wrong. Given that, what is the new theory crypto early investing digital currency trader reveals next bitcoineagawkercom it retaining any value at all? It IS a fiat currency. The bit of digital data and the whole blockchain carry no intrinsic value outside of the value exchange, just like any fiat currency.
If that bit of data represents anything at all, it represents the burned coal that produced the power to run the mining machine. How valuable do you suppose already burned coal is? Like most modern financial instruments, when the music stops, a very few will make some money and a bunch of people will find no chair.
But if you were sane, you'd have cashed out by now. Or if it took nothing to get, you'd ride it until after it crashes. Basically, there's no alternate universe that proves you made X dollars by doing the other thing, so why bother? The only people I've known who've held alt coins told me how much they've made while they were still holding. I've yet to meet a single person who can show me the tens of thousands they made sitting in their bank accounts right now. Not to say they don't exist, but people also win lotteries, doesn't mean I feel bad for not playing.
You want to know why every country moved away from the gold standard? Because it turns out, your economy is limited by how much gold you can find. Well, you economy will stagnate not a good thing. Find a ton of gold? Well, your economy booms again, not a good thing. Say you were paid 1 oz of gold a month for your work. Well, what happens if the company can't get you 1oz of gold? Let's say they can get half an ounce.
So you work half the month. But you still have to pay for all your stuff - do you buy half a month's worth of food and starve half a month? Or do you have to search for short term work to make up the missing half an ounce? This uncertainty is what screws up economies. Going from boom to bust dependent on how much you can mine turns out to destabilize economies. That's why every economy floats their currency i. Economies in the past were fine - there was lots of gold easily available, and thus the economic output of a country wasn't really limited.
Bitcoin with its fixed supply seems like a great idea, but you then realize it's a static economy. And economies need to grow. If you have a baby, you need money to pay for its needs. But in a static economy, you can't - you're stuck with what you're earning. You cannot earn more because the economy cannot support your added output - i. As people join the economy after all, there are people who don't use bitcoindemand for bitcoins go up, creating an even worse situation - a deflationary one, where a bitcoin today is worth more tomorrow because more people want it.
Or, put another way, you can put 8 hours of work today for me, but I won't ask you do that, because tomorrow, it will cost me less bitcoin for those same crypto early investing digital currency trader reveals next bitcoineagawkercom hours because they're worth more. Deflationary economies can lead to complete economic stall - if you're getting richer by the day, why would you buy today what is cheaper tomorrow?
This is partly crypto early investing digital currency trader reveals next bitcoineagawkercom reason why the Great Depression was as long and as hard as it was - yes, being on gold also hurts. So inflation it is. But not too much - you destabilize the economy if there's too much - what was affordable today, is out of reach tomorrow see hyperinflaction. You want to add just enough to match growth in the economy. In a trading world, you can benefit as well - print a bit more cash and devalue your currency making your country cheaper to buy from, hopefully increasing economic output people are buying your stuff!
Bitcoin is like Wikipedia. Both are experiments that have or are going to show what everyone already knows, just taught to the next generation who always never sees history repeat itself. Wikipedia is a great example of communism as government, and the whole "every animal is equal, but some are more equal than others" conclusion of Animal Farm.
The only good news is that Bitcoin is at least unlikely to affect the economy too badly, so it's only those heavily leveraged on it will suffer.
So unlike the lessons we all had to learn during the Great Depression about economic growth, the actual scope of losses crypto early investing digital currency trader reveals next bitcoineagawkercom likely just be a blip. In the history of forever, whenever bureaucracies fuck up - 'blame the new guy'.
Someone thought it was a good idea and did it, likely for political reasons, it went down way worse than they thought and So what was the follow up marketing meant to about, obviously stoking war fears, real war fears.
Who was playing, drive war fears as an FCC distraction, make more War Industrial Complex funding more palatable, attack property values in Honolulu Pearl Harbour is the number one target in the US and make no mistake but why force the reminder. They had better show some images of this magic, make an entire city panic, cause harm and suffering and even death as people try to escape, button with no safety features, otherwise I just wont believe. I remember when they taught this shit in school. Stay in your house, away from windows, keep curtains drawn.
Have a battery radio and fill up containers with drinking water. There are multiple ways for a nuclear strike to kill you: Each has its own characteristic radius within which you will probably die from it, but your chances crypto early investing digital currency trader reveals next bitcoineagawkercom improved crypto early investing digital currency trader reveals next bitcoineagawkercom being inside.
You car would be a bad idea for many reasons unless it is in a garage. If your car is outside it will get quickly covered with very hot short-lived radioactive fallout. The gamma rays will cut through your car like it wasn't even there. You want physical distance to cut down your crypto early investing digital currency trader reveals next bitcoineagawkercom dose until the hottest isotopes decay.
The area in which the fallout will kill you quickly actually begins to contract after only an hour or so, even though the fallout is spreading. The area in which short exposures to fallout represents a health risk starts to drop after a day. That's because the energy is dissipated in a three dimensional volume, and you're calculating the radius of intersection of that volume with a two dimensional surface. Anyhow you can look up on the expected fatal radius by bomb type and yield, and the immediately fatal thermal effects of the warhead NK tested for an unprotected individual would be less than 5 miles, although many closer would survive because of shelter.
Honolulu is about 12 miles across. If you put the warhead in the geographic center of the city to maximize casualties a lot of people on either end will survive. A lot of them will be uninjured too. The 5 psi blast radius is only three miles, outside that radius even residential buildings will still stand and people shaded by them will likely escape uninjured if they can get inside before the fallout.
So, the reason the individual income tax cut is not permanent is because the DNC voted against it? Had they gotten 9 DNC Senators on board the tax cut for workers would be perm?
Sounds like we need to boot out DNC that hates middle class workers and get the GOP another 9 seats at the least so we can make it perm for us. So your plan is a massive corporate tax cut without removing any of the corporate deductions AND an individual tax cut when your country is already running a huge deficit? Of course it could be changed. Heck, the Constitution can be amended. But as it stands today, the Republicans have passed a gift for the ultra-rich, with some hand waving to fool the peasants.
Wouldn't think that would work, but apparently it is. Consider it a subsistence existence payment. The payment for denying the people the right to subsist by being a hunter gatherer.
What right do you claim to be able starve people to death, by denying them a subsistence existence and killing them slowly in prison or fast with a bullet should they dare to attempt a hunter gatherer existence. By what right do you claim to be able to force slave labour or starvation and any claim on that right also provides a claim on the right for people to kill anyone who attempts to deny them a subsistence existence. A human crypto early investing digital currency trader reveals next bitcoineagawkercom has a right to exist and the right is expressed by being able to exist to survive, not to be turned into a slave via threat of starvation, imprisonment until death or summary execution.
The simplest definition of capitalism, 'my capital worth is worth more than you life', in fact as many people as need to perish in order to preserve my capital value and that is the fact of capitalism, the legalisation of capital worth being greater than human worth. The main flaw in that study that I can find after a couple of minutes is that the statistics are completely wrong. The swedish figures are ignoring the income used to pay for everything in the state:.
The correct comparison is the gross income figures. To the crypto early investing digital currency trader reveals next bitcoineagawkercom - my wife receives an annual payment from the government to compensate her for the possible loss of royalties that libraries might bring.
This is like saying that because I don't like the idea of being robbed by you, I should hate the idea of paying taxes. Ludicrous on every level. My own local library does something similar. There is and should be nothing wrong with offering books for loan regardless of format at long as the copy is legitimately purchased.
Publishers have hated Libraries since they started and they want to use "electronic" as an attempt to license the book instead of buying it.
The courts will shoot this down, there is a long legal history for Library's loaning books being perfectly legal all the way back into english common law, to rules in the writers favor this the supreme court would need to undo years of precedent. They generally don't do that for anything but the most extreme of situations. Libraries exist, they loan books, whether they are digital or paper and it's all perfectly legal. I don't know about how many people here agree with me but, going after an organization whose only purpose is to preserve knowledge for future generations for free really rubs me the wrong way, regardless of the legalities; especially 10 years after the fact.
In this case, the Internet Archive doesn't have either of those copyright-relevant factors on its side.