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Web based Media bankrate. Richardson also arranged for two other former UofT students, Maurizio Cavalieri and Ray Khan to be part of the questioning since they had personal knowledge about Bitcoin from their trading activities in cryptocurrencies.
As a result of this issue being raised, it was widely reported that The Canadian Privacy Commissioner is questioning Loblaws for details on why Loblaws is demanding such identification from their customers. When questioned, Loblaws answered saying " This hasn't been done before on this scale," says Richardson, a professor at Seneca College in Toronto. He also suggests the ID request could hurt Loblaws more than any potential fraudsters. SOme privacy "experts" commented that such revelations were "unsettling" but Richardson says that for law enforcement such sharing of data is quite common and " this is a fairly typical kind of data request from police that is often used to corroborate other types of evidence in court, such as a photo of a suspect captured on a CCTV camera.
Richardson explained passwords and provided tips on how to create and remember longer passwords, as well as how to change your passwords frequently using a system. During the 3rd week in July , Richardson was interviewed for background on a story for CTV News about Microsoft laying off 18, employees. Richardson provided deep background as to where the cuts will be in the context of Microsoft's recent acquisition of Nokia.
During the 3rd week in June , Richardson was interviewed live on air for CTV News by Todd Van Der Heyden for a segment about Facebook being 'down" for a short period June 19th and what effect there would be when a major Social Media entity is not active. Richardson explained how Facebook is not only for social connections but also used extensively by large and small businesses for marketing and promotions - and gave explicit examples. Catharines about the Heartbleed computer bug. Richardson discussed password security and various online risks.
Richardson commented on the timing of when the patches go through and how this effects users passwords vulnerability. He also explained the risk - threat - vulnerability sequence. Richardson explained that the risk - threat - vulnerability may go beyond the Revenue Canada website to other government agencies. Richardson explained explained that the problem with passwords is how to make them longer and more secure at the same time allowing the user to have a way of remembering them.
Richardson showed a trick to using and remembering mnemonic passwords. Richardson explained the different types of Identity Theft and how people would be diligent in dealing with credit reporting agencies. Richardson discussed Bitcoin compared to other payment structures and commented on the secrecy surrounding the alleged founder..
During the 2nd week in March , Richardson was interviewed by Jennifer Palisoc of Global News for a story about the missing Malaysian Airliner and the allegations that the cellphones of the passengers were still appearing to be ringing. Richardson comments on cellphone technology and internet scams.
Richardson discussed why digital currencies are increasingly desired for internet marketing situations and also talked about how Bitcoin works and the anonymous aspect which challenges law enforcement. During the 1st week in October , Richardson was quoted in the Ottawa Citizen about the MasterCard study of digital personas. Richardson explained that this strategy was about target market segmentation and said "It's not for you, it's for them. During the 1st week in October , Richardson was quoted in the Vancouver Sun about the MasterCard study of digital personas.
Richardson said "companies are realizing the best way to increase business is not necessarily with new customers but to get their existing ones to buy more. During the 4th week in Sept , Richardson was interviewed by LuAnn Lasalle of The Canadian Press for a story about by a study done by MasterCard in which they discussed "digital personas". Richardson made some comments about their target market segmentation and also explained the multiplier effect of the layoffs.
During the 3rd week in Sept , Richardson was quoted in Yahoo Finance about crowdfunding. Richardson was quoted saying "It takes their product from conceptualization to be able to actually launch and have people start using it. During the 3rd week in Sept , Richardson was quoted in the Calgary Herald re: Richardson said "small companies don't need to ask for a lot of money. Richardson said the reason why crowdfunding works is not the amount of the money but the speed with which it can be raised which fits the urgent time requirements on many entrepreneurs.
During the 3rd week in Sept , Richardson was interviewed by journalist Curtis Rush for a story in The Star about the launch of the new Apple iPhone 5S and the problems that may be associated with the finger print scanner.
Richardson was quoted about the technology of biometrics as well as the marketing strategy of adding features to a new model to sell more product. Richardson addressed privacy concerns saying the average person voluntarily reveals much more personal info through their everyday use of social media which comes under the category of OSINT Open Source Intelligence for which no warrants are required by police agencies.
During the 2nd week in May , Richardson was interviewed by Jenny Yuen of The Toronto Sun about how to be shop safely using online classified ads and auction sites. Richardson made a number of specific recommendations, including using a "burn phone" so you can make contact with potential buyers without compromising your personal communications info.
Richardson spoke about business and competition witiger. During the 4th week in April , Richardson was interviewed live on air by Sandy Rinaldo for CTV News to discuss the release of quarterly earnings by Apple and expectations for future products to be launched. Richardson explained that just because it is technically possible to produce a product doesn't mean that the marketing people can sell it to a crowded and competitive market.
Richardson explained the circumstances of versioning and the absence of distinct FABs between new models and some decline in innovation, compared to other smartphone competitors.
Richardson explained on air that there are several driving forces 1. They are all interlinked. Richardson crowd sourced part of his preparations with his Facebook group of former students. During the 2nd week of November , Richardson was interviewed by Rosie-Ann Grover of the Hamilton Spectator for a story about credit card skimming fraud related to the incoming use of chip and pin technology versus the vulnerability of cards that still have a magnetic stripe.
Richardson discussed the uneven roll-out of pin and chip cards mismatching the rate of adoption by small and medium sized merchants. Richardson arranged for one of his former students Dev Basu to be profiled at length in the article. Richardson spoke about online security and gave some specific tips and tactics about password security.
During the 2nd week in October , Richardson was interviewed live on air for CTV News by Sarika Sehgal for a story about Newsweek magazine suspending print production of hard copies of the magazine and moving exclusively to a digital version. Richardson said "Questions of legal jurisdiction and the overwhelming volume of postings made every day around the world compound the challenge police forces face in determining real identities in the online world.
People clicking additional "likes" on a suspect comment could also spread the harm. During the 2nd week in Sept , Richardson was interviewed by freelance journalist Kaliegh Rogers for a story in The Star about online security and password protection re: Richardson explained about how to make passwords harder to crack by using upper case and lower case letters in addition to numbers and added that changing the password frequently helps.
Richardson also provided some specific tactical tips about remembering multiple passwords. A YouTube video discussing some of the specific tips and tactics of using mnemonic passwords was uploaded Oct 11th http: During the 4th week in August , Richardson was interviewed for a story about Indian car manufacturer Tata and their plans for expansion into Canada.
Richardson commented on the competitive environment they will face plus the challenge to find the most appropriate target market segment. Richardson said the most recent changes to how professors teach is not the internet, but rather that access to the internet is in the majority, from mobile devices.
During the 3rd week in August , Richardson's interview w ECT for a story about eBay banning sales of supernatural and occult items was carried on technewsworld. Richardson commented on how auction sites work and explained the deep background to the story.
During the 3rd week in August , Richardson was quoted in the Huffington Post about professors encouraging their students to use portable networked devices in class. Richardson takes it a step further by putting his lectures on YouTube.
During the 3rd week in August , Richardson was quoted on CP24 about students using tech devices in class. During the 2nd week in August , Richardson was interviewed at length by Jessica Vitullo of The Canadian Press for a story about the use of electronic devices in the classrooms as part of a "back to school" story. Richardson commented about how teachers can be more engaging with students during the class by referencing web-based content that students can access through smart phones, netbooks, tablets and notebooks..
Richardson also explained how the recall process works and provided an insight on how large dealerships hoard parts.
During the 2nd week in July , Richardson was interviewed by Sharon Aschaiek twitter. Richardson commented on the importance of knowing the competitive environment while endeavouring to turn your customers into ambassadors as part of cross-selling and upselling your services.
During the 2nd week of July, Richardson was interviewed by Dan Misener for a story about small businesses successfully using web technologies for marketing. During the 3rd week in February , Richardson was interviewed by Dan Misener for a story about using email analytics.
Richardson was quoted as saying " Richardson also arranged for a former student of his to also be interviewed for, and quoted in the story. Richardson commented on the various hacking tactics that could have been employed as well as some of the reasons why particular execs were targeted, related to the access those execs had.
Richardson commented on how this feature effects personal privacy as well as effecting the ability of vendors to develop more specific target market segments. During the 3rd week of December Richardson was interviewed live in CBC Radio for a call-in show dealing with a new Facebook feature called "Timeline". During the 3rd week of December Richardson was interviewed by the Toronto Sun about "revenge sites" gaining in popularity as more "scorned lovers" look for an opportunity to post pics and comment online.
Richardson was quoted as saying There will be more of these sites in the future There is a lot of people who have had things done to them and they want to find a vehicle for rage. During the 4th week of November Richardson was interviewed by Mark McAllister on Global TV for a story about how a Toronto assault in a very public location was videotaped and ended up on YouTube. Richardson commented on how and why people post sensational content to YouTube relating to "clicks" and banner ads.
During the 1st week of October, Richardson was interviewed by Ming Pao about safety issues related to the recycling of computer parts, specifically content on hard drives that might not be properly wiped clean. Richardson explained the time pressures that sub-contractors are under to achieve certain time constraints which leads to situations were certain processes are not completely finished.
Knowing this, means people working in companies should delete the hard drives themselves to prevent corporate intellectual property theft and personal Identity theft situations. That doesn't happen in real life. Richardson explained the difference between "a pure hardcore technical hack" and social engineering. Richardson provided background on the possibilities of Carney's competitiveness.
RIchardson went on record saying that there was a very good chance that would happen.. During the 2nd week of April , Richardson was interviewed by Katherine Brulotte for an on-air segment about teachers using social media. Richardson commented about his use of Twitter and YouTube and expressed caution about using FaceBook.
During the 2nd week of April , Richardson was interviewed for a segment about teachers using social media. Richardson commented about using YouTube as a tool to communicate particular segments in a lecture, and also allow students to earn class participation marks when they use the comments part of YouTube.
During the 1st week of April , Richardson was invited by the Taiwan government to be the keynote speaker at an international conference on e-commerce security. Held in Taipei, the conference, co-sponsored by BusinessNext magazine, featured speakers on techical and non-technical aspects of e-commerce security for vendors and customers. During the 3rd week of March , Richardson was interviewed by John Gormley for a live on air segment about the economic consequences of trade regarding the earthquake in Japan and the possible effect on Saskatchewan exporters.
During the 3rd week of March , Richardson was interviewed by Ron Charles for an on air segment about the economic consequences of Canada-Japan trade regarding the earthquake in Japan. During the 3rd week of March , Richardson was interviewed by Sarah Gladney for an on air segment about Canada's future trade prospects with Japan.