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Fake Transactions - goo. I am not a financial advisor nor am I giving financial advice. I am sharing my biased opinion based off speculation. You should not take my opinion as financial advice. You should always do your research before making any investment. You should also understand the risks of investing. This is all speculative based investing. I sent BTC and it has been 4 days and I paid priority fee to blockchain, then the next hour the block chain priority fee went from 4.
My transaction is still pending after 4 days. Does the transaction comeback after pending for a week or so? I can't even drop my BTC into an exchange because the network is so slow. Been waiting about 60 hours for a BTC transfer, paid a huge fee and it's still unconfirmed. The network is so clogged up there is no pulling out, only people already on exchanges are able to use this swing while the rest of us who actually hold our BTC are simply stuck watching the chaos. The charts at bitcointicket.
So the unconfirmed transactions will begin to cleanse in 4 hours. The bitcoin blockchain total difficulty has doubled since august hard fork whereas the bch total difficulty is almost the same so your money is safer with BTC. It's a hostile takeover. Big manipulation going on. Watch the DataDash breaking news video. If Bitcoin cash wants to offer lower transaction fees and a lager block size, then create a new coin, and don't try to maliciously takeover Bitcoin and try to steal the brand and all it's backers.
Bitcoin cash's takeover was done corruptly and is completely centralised and is not a community decision. It's exactly what we're against. Make your profits you greedy bastards, but don't let bitcoin cash takeover. These bad actors, and we know who they are, will pay the price for their deceit and manipulation I am stuck and counting. Takes the ducking piss Thanks for the update.
BTC will hold, but it does need an update to keep all these transactions going with minimal fees. Sadly is more than that. Roger has been very loud for a while now and believes BCH is the future and Jihan Wu controls the hashpower.
They have the crypto, the money, the hashpower and the influence. Don't worry, Piranhas are small fish but together they are deadly Is it a optimum time to buy some bitcoin??? Or is there any further possible chance of correction in BTC price??? M Me Your Kitty! Pls advise What to do now?? Now planing to get back in I love your videos, but I think you should certainly reconsider your position. From my research it seems like BCH is the logical coin for daily transactions, but there's years of branding behind BTC.
Ametures are looking to buy what they are advertised and the veterans are all behind BCH. The current block size of BTC can't make it the money of the future, it's too slow, transactions fees are too high.
And if a few folks are refusing to change that, then might as well back the ones who are making the effort. Do listen to this podcast and let me know what you think.
If it's too long watch it from the 55th minute - inreporter. I actually believe Bitcoin is dropping in price because everybody push the price up expecting to get sagwit2x but now that it said they're not going to go through with that I'm just really happy that a couple days ago when Bitcoin hit around 7, that I sold and bought a bunch of Bitcoin cash Bix Weir was actually yeah I guess I owe that to him. Bitcoin cash took all hash power away causing the transaction build up.
Not an attack its free market, consensus. I just got 1 confirmation. But don't get my btc in my wallet. How many confirmation do i need? I'm so sorry this is why I couldn't invest in anything like this after gladiacoin this is kind of how it started out those a-holes still owe me 1. At least you guys know now that if it is a Ponzi scheme as of I believe yesterday the CEO never came forward so apparently the queen now owns this platform which actually makes you guys pretty lucky yeah you might get taxed in two different countries but at least you'll get your Bitcoin as long as she lets the company run!
And if she does let the company run and the CEO splits you might be able to ask her for your Bitcoin with gladiacoin they just disappeared! With the lower prices? This is a manipulated attack and someone is making money I am a small fish. Going on 2 days into my coinbase. Can you please give me the solution to complete my transaction fast?
Ivan on Tech Bitcoin Cash is the new Bitcoin?