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This page was viewed 1 times on Wednesday, May 9th 7: Earlier this month, we reported on e-Hobby Magnificus shipping from the TFCC storeand now we have a gallery of this fine piece for your viewing enjoyment. Also included is a gallery of his mold mate, United Perceptor. Both of these come from the Reveal The Shield Perceptor mold.
Takatoku robot maker online free download indeed, it's Generations Voyager Whirl, an unvincible blend of G1, Classics and IDW elements comes with over professional images, no known weaknesses and can all be found here. Click on any of the images below for the full gallery! Not sure if you're in on the joke, but just in case anyone wants to point out the spelling. If I die, I don't want my last recorded footage to be of Whirl punching himself in the face to prove he's 'super-unvincible. Generations Magnificus and United Perceptor Posted by parc.
Any meaning behind the stickers posted on the front page? Do you mean the stickers on the first page of Whirl's gallery? I think he means the two stickers in this image: CW-4 stands for Chief Warrant Officer.
That was exactly what I was wondering. The ones I think are smaller always end up being much larger, and the ones that seemed big are actually pretty small As someone who grew up during Beast Wars and hasn't really ever seen a physical G1 toy, I'm always surprised to see their sizes compared to current toys.
In both cases, "Deluxe" means "larger than the standard toys" and it shows. The current "Deluxe Class" name stems from Beast Wars, when Hasbro first used fixed prices and toy sizes. The lowest was "Basic", the next "Deluxe", up to "Mega" and "Ultra". Nowadays, the main line starts with "Deluxe" so it kinda lost meaning. I've always wondered why they called those "Deluxe Vehicles". I'm assuming the term "deluxe" when applied to Transformers toys has a different connotation than it means to most toys or it lost its original meaning through the years.
In the case of G1 Whirl and Roadbuster, I'm assuming "deluxe" referred to their significantly larger size than figures like Prowl, Shrapnel, and Bumblebee as well takatoku robot maker online free download the inclusion of many weapons and accessories.
G1 Whirl comes with 4 large guns and Roadbuster has about 10 accessories from missiles, guns, vehicle attachments, etc. The term "deluxe" still gets applied to other toy lines, most notably action figure toy lines, where you usually see the same basic figure but with additional accessories, flight packs, outfits, armor, takatoku robot maker online free download whatever.
Now that we got a balls-to-the wall update for Whirl, I can't help but wonder how long it will be before we get a proper Generations Voyager Roadbuster. I'm surprised that we got a Whirl that is takatoku robot maker online free download faithful to the G1 version. While I like the toy, it's almost too faithful to the G1 version While I like the new version of Whirl, I wish they had done something different with the legs to make them more poseable that or I'm doing something wrong with his poses that seems to limit what he can do.
My surprise favorite of the new arrivals yesterday? I haven't really cared much for him up until I opened him. He's a great toy It's a very nice figure. My surprise disappoint yesterday? I thought he looked awesome. Unfortunately, his vehicle mode isn't very sturdy and it's a really basic transformation. Plus the light yellow is odd I wish they had used a darker yellow.
Hopefully Takara Tomy does something better with his color scheme. Sidenote about my G1 Whirl toy. His stickers were pretty bad. So I had removed them a few years ago I removed the stickers with the intention of getting repro labels or something to spruce him up. I forgot that I had done this and had put Whirl back in storage years ago without ever doing this and long before we ever got takatoku robot maker online free download of a new Whirl toy.
The toy itself is in great condition except for the very loose ball jointed shoulders. I was surprised when I pulled him out of storage yesterday to see that he was missing all of his stickers!
I ordered an original set of stickers off eBay yesterday from wheeljackslab so that I could make him look perfect.
I'll have to ponder what to do about the ball joints. I don't want to use super glue. I have one on eBay that I'm selling currently in the Seibertron. Maybe it just needed even more layers of clear coat. And an excellent gallery as always. I suppose it is a nice looking figure though. The chance of me getting Whirl has increased after viewing the gallery, though, so there's that.
And wouldn't the owners be a little upset about this release since it so closely resembles the original toy?
I might takatoku robot maker online free download missing something here, can anyone enlighten me? Takatoku Toys was bought out by Bandai, so they own the original toy designs and molds.
Bandai subsequently licensed some molds to Hasbro for Transformers as it wasn't a major player in the US market at the time. About it resembling the original toy so much, my theory is that by law, it's not completely based on the original, therefore not a complete ripoff.
Instead, the design comes more directly from other sources including the comics commissioned by Takatoku robot maker online free download. By law, this would render Hasbro the owner of the design of the toy.
The same can be said for Megatron's little Chop Shop. We actually had a nice little discussion about it in a different thread. Generations Magnificus and United Perceptor Posted by spark crusher on January 27th, Click here to view additional comments about this topic at the Energon Pub Forums Featured Products You save: Sunday, May 6th,