LTC-GLOBAL: Litecoin Global Exchange
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That is, only allow people who have significant holdings on your server already to issue assets. In a way this kind of comes back to the underwriter idea since if the person who wishes to issue and asset lacks collateral themselves they can find themselves an "underwriter" who is willing to put up the collateral Unfortunately it works against the core function that the public offering is a mechanism to raise funds for the asset issuer to accomplish some goal that they couldn't accomplish on their own.
What ratio would you use? What ltcglobal litecoin global exchange could people put ltcglobal litecoin global exchange as collateral? I have a feeling that most of what someone could put down isn't going to translate well into international internet operations.
On a crowdfunding site sure, go begging there, but public offerings should be proven successful companies looking to expand, not the latest scam someone made up and is starting from nothing. The idea evidently still needs work, but basically I was thinking along the lines of margin accounts initially.
Certain of the assets on the system would be acceptable for use as collateral, and borrowed against. This way an entity could build up a lot of collateral since each time they buy some they can immediately borrow again half the value of what they just bought.
Assuming the things they buy actually go up in value this could grow quite nicely. Eventually some huge holders of collateral would be ltcglobal litecoin global exchange a position to consider branching out into doing the underwriting thing. They would find corps they consider creditworthy, and back them. Obviously they would be able to charge half as much interest if they simply loaned capital to the candidate company, so there would have to be really good reason to "go public" in order to justify also loaning them capital to act as surety to the exchange so they can "go public".
Ltcglobal litecoin global exchange this will keep many corps out of public trading entirely at their initial startup; which seems to me to make sense. Think about it, when facebook did their IPO were they a startup or had they already "proven" themselves? When google did their IPO were they a startup or had they already "proven" themselves? It seems a good idea to make it actually cheaper and easier to simply get a commercial loan to do your startup than to additionally borrow more to do an IPO.
This way hopefully companies will first get themselves profitable before doing an IPO. For startuip entrepeneurs there is crowdfunding. A stock exchange ought to be a more sober matter, not just another crowdfunding setup. Let people get funded and get ltcglobal litecoin global exchange then worry about whether to go public.
That's a great argument. I find myself wanting to agree. The LTC exchange project in a lot of ways is very similar to a crowdfunding project though. So with that in mind, I am thinking of maybe dividing things into two markets. Funds deposited into this system would be shifted into an offsite cold wallet at regular intervals.
A crowdfund call it pink, to steal GLBSE's example market, where the assets issued are considered extremely high risk, there is a funding cap, and the trades themselves are ltcglobal litecoin global exchange expensive. If that asset goes poof, the escrow fund gets distributed to the shareholders. If the dedicated escrow fund over time is traded enough to surpass the requirements for the ltcglobal litecoin global exchange backed market, then the asset moves to the higher profile Market A.
Such a system in combination with some basic verification as a stumbling block for scammers could ltcglobal litecoin global exchange fairly effective. What might I be missing? There's always a gotcha. It seems evident that identification ltcglobal litecoin global exchange worth much, it might deter some scammers but serious offenders will either not give a damn like pirate, possibly, if he is really Trendon Shavers as he is thought to be or will have professionally forged ID.
So it seems much more important to be able to seize assets of theirs than to know or even care who they are. This is actually all part of why I like to be able to set things within a virtual universe in which the assets of ltcglobal litecoin global exchange players are where I can grab them and where the players who have invested in armies and fleets and so on can grab them. Seeing how much scamming happens in EVE Online I wanted to find a way to create a game universe in which not all investments would be scams.
That is I wanted to finds ways to create non-scam investments. I figure that will be a good start toward eventually being able to compete with EVE Online; obviously I also will need to make enough capital with it to be able to also deploy art assets if I ever want to attract the folk to whom eyecandy is more important than fundamentals ltcglobal litecoin global exchange if the fundamentals of finance are unsound raising that capital seems unlikely thus the starting with ltcglobal litecoin global exchange financial fundamentals before worrying about the eyecandy.
You gotta make the potential scammers risk something, basically. Even then that will merely force them to plan their scam at a large enough scale for it to pay for that risk plus also make them a profit.
For example if you require one bitcoin per share to be in escrow they will aim to pump their shares ltcglobal litecoin global exchange to more than a bitcoin each in price so they can run with more than a bitcoin per leaving you holding the one bitcoin per to mollify their victims with.
Maybe you should just call the pink section "scams" and if any ever make it out of there explain "ha ha that one fooled us, the scam was that it was not a scam! It is already clear there are sheetloads of coins out there urgently wishing to invest in scams so this should in no way be an obstacle to their raising vast sums of coins.