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Our contributors are often the first ones on the big new ideas e. You can understand my surprise then, when the stock tied for 13 th place with 25 tips, was one that was entirely new to me. They provide a corporate advisory for companies wishing to undertake an ICO Initial Coin Offering and a broader blockchain consultancy service. The company also announced recently that it would return to acting as a market maker on approved cryptocurrency exchanges. Of interest to crypto bulls, the company held Given the significant number of transactions the company was involved in during the December quarter, it will be interesting to see how much this has grown in three months.
The company has a surprisingly long history on the ASX, with nearly four years of trading history since it listed via reverse takeover in Upon listing in , it was initially marketed as a Bitcoin mining and trading operation. Through , attention slowly turned towards blockchain-based consumer fintech products. Following the high-profile hacks of a number of Bitcoin exchanges and a significant drop in revenue, the trading and market-making operations took a back-seat to its consumer technology.
After a seemingly difficult split between the company and its founders in late , the first half of saw continued focus on its consumer payments technology. Later in the year, focus appeared to shift again towards the ICO market and its consultancy business. S-based President Neel Krishnan. Until he was an Investment Advisor at Euroz Securities, when he left to become a proprietary cryptocurrency trader for Digital X.
The rise in Digital X seems to be a direct result of increased interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies at the end of last year. The price of Digital X began to get moving around early October, and then went parabolic in early December, before pulling back a bit since Christmas — exactly the same thing could be said of Bitcoin or Ether. Neither the author nor Livewire Markets makes any recommendations regarding the companies mentioned in this article. Investors should receive professional investment advice from a licenced advisor before making any investment decisions.
The author does not hold any positions in DCC and does not intend to initiate any. He is passionate about investing, with a particular interest in Australian small-caps. Adam, the company issued a detailed statement many thousands of words at the time, but their summary of the issue was: In preparing the working capital report, Grant Thornton, the independent accountant was required to factor in the reduction of newly minted bitcoins released on the occurrence of block halving in July , without regard to the expected increase in bitcoin price.
History The company has a surprisingly long history on the ASX, with nearly four years of trading history since it listed via reverse takeover in Key quotes and take-aways Patrick Poke Livewire Markets.
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