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It seems to be more than just an identifier. There is some sort of code written on these tags. I'm on the verge of breaking it wide open.
Perhaps if I had a few more pieces. A great place for farming Ethereum Prison Keys is just south of Area 52, roughly 30, The Zaxxis Raiders and Stalkers spawn very quickly and in large numbers. Ethereum Secrets Start Commander Ameer. Retrieved from " https: Netherstorm quests Neutral quests Quests at 70 Consortium quests.
Navigation menu Namespaces Page Discussion. Views View View source History. Warcraft World of Warcraft Warcraft universe Interface customization. Gamepedia Gamepedia support Help Wiki Contact us. The first prison I opened the freed a sprorregard. The second time freed a keeper of time. Neither time have I gotten an I. Does anyone have any advice? Comment by PurePwnage Haha took me 2 kills to get one key, damn lucky. Comment by LoKHor If you are grinding Consortium rep, just grind Zaxxis Insignias at the Heap, and then open a prison with every key that one of those ethereals drops.
Comment by Cerres I have freed 2 prisonners at 54,46, both were mobs and both dropped an ID. Comment by geordiesi I would like to group alot of relevant information about this Quest.
The keys drop from most if not all the ethereum mobs around Manaforge Ultris and from the Zaxxis mobs near Manaforge B'naar. The jailors it would seem are on the same respawn as the other mobs so keep killing, I have had 3 jailors spawn immediately one after the other by killing the other mobs but can fly around looking for hours without a jailor if I havn't been killing the other mobs.
Simply pick an area and farm it, the time it takes you to kill mobs and respawn time, will soon dictate the size of the area to farm. When you open a prison orb you have the chance of freeing a friendly or a hostile mob. The friendly mob will grant you relevant rep, so far I have had rep granted for as a human The Consortium, Cenarian Expedition, Sha'tar, Lower City and Keepers Of Time all and Sporegarr or something but it was less than the others.
You will not get a prison I. Tag with these friendly mobs. If you free a hostile mob you will have to fight it. Tag which you hand in to Commander Ameer and get rep with The Consortium, or as non human. Comment by Tiffytan Simply killed Ethereum Nexus- Stalker at entrance to area with the prisons pink bubbles. A prison key dropped I opened the middle prison and out came Porfus the Gem Gorger.
I killed him and he dropped a tag. Tag Its pretty easy, but Ethereum Jailor and the mob from the prison is pretty hard to kill, so your need good dps or another char. Unless your good at killing mobs without getting killed. Comment by litho Hey kamujin, sebekrogue posted that 3 years ago. Comment by isual check this out http: You can also get it from grinding etherium mobs, doing the regular daily, or mana-tombs.
I have been killing etherum mobs for literally 2 hours today, and about 3 hours last week and i haven't gotten one key off anyone, let alone had a jailer spawn. In my opinion, boycott this quest - its an incredible waste of time. Blizzard is obviously unknowing that its so time consuming and unfruitful, or they are just to lazy to fix it.
Either way, in no way is it worth the effort and time required. Oh and while im ranting, there is also no need for wowhead to use such a cryptic "Please enter the code above" image, they could use simple text and no stupid background lines and achieve the exact same thing.
Comment by Lyaidan I spent two hours on two seperate occasions trying to get this key to drop with my husband. On the second day after two hours he finally got one but I continued to get nada. On each occasion we looked and looked for the jailer I'm a hunter so it should have been easy to spot but never found one.
So on someones suggestion we moved to The Heap near area 52 approximate coords are 30,75 and tried killing the Zaxxis instead. It dropped after about ten kills and I also got several insignia which can be turned in for rep in the process. Save yourself a headache and farm the key at the heap. Comment by Mrpeanut I'm fairly convinced there is no such thing as an Ethereum jailor. Either that, or this must be the rarest spawns in the game. Will someone tell them if they do in fact exist that I'm trying to find and kill them?
First - as already mentioned - the drop rate for the keys is really low. Second, it took me FIVE keys to even get a hostile thing out of the prison. I rescued half of the Cenarion Expedition before a fiend decided to come out and end my agony. Avoid this quest if you would be doing it for the exp.
Took me about ten seconds to find a jailor. Comment by chochopk The fastest way to farm the Ethereum Prisoner I. With tablet alpha, you can open unlimited number of Ethereum prisons. That's rep per kill. Comment by Thora Got a key from an Etherium Nullifier at Comment by the1comes lvl 85 hunter just got 4 keys from mana tombs heroic. Comment by Brightfern Guys, i read all previous comments and tried a few of them, no good: As for the Jailor, i figured that was the best bet, so i made a macro.
Comment by naddieb Found a jailor using this macro at Voidwind Plateau, east of where you're most likely to be farming the keys. Comment by yourautomaticeye I found that the surrounding cliff areas Voidwind Plateau included have a much better drop rate than the middle area of the staging grounds. Comment by dakota3 To help clear up some of the apparent confusion on how to get these keys and what to do with them once you have them assuming you're farming Consortium rep.
There are a couple of ways to get Ethereum Prison Key. Camp out in the prescribed area in the quest and kill mobs until it drops. This option is a grind. Either way it's painful unless you get lucky. One run should give you approximately 4 to 6 Ethereum Prison Key. Since you will be getting rep anyway, killing mobs in the instance - this seems a preferable option if you're farming rep with the Consortium.
Next, fly to the quest area and find the Ethereum Staging Grounds. Use the key s to open one of the pink bubble Ethereum prisons. The mob that comes out of the prison will drop a Ethereum Prisoner I.
Once you hand in the quest it will turn into a repeatable quest Ethereum Prisoner I. Catalogue , which will give you approx rep per turn in and also unlock the quest A Thousand Worlds.
Comment by dayoodin For the life of me, I had no idea what I was supposed to be opening once I got the key, which dropped for me after the second mob I killed I just picked mobs at random and looked for no one special. So, let me help anyone else who is confused since most of what is here is about how to get the key rather than telling you what to unlock: Once you get the key, head to the "jails," which are the pink, glowing floaty ball things corralled in a fenced-off area near the edge of one of the cliffs.
Comment by misselizabeth I actually stayed around the Ethereum Prison and got two Prison keys right there. Comment by janan2 This quest was one of the worst I have ever done. I spent at least 2 hrs killing everything in sight at the Ethereum Staging Grounds along with others while I flew around trying to find the Ethereum Jailor. Never found the jailor and then I finally got 2 keys back at the grounds. Use them and the first one was a monster and the 2nd was a girl.
Neither dropped the id tag. Sigh, back again killings tons more mobs for a key. Finally got one but tried to find another just in case. Gave up, used my one key, got a monster, but thank god I finally got the id tag. The least Blizzard could do is give a good reward. Comment by edgeblade What a stupid quest. I found a jailor at Why are these mobs not with the other Ethereum mobs? Makes no sense to me. Comment by Boomerasp If you love waisting your time on a dull quest with little reward, you'll love this one.
My advice -- forget it! I came here looking for answers and although it prob would be a good idea to kill a bunch of Ethereum and wait for the jailer to spawn, you don't know how long you will have to wait. After trying this out for about 30 mins, I decided to try the other option of killing Zaxxis. I went through a whole section real quick then went afk for 5 mins came back they all were spawned again.
I killed about more and I got the KEY! Prob about 20 mins total being a Thanks everyone for all the good ideas, but this one worked best for me!