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Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. Related to the software used for mining cryptocurrencies Learn moreā¦ Top users Synonyms.
How to enable mining on daemon? I forked bitocin and created a altcoin. Now I am running a node of it. There are currently 0 blocks because there are no miners. How can I enable mining on bitcoind? Can cgminer be modified to mine pascalcoin? Does anyone know if this being Cryptomining in Games Following the press last months, you could read articles about cryptomining via javascript.
Want to write my own solo cpu bitcoin miner I just want to understand how this mining process works from the developers point of view from very start to end. How to mine a genesis block?
Following this guide, I'm trying to learn how to mine a genesis block, not to launch another altcoin or anything, blockchain databases are going to be important and I want to be ahead of the curve. Are any use of android arm h3 device?
It mediaplayer always turned on I have mediaplayer always on, it have enough powerful processor, and never turned off switch only TV, not device.
Is it possible to use for mining? What software I need to install for android? How do I mine VoteCoin? First I am not trying to open a bank but I have a core i3 3.
I know I am late at mining so I thought of alt coins,like people who invested in bitcoin first, now I just started using BitMinter on several computers. PSU on mining rig setup help evga p2 w I have a complete noob question, building my first mining rig and tried hooking up my EVGA p2 w to just a case fan to test it before I daisy chain all of them and got nothing..
Ryan D 1. Why doesn't the Bitcoin core team develop official Bitcoin mining software? If I am right, the Bitcoin Core just maintains the software necessary to run a full node. Essentially it's the code for the Bitcoin wallet, which just verifies blocks, but doesn't mine. Peter Mortensen 2 9. Why am I getting only about 3k to k hashes per second?
I have written a python script to mine bitcoin. I am however getting only 3k to k hashes per second Here is the code: How to solo-mine bitcoins with bfgminer? I'm completely new to Bitcoin, so my understanding of mining is still improving.
I would rather have it use my GPU, but if How can I solo mine using Bitcoin Core? I want to mine Bitcoin using the Bitcoin Core client. I have followed the steps on https: What program do I need to mining coins? I see there are hundreds of coins in the market. Can I use one program to mine all of them? Chak 1, 2 Is it necessary bitcoind server for running mining pool?
I'm new to bitcoin. Do i need bitcoind server for doing mining pool server pool? Highly Irregular 8, 6 41 Is it possible to use hardware RNG with ccminer or similar mining software So - I have one of the original LockBox devices - we no longer use. It's basically a micro atx motherboard and enclosure with processor and hdd and ram There is a hardware RNG on it Good Bitcoin Mining Software?
I have been looking for mining software for a while, but I can't seem to find any. I'm using Windows 8 if that helps.
How to create your own bitcoin mining software? Luke Mlsna 7. How do I create the first transaction of the block? I'm creating a mining software in C. I'm almost finished, but I don't know how to use the Submitblock command. I know that Submitblock is formed by the following hex string structure: And would like to use a GUI based miner for ease and convenience. Michael Johnson 6 3. What are the most recent mining clients that will work on my MacBook Pro? I've tried DiabloMiner and poclbm but can't seem to get them running.
Full example data for scrypt Stratum-client I'm trying to write a Mining client for Scrypt-based mining using Stratum Communication. As of now, I have some trouble verifying all my bit orders and sequences. Hashes I'm generating get always Can Armory be used for mining? I hear it is a wallet, but as it downloads the whole blockchain anyway should not you be able to mine with it, too? I have been testing a script that essentially runs incomplete command shown here! Among the feedback messages, while minerd Compute capability error when trying to compile ccminer I am trying to compile ccminer to work with a GPU that has compute capability 3.
Is there a Bitcoin miner that I can run using the command line on Windows? Oliver Salzburg 1 7. I'm looking for rather consistent information, by this I mean instructions with links that point to the The price of bitcoin was higher than the electricity cost to run the machine.
I don't know a lot about the Oleg D 20 6. I've searched on the entire web well only google but you know it has everything on the web and all links are Bitcoin mining algorithm - target - Java Default share difficulty is 1 big-endian target for difficulty 1 is 0xffff How to calculate this? How it look like on Java code?
Jimmy Song 6, 8 Can I emulate a graphics card using software, and use it for mining? My name is Ben and I'm working with a server technician called Fab.
We are using Team-viewer to work together on this question to make it as concise and to the point as possible. We have set up a I have the data sheet for the chip, found here. Theo Chino 3 2. Am trying to start mining litecoin with litecoin-qt I have downloaded the litecoin-qt, since I read on a forum, with that I could start mining directly.
But in my screen, there is not a button for mining. Have downloaded the cpuminer and have placed Was hoping I could find mining software I could run on them that will not affect Is a mining program necessary for mining, or can bitcoind mine by itself?
I'm having a hard time understanding the relationship between daemons such as bitcoind or litecoind and mining. Some things I read make it seem that you need a separate mining app and some things How do I write a Litecoin mining client?
I want to write a program that gets a block header from the Litecoin client and increments the nonce until it finds a valid block. How do I do that? Is there a way that I can I need the sources of only one GPU miner with long Technical Review of Bitcoin I am currently looking on how does Bitcoin work, and I would like to sum things up with your help. The point is, if I ever want to write my own mining agent, what do I have to understand in order to