Dogecoin was hacked yesterday resulting in millions of transferred Dogecoins being stolen
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Subscribe to the TDV Newsletter here: Digecoin creator hasn't made any updates in years and has even expressed his concern that the bubble is imminent with signals like worthless Technologies carrying value in the form of dogecoin wtf meme tokens.
This is dogecoin wtf meme news for Traders. For those who do care less for FUD and would like to read the whole story to make up their own mind I'll share the source here: Also to get a better insight into what Cryptos really do deliver in transactions at what capacity can look here: Hard to wrap yourself around the idea that the "joke" coin of the crypto world is worth that much It cracked me up!! I feel like all of the tweets related to this coin are exactly like that!
It will be dogecoin wtf meme in a few years to see how their market caps compare! Didn't Dogecoin get Jamaica's bobsled team into the Olympics or something? Do not underestimate the power of blockchain technology. Some of these banks are bigger jokes than Doge. It would be great if Steem could get the wide support Dogecoin wtf meme has. Nothing beats 3 second blocks and zero fee transactions. Or being able to handle more than transactions per second. Sometimes things are what they have become, not what they were ment to be.
Just like Bitcoin became an asset of value, Doge seems to have become the peoples Crypto. So I just grabbed 50K, have another K purchase down closer to. Did start to use Doge at first because it was fast, cheap txs and widely supported. And then it became very interesting to hold longer term. At this rate me might soon start having people kidnapping CEOs and demanding Dogecoin as the ransom instead of Bitcoin What a time to be alive Hard to think it will ever hit that not even 0.
I just hope for you I m wrong. I've always dogecoin wtf meme on this coin and dogecoin wtf meme I'm rethinking that. I might buy a shitload and dogecoin wtf meme my words.
Next stop, piggycoin and bigboobscoin they actually exist MOON??? Can't get Dogecoin on Cryptopia. I don't know about other exchanges. The only reason it has this big market cap is, because how cheap it is. So, the transcation or miner fee you need to pay is very less. Hence, one of the best currencies to tranfer money. I follow you on youtube and now on steemit.
Very exited to get involved in the cyrpto community. Just yesterday thought of getting some in my coinomi dogecoin wtf meme with shapeshift: Need to do it, no think anymore: The Dogecoin story perfectly show, how overheated the crypto market is a similar developement could be observed in regarding the internet stocks.
Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. That's coming from the creator? It is only bad for those who trade for fiat gainz and plan to "cash" out. I thought people bought it as a joke! Well they have the best community that does lots of charity work! Maybe it's because of the new software update they just did two years ago. Very fun, such cheap, much fast.
Doge seems to have become the peoples Crypto. It is the one I prefer to use. Only adds a cent to a cup of coffee. But in the meantime Doge is great to use and there are developers working on it again. Aint free and open source awesome!? Open source makes everything better. Your comment should probably be a post unto itself. Yes, Dogecoin deserves it. Hoping to see at least X10 and that is where my first sale level is. Would be dogecoin wtf meme than okay with it to see it go to 10x its current price.
At least that ransom could be transferred quickly!!! That's if Eth market not 2 or 3T by then. I dogecoin wtf meme half a mil doge over a month ago around all time lows boy am I happy I did so. Perhaps the richest and most smiling dog. Great achievement for the coin. Looking forward to greater milestones. John MCafee pump result? Okay, lol nice onexD!
Is it funny post? In deed majic dogecoin wtf meme money. Memes are a good investment! I really like dogecoin wtf meme posts! Please don't stop posting. Don't underestimate the power of blockchain technology.
Well at least we hear a good news, about crypto than Venezuelan government is protesting it. Seems like the link is broken! Pump and dump bro. Leave the shit-coins for the shit-heads https: I have a little DogeCoin. It's my guilty pleasure.