To ethically mine crypto we need to use renewable energy

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We are getting many people who own often large Solar Panel and wind turbine set-ups who are interested in Bitcoin mining with their excess electricity generated and how to go about purchasing Bitcoin Mining Hardware. The usual way people deal with their surplus energy is to sell it back bitcoin mining by using solar energy is it possible the grid, however, this is not always possible as many solar and wind-turbine installations are not connected to the national grid.

There are also many people who are connected to the grid who would still prefer Bitcoin Mining as it will give better returns and give them more control.

Most renewable energy installations be it solar or wind will be connected to the National Grid, where excess electricity can be sold back to their supplier. Despite this, the system will involve significant amounts of manual tracking and paperwork; bitcoin mining by using solar energy is it possible also demands the investment and installation of an OFGEM approved export meter. Also, if your solar or wind turbine setup was built only to fulfil your energy requirements, as opposed to exceeding them, this option can be costly.

This is more straightforward but less common. With simple energy exporting, excess energy is simply fed back to the Grid as it is generated, nonetheless, you will receive far less per unit of electricity than it costs you to purchase electricity. The result of this option can leave your overall savings marginal or even negative! So even if you can sell your electricity back to the grid, these options could still lack a clear benefit to selling energy back. However, you may find Bitcoin Mining is not only more profitable, reliable and empowering than selling back to bitcoin mining by using solar energy is it possible grid!

Bitcoin Miners UK is interested in hearing from people who are Bitcoin Mining with Solar or Wind energy or those who are considering using mining as a way to earn money from surplus energy. We are looking for people with renewable energy installations who may be interested in earning some extra money or Bitcoin for that matter.

We are soon to be publishing a guide for people who are looking to Bitcoin Mining with renewable energy so please contact us or sign up to get our guide as soon as bitcoin mining by using solar energy is it possible.

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Are there benefits to selling energy back to the National Grid? This is usually done in one of two ways, simple energy exporting or net metering. Simple energy exporting This is more straightforward but less common. Bitcoin Mining with Solar or Wind Energy Guide We are soon to be publishing a guide for people who are looking to Bitcoin Mining with renewable energy so please contact us or sign up to get our guide as soon as possible.

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Bitcoin mining is a very competitive business, with the price rising recently, mining has become more popular and the difficulty is increasing. When building a large scale mining operation, it is important to calculate your expenses compared to your expected profit.

For this guide, we will aim for a Tarahash setup. This will provide about 0. The most common approach, is often to simply buy the latest ASIC miner available, this currently being the Antminer S9. There are currently other brands of bitcoin miner, but we will only consider the antminer in this guide.

At first glance, the antminer S9 appears to be better than the previous model in every respect. The S9 hashes at 13 tarahash while using watts of power, while the S7 hashes at about 5 tarahash while also using watts of power. This means we get over twice as much hashing power with the S9 than the S7. Another difference is the life expectancy of the machines. The S9 uses smaller chip size to increase density and lower power, however, they burn out much faster, with some users reporting about a 3 month shelf life.

This is an important factor, because the mining operation must run for a few years with minimal part replacing. Therefore, it is better to buy the longer lasting miner, this being the S7. POWER Now that we have decided on a miner to use, we now can estimate the total power consumption to achieve our desired tarahash.

First we calculate how many miners we need by simply dividing by 5, which yields total S7 Antminers. COOLING Bitcoin miners produce a lot of heat, this will require significant air conditioning to keep the miners running safe for an extended period of time.

This should be achieved using freon based air conditioning units that only require electricity. The total watts used should be calculated. This brings up the final thing to consider when building a large scale bitcoin mining operation, and that is the location. The most popular places for btcoin mining to be located has favored low electricity cost, as well as a cool climate.

I recommend choosing a very hot desert area with cheap and remote land opportunities. After you recieve your ROI, you get to keep mining bitcoins free from electricity costs. And as the price of a bitcoin increase, so do the profits. In conclusion, bitcoin mining is better using renewable energy. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.