Is Milton Friedman the real Satoshi?

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The way in wich I can take a 20 dollar bill and hand it over to you and there's no record of where it came from. And you may get that without knowing who I am. That kind of thing will develop on the Internet. He has not predicted it. He has formulated the concept of it and someone who is computer nerd has implemented it. Funny they say gangsters with all this technology.

If they wanted the gangsters in jail they would be. Baitcoin is in control of the Elite. The debt can never be repaid because the interest wouldn't be created.

In a hyperinflation, the value of an egg has apparently increased enormously. An egg, for instance, was available for Reichsmark on June 9th, The same year on December 2nd, an egg cost billion Reichsmark. It's limited, for the most part in the hands of a few, so manipulable too, not inflation proof, the beginning of the end of cash, while polluting the environment. Btc is a speculative bubble for egoist and ignorant. The Btc does not prevent inflation and can not settle worldwide debts.

The value is measured in fiat money. Buy cheap sell expensive, when the value goes down again then buy cheap and when the value goes up again then sell expensive and so on. What if the value of fiat money goes down? The cancer of the world.

A crime against humanity! Back to the roots. Someone who knew him did. Milton died before bitcoin launched but the folks who spawned it gave him encouragement it would happen. Bitcoin Cash is the new Bitcoin. It was always going to be a problem, but only a temporary one.

By limiting the blocksize, we force evolution in the network to handle the transactions otherwise. BCH, will not do that, and network costs will escalate faster with bigger blocks. BCH will be able to adopt any changes core people will innovate, but it'll be on a 8MB blockchain. As the 8MB block will also get full, if it's succesfull long term. So it won't be as economical. Also it'll be changes made by the people who were told for years to be stupid for limiting the blockchain so.

Not really an intellectually honest or ethical position to take. But that's what shorterm thinking get's you. Friedman predicted the blockchain technology. But that is different from bitcoin. If I saw this back then. When I was I would've said "Look at this old man trying to sound smart. So when is the Laker's game tonight? The Btc-Logo looks like a sleeping mask. It's a bait to get us chipped and totaly controled. He meant to say z.

If Bitcoin is like http for money, Zcash is https. Image If the whole world had only one global currency: Prices would never go up again! Because there will never be more then 21M BTC in circulation, and no one could print or create more, inflation would be a thing of the past. The government would stop racking up debts, and countries would stop going bankrupt.

There would no longer be a need for banks. Just to name a few advantages Bitcoin is not fungible, Monero is. I never get tired of reading or watching lectures of this man.

The idea of a digital currency is fantastic and a no brainer, I don't know many people that wasn't already talking about it before this program aired. Whoah did he just say reducing the role of government lol Funny reduce the role of government and give the gangsters a cool tool to buy guns and drugs hmmm something is missing here haha Obviously like any thing out there, it will only increase the responsibility and role of the government as they won't just ignore it.

Case in point e-cigarettes, how long do you figure before they find out what's in which ones and control it. Tobacco companies you would imagine are bankrupt now well think again. He says and people listen and make it happen.

Thats like saying you are going to work and because I said it you go to work, you call that a prediction? I was already a Friedman fan, but now even more so. Milton probably had good network of friends and knew this. Milton is a genius tho.

His theories and knowledge is a must-have in your collection. Really enjoyed his works that I have read. When Krugman comes out to say something is "evil," you know it's something you want. Hey sentdex, good to see you hear. Love those tech videos. Milton Friedman's mind spans deep waters! A guy called Nick Szabo, who has worked with David Chaum earlier, came up with the idea of bit gold in Nick Szabo was very likely Satoshi Nakamoto.

He probably got help from others on this project, maybe even David Chaum himself. It took ten years for Satoshi Nakamoto to fulfill this vision. Only genious could have predicted this imo. More like he's predicting verge. Money transfer is Bitcoin. But true anonymity now that is verge. Milton Friedman Predicts Bitcoin In Milton Friedman, Land value tax and internet currencies. How Bitcoin Works in 5 Minutes Technical. Milton Friedman - Illegal Immigration only helps when its Illegal.

Bernie Sanders vs Milton Friedman 1: Milton Friedman - Greed. Milton Friedman vs Bill Clinton Trump vs Friedman - Trade Policy Debate. Milton Friedman - Redistribution of Wealth. David Friedman on How to Privatize Everything. How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood. Why do Banks Fear Bitcoin? Bitcoin Documentary - [FutureMoneyTrends. Milton Friedman on Donahue 2. Milton Friedman - What is America? B - Full Video.

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