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This site uses cookies to deliver our services and to show you relevant ads and job listings. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. Does an Ethereum client need to download the entire state of a contract in order to use it? A typical ERC20 token will store account balances in a mapping, something like this: Peter Hall 2 Create an Ethereum wallet with React Native for single token Many of you might think that this question has already been answered but I don't think that there is a clear answer on the internet for the current Ethereum, Web3.
Dario Anongba Varela 8 4. Does running a light client add extra security for Ethereum compared to doing nothing? These may answer the question: James Ray 97 Are constant functions trustless? If you call a constant function from a smart contract, that is, a function that just returns data without changing the state, is the return value trustless?
I'm assuming not, because whatever node is Am I able to optimize code? I'm testing out a new app on Android devices using web3j architecture. I've tried out other apps and creating wallets seems to take a fraction of the time that it takes my app to create. Can I specify with --syncmode "fast" exactly how many What are the settings for best performance for go-ethereum and parity clients? I want to run a full node and would like to know the best settings does it make sense to run both clients for best certainty I need to detect customers' deposits or is it enough just to run geth?
How to create a website that runs on blockchain A premise, I have confused ideas about smart contract client. I would like to create a website, that runs a classic browser, with a javascript file imported that can execute functions on the Can I buy and sell ERC tokens from the command line using Truffle, Metamask console or some other lightweight alternative? Vesa 1 6 How to transfer ETH between two addresses using geth and json rpc I have geth running on my server.
I am building a php website which act as wallet. Now iam able to create addresses. I need to be able to deposit and withdraw ETH between addresses on same node. Sign transactions using mobile app I am trying to build a platform where users can use a mobile app to make phone calls, the phone calls are paid to another user in an ERC token based on length of time. How do they differ per derivation level? For example is the extended public key of the master node equivalent for all intents and purposes as a depth 3 node's extended public key?
How does Smart Contract client work? I don't understand how a client works. I try to explain my doubts. Since a client in the classic client-server paradigm is a lightweight application, I don't understand how this application can use Changes to Our Privacy and Data Policies.
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