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At the time the Pirate scam was in full swing, with meanwhile forgotten "big name" scammers like KludgePatrick Harnett or James Gibson aka gigavps pushing it like the second coming of Bitcoin Jesus. The fraudsters pushing it on the other hand weren't too interested in having their scam popped early, and so it was nigh-on impossible to sell the crap short. Two solutions were tried. The gigavps bitcoin news consisted of MPEx creating a synthetic offering, which mirrored the forum "bankers'" contracts exactly.

This was going to run monthly. The "banker" consortium broke their own contracts within a month iv which created a panic gigavps bitcoin news the only long backer of the asset, who firesold gigavps bitcoin news and then the entire thing died for lack of finding anyone willing to buy ie, go long and so the entire thing was discontinued. The second solution, which actually took, was Vandroiy's 10k BTC bet.

You should gigavps bitcoin news read up on that. It died the death of irrelevance just like its original author. This was an attempted CDO offering. It failedin the sense that of the n participants including MPOE, n-1 participants excluding MPOE went bankrupt during the few months the entire thing was supposed to last. The linked article has all the details. ETF vii April - November BitVPS was a Bitcoin hoster originally created by rg.

These were an attempt to create Bitcoin futures for various commodities. It sunk Misc, point 2. The original dice site. It IPOed at about 0. It was sold recently for about k BTC, or 0. The MPEx holders nevertheless received 0. May 22, IPO Details: The holders of this asset on the date of June the 22nd at At that date, or at the date of the credit event whichever comes sooner the due dividend if any will be gigavps bitcoin news, this asset will discontinue trading on MPEx and all existing shares will be discarded as worthless.

What are you selling? Each week we will auction off up to zero coupon bonds with a face value of 1. When will the bond auctions take place? Thus, in the interval May 22 Any of the PPT issued in agreement with the original terms by the original issuer fails to pay the promised dividend within 12 hours of the stated time.

The original laungage of the original issuer reads:. When will the bonds mature and pay me my money? The bonds will pay the face value of 1. The original language of that issuer reads in pertinent part. Note that this point only discusses the volume of issued shares, and is not concerned with the proportion actually sold. It is the owner's considered oppinion that there is significant risk involved in buying this asset specifically, the underlying of the underlying is in all gigavps bitcoin news a Ponzi scheme in the final phase of its operation.

Consequently this issue gigavps bitcoin news not adequate for the needs of the small or unsophisticated investor. You would be well advised to only invest sums that you do not immediately depend upon.

This issue is available for shorting, inquire with the owner for borrowing shares. April 12, IPO Details: This is an insured asset: This is a synthetic asset: This is a not-recallable asset: SYNTH is retired due to lack of interest. There is currently no outstanding float".

Mircea Popescu Monthly statements available from underlying issuer gigavps Listed on: April 11, IPO Details: The owner of this ETF holds perpetual 5. Should the Owner gigavps bitcoin news more shares of the underlying he may issue more shares of this asset.

The Owner will never own less shares of the underlying than the total float of this asset implies. Any and all revenue paid by the underlying will be distributed to the shareholders of this asset without remainder.

James " rg " Edward Monthly statements available on website, also will be published on bitcointalk. April 12, Trading since: April 15, IPO Details: Certain capitalized terms used herein are defined in Section 1 of this Agreement. WHEREAS, MPEX customarily operates during the course of its virtual business the infrastructure allowing the virtual trading of virtual shares of unregistered corporations for a virtual currency known as Bitcoin. WHEREAS, the parties hereto have determined gigavps bitcoin news in order to accomplish the objectives of the Initial Public Offering and to facilitate the consummation thereof, it is necessary and desirable to gigavps bitcoin news into the agreements and understandings set forth herein.

In the event of liquidation or breach of this Agreement they solemnly promise and warrant to repay all investors holding shares at this minimum value. The Directors through their elected representative solemnly promise and warrant never to issue more shares either on MPEX or any other venue nor in any way to dillute existing shareholders at any point in the future ; b Based on the Statements of Profit and Loss published as per 2.

The Directors further warrant that they will never sell more than half the total shares. The Directors further solemnly promise and warrant that they will not introduce their own expenses into gigavps bitcoin news expenses of BitVPS, and that all money taken out of BitVPS by them will be in the form of dividends, paid fairly to all shareholders by proportion to the gigavps bitcoin news they hold. Under exceptional circumstances and for good cause the publishing of the Statements of Profit and Loss can be deferred no more than once in a calendar year so that the Statement of Profit gigavps bitcoin news Loss of one month is published together with the Statement of Profit and Loss of the next month.

The obligations of the parties to consummate the IPO shall be conditioned on the following:. All third parties are to make their own determinations, satisfy their own due diligence policies and assume for themselves any and all risks involved.

Gigavps bitcoin news particular compliance with any laws, rules or regulations in gigavps bitcoin news in any jurisdiction where a third party may find itself is entirely the responsibility of that third party --neither MPEX nor BitVPS make any guarantees or representation as to the legal status of this Agreement in any third party's jurisdiction.

This contract is protected as copyrighted material. It may not be reused by different parties without the express permission of MPEX. The representatives of SatoshiDice solemnly promise and warrant never to issue more shares on any other venue nor in any way to dilute existing shareholders at any point in the future. All future share issuance will be made only a subject to approval by MPEx and b at gigavps bitcoin news price no less than the higher of the 1 day average price and the 30 day average price then current on MPEx.

These blocks will be offered as follows: Nominally the price gigavps bitcoin news up towards the end, but that was on very low volume. The asset was relisted and it trades about par, roghly. Leave your own comment below, or send a trackback. If you read the Security and Exchange Commission's actual filing you can see that all of the [ Trilema hurt my head on-and-off for nearly a year.

Then it hit me like a shit-ton of bricks. SHA1 The holders of this asset on the date of June the gigavps bitcoin news at A credit gigavps bitcoin news is defined, for the puproses of this contract, as any one of the following: Any of the promised PPT issuances in the interval fails to take place within 24 hours of its stated date. The original language of the original issuer reads: The original laungage of the original issuer reads: The Terms of the IPO.

The gigavps bitcoin news of the parties to consummate the IPO shall be conditioned on the following: Since there's no end of these unidentified pointless objects Mircea Popescu I can tell by some muffin tops that she really really means it. Anon Meanwhile in Europe Mircea Popescu Eh, asta cu "ce-o zis Stendhal ala" ie stii cum? A O fi presupus tanarul Aldus ca domnitele te tin ocupat si n-oi fi avut vreme sa Mircea Popescu You're welcome: Mircea Popescu Da, corect, tot romanu' recent alfabetizat sade gata sa dea din sine Inclusiv s-a si referit la Nicolae Standardhard, Mircea Popescu Iote unde sedeau pitite papuselele!

Noroc ca mai apare cite-un nating pe Anonimosu Bravo Aldus, te-ai gasit vanator de subzistenta in laborator la informatica Dar tu iti uiti repede. Mircea Popescu As far as anyone knows, absolutely nothing at all.

Mircea Popescu Mei asta, io nu pricep ce dificultati de intelegere intimpini, ca ie Stanislav Gigavps bitcoin news Any idea re: Mircea Popescu Orice true scotsman stie el ce-o fi stiind dinsul, da' nu-i locul tau sa Let's duckduckgo a little, see what comes out. The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari Imaginary questions nobody asked of me, an incomplete compendium.

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