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API credentials are a few pieces of data, not unlike a username and password, that are provided by exchanges and enable the user to authorize third-party service providers like Bitnik Reload to perform exchange actions like buying digital assets in their name.

You need to create these at your exchange and enter enter them to Reload once, so that Reload can then buy assets for you when you spend them from your wallet.

What follows here is a general description for all exchanges. Creating an API key usually requires just a few clicks. In some cases you need to enter an API key name; you can enter anything you like, eg. The API credentials give Reload a limited access to perform actions like buying assets on your exchange in your name. It is important to understand the risk involved and limit them as much as possible.

If you follow the instructions in this document, your funds will be safe. We will of course never abuse your keys, but the chance that our servers are compromised and an attacker gains access to the API credentials can never be completely eliminated. Most importantly the Withdraw permission should never be given.

Some exchanges that offer withdrawal function via the API also enable you to limit withdrawals to the address you specify. Make sure you enter a valid address from your wallet in such cases, so funds can never be sent id document number bitstamp vs btce else using this key. If you are concerned about your privacy, you might also want to limit the amount of id document number bitstamp vs btce you provide to the API key used, like your exchange account balance, trading history, open orders etc.

Reload will still do its best to repurchase your spent assets with limited permissions and will indeed do so under normal circumstances. Reload is able to cover basic functionality with minimal API permissions, but will offer more id document number bitstamp vs btce with more permissions. Reload tries to do the following actions:. This is the only action that must be available for Reload to work at all. If this action is unavailable, reload will still try to create orders, but the orders will fail in case of insufficient or even barely sufficient balance.

If this action is unavailable, reload will not be able to report fiat amounts spent for re-buys. Reload utilizes following permissions:. Bitnik Reload supports several other exchanges in addition to the ones listed above; please see the complete list. Please refer to the general instructions above and to the exchanges themselves for how to create your API keys. What are API credentials. Most exchanges require this. An API secret, which will again typically be a string of letters and numbers.

All id document number bitstamp vs btce require this. Reload tries to do the following actions: Reload utilizes following permissions:

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Bitstamp is a bitcoin exchange based in Luxembourg. It allows trading between USD currency and bitcoin cryptocurrency. The company was founded as a European-focused alternative to then-dominant bitcoin exchange Mt. Bitstamp offers an API to allow clients to use custom software to access and control their accounts. When incorporating in the United Kingdom, the company approached the UK's Financial Conduct Authority for guidance, but was told that bitcoin was not classed as a currency, so the exchange was not subject to regulation.

In February , the company suspended withdrawals for several days in the face of a distributed denial-of-service. In January , Bitstamp suspended its service after a hack during which less than 19, bitcoins were stolen, [14] reopening nearly a week later. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. There is no clear information available as to where Bitstamp's operations are located or whether they actually have any presence at all in the UK, or are still run out of Slovenia.

Retrieved 5 January Retrieved 6 January The New York Times. History Economics Legal status. List of bitcoin companies List of bitcoin organizations List of people in blockchain technology. Retrieved from " https: Bitcoin exchanges Privately held companies of the United Kingdom establishments in the United Kingdom Companies established in Bitcoin theft Bitcoin companies. Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 19 March , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Luxembourg , Luxembourg ; [nb 1] [1] Slovenia.