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Contactez nous par e-mail: The frequently asked questions about Rod Stewart have been collected under different themes. Don't hesitate to make evoluate this item, if you have any questions, notice any mistake or if you wish to provide additional answers or introduce other themes.
Contact us by e-mail: Quelles sont les principales influences musicales de Rod? Rod said in that Sam Cooke was the only artist who has really influenced him.
To discover the man who has been more important in his life to point to make of him the greatest white singer of soul music, we did some research on the net and created this page for Rod. It was useless to try to compete with this incredibly detailed document. Worth listening to discover Rod's musical univers. Rod is repeatedly cited in this saga and you can hear his version of "Twistin 'the Night Away".
Of course, this audio document was broacasted in french in We tried to translate the french text of this saga in English and its all integrality for more comprehension. Many tracks to listen see list at the end of translation. CD "Never a dull moment" - "A change is gonna come" Seal: To explain what Sam Cooke meant to me, it would take a couple of hours just to scratch the surface. I was 15 years old, and he changed my life".
This one has an ethereal quality - it's almost heavenly. And no one could sing romance like Sam Cooke. First of all, the introduction is gorgeous and sucks you right in. How sad that Cooke didn't live to see this song released.
The tragedy of Sam recording this beautiful song of the civil rights era and then he goes and gets killed - you couldn't make that up. This is the all-time best going-out-and-getting-drunk song - and that's a long list of songs! I do this one at my concerts, and I explain that I always seems to sing with my head thrown back, because I saw a picture of Sam Cooke doingt it.
I thought, "Maybe that's how he gets his sound! It's a happy song that leaves you wanting more. You listen to him live at the Harlem Square Club, and he's nice and rough. I play it before I go onstage sometimes and it still inspires me.
When you listen to him live at the Copacabana, he's tamed it down, basically, for a white audience. This is a song that just reaches out and grabs you - that's the mark of a great singer.
This one's got Lou Rawls on backing vocals. Sam Cooke could sing almost anything that he wanted to. And he sang the standards beautifully.
What gets me with this one particularly is Sam's diction and his beautiful phrasing. You can hear every word perfectly. Lately, I have been listening more to the Otis Redding version of "Wonderful World", which is bluesy.
Sam's is more bouncy and poppy than Otis'version. I would come back home drunk when I was a kid and put this song on, and it just got to me. Isn't that amazing after all these years? This is the very first song that I heard of his. I was 15, working my first job as a silk-screener, and I was walking from the railway station to my flat. Et personne ne pouvait chanter la romance comme Sam Cooke. Bring it On Home To Me - C'est une chanson qui vous saisit - c'est la marque d'un grand chanteur.
Vous pouvez entendre parfaitement chaque mot. Celle de Sam a plus d'entrain que la version d'Otis. C'est un ancien chanteur de gospel, J.
Alexander, qui persuade le directeur de Speciality Records de laisser Sam enregistrer un titre pop. Le couple aura deux autres enfants: En novembre 59, alors que son contrat avec Keen Records est sur le point d'expirer, on lui propose une avance de cent mille dollars pour signer directement avec RCA.
C'est chose faite le 22 janvier En avril , Sam Cooke publie " What a Wonderful world". On peut retrouver cette chanson dans de nombreuses bandes originales de films. Bobby, Harry, Friendly, Cecil et Curtis. En mai 61, Sam Cooke publie "Cupid". Sam Cooke tourne beaucoup. En mai , Sam Cooke publie "Another Saturday night". Ce titre sera repris par Cat Stevens en Il perd son fils de dix-huit mois, Vincent, qui se noie dans la piscine de la maison familiale.
En juin, il se produit pendant deux semaines au Copacabana de New York. Au moment de sa mort, il avait vendu plus de vingt millions de disques. Pour terminer cette Saga, je vous propose trois reprises de classiques de Sam Cooke: In , after consulting with artists, journalists and music professionals, the magazine "Rolling Stone" has a ranking of the best singers of all time.
His exceptional talent, but his tragic fate, made from Sam Cooke a legendary figure. Sam Cooke was one of the first black artists to get involved in show business by founding a label and a publishing house. He also took an active part in the movement for civil rights.
For his talent, Sam Cooke has influenced many singers of the 60s, not only blacks as Otis Redding, but also whites, including Rod Stewart. Sam Cooke moved from gospel to soul music and rhythm and blues, before turning towards music more mainstream.
But whatever the song he sang, his voice was always exceptional, unique, pure and moving. Samuel Cook was born January 22, in Clarksdale, Mississippi. His name is written yet C. He will add an "e" when it begins in earnest his career as a singer. Sam has a little over two years old when his family moved to Chicago.
His father is a Baptist pastor. He has seven brothers and sisters. With his brother Charles and his two sisters Hattie and Mary, he was part of a group who sings gospel and called The Singing Children.
Four years later, he became first tenor with a gospel group in vogue, The Soul Stirrers, where he replaced the legendary HR Harris. He imposes upon with a very personal vocal style that completely renews the genre. Sam Cooke wrote and arranged most of the Soul Stirrers' successes. He became a star of gospel music, an idol and a true sex symbol. But after six years with the group, it will change direction radically.
That's a former gospel singer, JW Alexander, who persuades the director of Speciality Records to let Sam recording a pop song. Not to offend fans of gospel, this title appears under the pseudonym Dale Cook. But the deception was soon discovered and the Soul Stirrers, who do not like the profane prank of their singer, decided to sack him.
He will be very soon replaced by Johnnie Taylor. He dethroned Jailhouse Rock 's Elvis Presley. This title which Sam Cooke wrote with his brother Charles, will become an essential classic of the soul music.
Building on the success of "You Send Me ", the past label of Sam Cooke, Specialty Records, decided to highlight a title he had registered the previous year: The singer then began a tour dubbed "The Greatest Show of Stars".
During the fall of , Sam Cooke marries Barbara Campbell, who has already given him a daughter, Linda. The couple will have two other children: Tracey, born in , and Vincent, in End , when he is on tour in Arkansas with the Pilgrim Travelers, Sam Cooke escaped unharmed from a car accident in which his driver was killed. His friend, Lou Rawls, who is accompanying the group, was seriously injured. He will stay five and a half days in a coma and will need more than a year to recover.
It is a title signed Barbara Campbell, but this is not Sam Cooke's wife the author. November 59, when his contract with Keen Records is about to expire, he was offered an advance of one hundred thousand dollars to directly sign with RCA. This was done January 22, In March , Sam Cooke make a tour in the Caribbean. It begins in Jamaica, Montego Bay, and has an extraordinary success.
It will be a total of three visits to Jamaica.