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This is an update on my withdraw request I made 10 days ago. As you can see it is still pending. This first request was for 0. My next two requests will be for a minimum of 0. I anticipate that it will take 2 weeks of mining to reach that amount, so my next update will be to tell you whether or not the first request was successful and to let you know when I made the next request.
At this time I cannot recommend spending the money to upgrade but as alway's feel free to try out the FREE option by clicking the banner below. While it may not be a scam in your opinion, it could be considered spam. Spam is not appreciated by the community and could be flagged or may result in action from the cheetah bot..
I am actually doing a review to find out if it is a scam. I am hoping to get comment relating other peoples experience. Notice that I am actually NOT recommending it. I would ask that you please remove your downvote. Thanks for the review troy! I was considering looking into this but based off of what I've seen from your review I no longer plan to.
Thanks for sharing and saving me some money! I am also using it as a free member and do not want to invest any money until I know it is real. He is not doing anything wrong, he is actually helping people from getting scammed, so if anything troyvandeventer should be getting an award and commended for his work. He may be helping thousands, I found this post from a simple Google search. I'm getting the same thing from them as well. I currently have 5 pending withdrawls at a rate of one per every 4 days running the machines to the same BTC address.
Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Some things that can be considered spam: Going on a month now.. Did it finally process?