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Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames. Conspiracy That the world is in the grip of a conspiracy-conscious and determined-long ago ceased to be a theory. It is now a very well documented fact. Some of the facets of this conspiracy have been analysed with great brilliance and a pretty wit by Dr. In the present book however, he discusses a number of key events, and five key personnel-i-Dean Rusk "the most powerful man in Washington" ; Walt Rostow "it is, therefore, an American interest to see the end of nationhood" ; Robert McNamara, the man who has to a large extent disarmed the 'U.

Katzenbach, one of the key figures in the no-win policy in Vietnam. Among the key events which Dr. Evans considers in some detail are the loss of the U. Pueblo; the assassination of President Kennedy, which he regards as a coup d'etat, opening the way for the "dangerous" President Lyndon Johnson; and the "build-up" in Vietnam-a "project in the Socialist reconstruction of james robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics world". Evans takes the view, which we have not seen put forward elsewhere than in this journal, that the 'war' in Vietnam has as its fundamental objective the transfer of American arms and equipment to Asia, as well as the construction of capital projects which will eventually fall into the possession of the james robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics.

When the Americans go evidently, now, before much longer they will not take their bases with them, nor the development projects on james robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics Mekong River-another T. Evans is not confused about money power. He makes the vital distinction between wealth and money. It is forgotten that the value of money depends on the power-ultimately the military power-of the issuing agency. If the United States loses its military independence, American money will cease to be accepted, unless validated by the successor power, presumably the new World Government.

The prince must tax the wealthy man, not only for revenue but to remind him who's boss. Did we hear you say something?

Evans puts the crux of the present situation thus: Short of this, the best expedient is nuclear stalemate with mutual deterrence of the nations, resulting in a balance manoeuvrable at the centre the Washington-Moscow Axis.

The meaning of 'peace' is simply: James robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics peace today means world domination by an agency with monopolistic control of atomic arms. Establishment has been scaling down the supreme military superiority which America possessed at the end of the war to a position of equality with Soviet Russia.

The idea of this. This involves supplying Russia with critical- materials and technical know-how, as well as rendering American nuclear weapons unusable as, Dr. Evans says, they already are-at least in a war against Communism.

They could be used-with Soviet agreement, of course-s-againsr Britain, should Britain take her 'independence' too seriously. The Usurpers makes very clear to what a dangerous degree Major Douglas's worst fears have already been realised, The Usurpers cure no more for the death of American soldiers than for the death of the Vietnamese, The people of this generation, and perhaps the next, are expendable.

It is their wealth they want, in the service of Socialist Reconstruction of the World, for the greater glorification of World Government-and Governors. A selection of C. Douglas's observations during the period of the Socialist Administration in Britain following the end of World War II have been collected in a volume, under the title The Development of World Dominion, at present being published by Tidal Publications for the Social Credit Secretariat.

It will be available shortly at 13j- posted. Advance orders should be addressed to K. This journal expresses and supports the policy of the Social Credit Secretariat, which was founded in by Clifford Hugh Douglas. The Social Credit Secretariat is a non-party, non-class organisation neither connected with nor supporting any political party, Social Credit or otherwise.

Home and abroad, post free: Deputy Chairmanc British Isles: Liaison Officer for Canada: Secular, BoxG. Preliminary steps in this direction were, of course, taken during the war, but their effect became manifest in the pursuit of post-war policy. Douglas was driven to remark in these pages: There is one policy which can be effectively pursued in this country without constitutional reform of the most drastic nature, and that this is so is proved by the fact that only one policy has been pursued sinceno matter what party has nominally administered it Treason is defined as violation by subject of allegiance to sovereign; On this basis, the attempt to enter the Common Market, and adhere to the Treaty of Rome, is treason.

The run-down of British defences, and the destruction of the home defences, is a breach of faith-s-the first duty of a government is to provide james robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics the defence. Adhering to international financial arrangements which are patently strangling Britain is adhering to the sovereign's enemies. Those of our readers who claim that they cannot understand economics should understand this much.

Remember Woodrow Wilson's words: Woodrow Wilson was dominated and ma. House, who was deeply involved in international conspiracy]. Now obviously having England "financially in our hands" does not have an ordinary financial meaning; it means being in a position to force England to pursue policies not in her own interest, and that is really all the economics it is necessary to know. However, it ought to be plain enough that if it did have a purely financial meaning -the repaying of war debts-this could only be effected by enormous expons.

Thus clearly Britain is faced with an impossible task, whatever Goeernment is in office. This situation is being exploited to force Britain into the Common Market, and this means the abrogation of British sovereignty. Internationalists are in favour of this; but, by definition, they arc traitors.

If they accomplish such abrogation by secrecy and deception, they are conspirators-and should be recognised as such. What would happen to British debts? Is it thought they would vanish? Who is going to be the market for all the james robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics goods the "modern, efficient" Community is going to produce? Rank and International Monetary Fund. And with Douglas, "we do not believe that the great majority of those who 'are doing nicely, if temporarily, out of the distribution of stolen goods which is what confiscatory taxation amounts to are unconscious agents.

They may disclaim responsibility tacitly if not vocally for any hand in policy. We take it that subscribers to this journal remain patriotic, and we suggest that they make it known to their Representatives in Parliament that they are aware of what is going on; that it is treason; and that it calls for impeachment.

After all, probably only Abe Fortas's resignation saved him from impeachment, merely for having received fees from a financial foundation guilty. What is really happening to Britain must be made a public issue. Harold 'Wilson dishonest-s-a little more than one in four. Dishonesty of intent is a far more likely explanation of Mr. Wilson's 'failures' than incompetence, which would imply lack of intelligence. The most likely explanation is that Wilson knows all about the scheme for World Government, and approves-furthers by his policies-its advance.

He announced in Parliament Nov. He has boasted that "a thousand years of English history went out of the window" between and He has been-may be still-a Vice-Chairman of the Socialist International. British bankruptcy suits Socialist purposes, by, amongst other things, providing a pretext for disarmament on grounds of economy; but national armaments stand james robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics the way of World Government which, for Fabians, "is the final objective" Labour Party Manifesto, And bankruptcy has the further advantage that should the Conservative Party come to power, they will inherit the bankruptcy, and be under the orders of the World Bank Which, of course, is the prime promoter of disarmament in favour of World Government.

So we can only hope that the number of those who recognise the nature of Wilson's dishonesty grows to a point where they will demand that something be done, before it is utterly and finally too late. Australians who are becoming increasingly concerned about Australia's increasingly precarious defence posture will find some startling disclosures james robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics the FlU aircraft in The Usurpers, referred to elsewhere in this issue.

They might also note that the U. State Department which --pressured the Dutch into abandoning 'West Irian' to the. Won't we be sitting ducks if the Chinese come to the assistance of their brethren in Singapore and Malaysia?

Sir' Harry Legge-Bourke, M. Members, and certainly the vast majority of people in this country have never read this document. I am afraid that many Ministers and ex-Ministers have never read it".

No nation can ever, legitimately, of its own sole free will, withdraw. All members accept a superior form of government. This most detailed and ca-refully documented account of the origin, growth and present dimensions of the Fabian Socialist conspiracy, with its now virtually total oontrol 01 the government administrations of both Britain and the U. Though long, it is easily read; and no one who reads it could any longer misinterpret the current world situation.

Continued Quigley traces the lineage of the C. And, he notes that the man who bent Rhodes as a collegiate twig at Oxford was the notorious John Ruskin, noting of the james robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics Ruskin called the "new imperialism": Ruskin beguiled his students with tales of "England's downtrodden masses," did his best to fill his aristocratic charges with a sense of profound guilt, convincing them that their privileged position could not be preserved unless their power "could be extended to the lower classes in England itself and to the non-English masses throughout the world.

Ruskin's ideas about using noblesse oblige as justification for the imperialism of the Insiders james robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics used to james robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics political activities aimed at capturing the immense wealth of Southern Africa for Rhodes and the financiers and conspirators who were his backers.

The indoctrination by Ruskin was thus turned into an instrument of conquest by Rhodes, on what we are asked to believe was the assumption-according to biographers Lockhart and Woodhouse-that God had chosen Cecil Rhodes to "paint the map of Africa red. As she put it: In the middle 's Rhodes had a personal income of at least a million pounds sterling a year then abot4t five million dollars rwhich he spent so freely for his mysterious purposes that he 'was usually ooerdraum on his account.

Cecil Rhodes' commitment to a conspiracy to establish World Government was set down in! The seven wills [which Cecil Rhodes made between the ages of 24 and 46 Rhodes died at age forty-eight constitute a kind of spiritual au. Best known are the firs. The "Conjession of Faith" enlarges upon these ideas. The model for this proposed secret society was. It should be noted that the originator onthe profane james robinsthe company behind the crypto robotics of this type of secret society was Adam Weishaupt, the monster who founded the Order of Illuminati on May 1,for.

The role of Weishaupt's Illuminists in such horrors as the Reign of Terror is unquestioned, and the techniques of the Illuminati have long been recognised as models for Communist methodology.

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Stuart Allan born in Northern Virginia is an American actor and voice actor. Robin , [2] Batman: Bad Blood , [3] Justice League vs. Teen Titans [4] and Teen Titans: Retailer Joe Field and his partner Mike Friedrich owned and operated the convention for fifteen years, in , they brokered a deal with the management team that runs the San Diego Comic-Con International to make it part of the Comic-Con International convention family.

This gave the San Francisco show an audience and has made it a venue for previews and early screenings of major motion pictures. These have included Spider-Man 2 in , Batman Begins and Fantastic Four in , Superman Returns in , in , Watchmen in , all of these events featured the stars of the films fielding questions from the audience.

WonderCon had 34, attendees in ,39, in , the show left the Bay Area after the con, because San Franciscos Moscone Center was being remodeled. While the main attraction of WonderCon has always been various retailers selling back issues of comic books and action figures, there is also an Artists Alley featuring mainly comic book artists selling artwork, signing books, and doing sketches, and mainstream celebrities signing autographed pictures. WonderCon hosted the Harvey Award ceremonies from —, since , academicians and comic industry professionals have held the Comics Arts Conference in conjunction with WonderCon.

In addition, WonderCon features an event called Trailer Park, where trailers for upcoming films are shown, the WonderCon masquerade competition usually takes place on Saturday after the convention closes. Awards are given to those with the most creative performances, though anyone can participate, official website WonderCon feature on Sidewalks Entertainment WonderCon founders website. Northern Virginia — With 2.

Communities in the form the Virginia portion of the Washington metropolitan area. Notable features of the include the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency, and the many companies which serve them.

The areas attractions include various monuments and Colonial and Civil War-era sites such as Mount Vernon and Arlington National Cemetery and it is the most affluent region in the nation.

Eastern United States vs. The Fairfax line, surveyed in , ran from the first spring of the Potomac to the first spring of the Rappahannock, at the head of the Conway River.

The Northern Neck was composed of 5,, acres, at some point, these eastern counties came to be called separately simply the Northern Neck, and, for the remaining area west of them, the term was no longer used. The most common definition of Northern Virginia includes those counties and independent cities on the Virginia side of the Washington-Baltimore-Northern Virginia Combined Statistical Area.

Most narrowly defined, Northern Virginia consists of the counties of Arlington and Fairfax, as well as the independent cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, businesses, governments and non-profit agencies may define the area considered Northern Virginia differently for various purposes.

Eight of his supporters were named, among them Thomas Culpeper. Culpeper County was later named for him when it was formed in , however, in rioting in the colony forced him to return, but by the time he arrived, the riots were already quelled. Spencer succeeded Culpeper as acting Governor upon Lord Culpepers departure from the colony, for many years, Lord Culpepers descendants allowed men in Virginia to manage the properties.

The lands of Lord Fairfax were defined as that between the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers, and were called the Northern Neck. In a back line was surveyed and established between the headwaters of the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers, defining the west end of the grants. According to documents held by the Handley Regional Library of the Winchester—Frederick County Historical Society, Lord Fairfax was a lifelong bachelor, and became one of the more well-known persons of the late colonial era.

Actor — An actor is a person who portrays a character in a performance. Simplistically speaking, the person denominated actor or actress is someone beautiful who plays important characters, the actor performs in the flesh in the traditional medium of the theatre, or in modern mediums such as film, radio, and television.

Interpretation occurs even when the actor is playing themselves, as in forms of experimental performance art, or, more commonly, to act, is to create. Formerly, in societies, only men could become actors.

When used for the stage, women played the roles of prepubescent boys. The etymology is a derivation from actor with ess added. However, when referring to more than one performer, of both sexes, actor is preferred as a term for male performers.

Actor is also used before the name of a performer as a gender-specific term. Within the profession, the re-adoption of the term dates to the —s. As Whoopi Goldberg put it in an interview with the paper, Im an actor — I can play anything. In , the Los Angeles Times stated that Actress remains the term used in major acting awards given to female recipients. However, player remains in use in the theatre, often incorporated into the name of a group or company, such as the American Players.

Also, actors in improvisational theatre may be referred to as players, prior to Thespis act, Grecian stories were only expressed in song, dance, and in third person narrative. In honor of Thespis, actors are commonly called Thespians, the exclusively male actors in the theatre of ancient Greece performed in three types of drama, tragedy, comedy, and the satyr play.

Western theatre developed and expanded considerably under the Romans, as the Western Roman Empire fell into decay through the 4th and 5th centuries, the seat of Roman power shifted to Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire. Records show that mime, pantomime, scenes or recitations from tragedies and comedies, dances, from the 5th century, Western Europe was plunged into a period of general disorder.

Voice acting — Voice acting is the art of doing voice-overs or providing voices to represent a character or to provide information to an audience or user. Voice acting is also done for small handheld audio games, performers are called voice actors or actresses, voice artists, or voice talent.

Their roles may also involve singing, although a voice actor is sometimes cast as the characters singing voice. Voice acting is recognised in Britain as a specialized dramatic profession, Voice artists are also used to record the individual sample fragments played back by a computer in an automated announcement.

The voices for animated characters are provided by voice actors, for live action productions, voice acting often involves reading the parts of computer programs, radio dispatchers, or other characters who never actually appear on screen. With a radio drama or CD drama, there is freedom in voice acting, because there is no need to match a dub to the original actors.

In the context of voice acting, narration is the use of commentary to convey a story to an audience. A narrator is a character or a non-personal voice that the creator of the story develops to deliver information to the audience. The voice actor who plays the narrator is responsible for performing the lines assigned to the narrator.

In traditional literary narratives, narration is a story element, in other types of narratives, such as plays, television shows, video games. One of the most common uses for voice acting is within commercial advertising, the voice actor is hired to voice a message associated with the advertisement.

This has different subgenres, television, radio, cinema, the subgenres are all different styles in their own right. Voiceover used in commercial adverts also is the area of voice acting where de-breathing is used. De-breathing means artificially removing breaths from the recorded voice and this is done to stop the audience being distracted in any way from the commercial message that is being put across.

Dub localization is a type of voice-over and it is the practice of voice-over translation altering a foreign language film, art film or television series by voice actors. Voice-over translation is an audiovisual translation technique, in which, unlike in Dub localization, actor voices are recorded over the audio track.

This method of translation is most often used in documentaries and news reports to translate words of foreign-language interviewees, automated dialogue replacement is the process of re-recording dialogue by the original actor after the filming process to improve audio quality or reflect dialogue changes. ADR is also used to change original lines recorded on set to clarify context, improve diction or timing, in the UK, it is also called post-synchronization or post-sync.

He is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul, the character originally appeared as an unnamed infant in the story Batman, Son of the Demon, which was at that time not considered canon. Following this, various alternate universe stories dealt with the characters life, in , the character was reinterpreted as Damian Wayne by Grant Morrison, and introduced into the main continuity in Batman , the first issue of the Batman and Son story arc.

Damian Wayne is the character to assume the role of Robin. Having grown up in a laboratory, Damian Wayne as a pre-adolescent is left by his mother in the care of his father, who had been not aware of his sons existence. He is violent and self-important and was trained by the League of Assassins, learning to kill at an age, which troubles the relationship with his father. However, the Dark Knight does care for his lost progeny. After the events of Batman R.

He first worked with Dick Grayson before going to work alongside his father and he continued to serve as Robin until s Batman, Inc. In the Elseworlds story, The Brotherhood of the Bat, a version named Tallant Wayne appears, Talia and Bruces son join the Brotherhood in his fathers costume, to destroy it from within.

He falls in love with Nightstar, the daughter of Dick Grayson and he works as a double agent for Batman in Luthors organization. In the Elliot S. He was eventually recruited by Rip Hunter to try to stop a madman named Gog from altering his history and he works with several other heroes of his generation — Kid Flash, the daughter of the Flash, Nightstar and Offspring, the son of Plastic Man. In League of Batmen, the sequel to Brotherhood of the Bat, during the battle, Tallant discovers that his grandfather is the one who murdered his father and then cloned him.

Ras even sent the clone to murder his own daughter, because the deaths of his parents at Rass hands, Tallant has completed following his fathers tragic path as Batman. It is an adaptation of Grant Morrison and Andy Kuberts Batman, the film was released as a digital download on April 22,, and was released on physical media May 6, The league is attacked by a group of assassins led by Slade Wilson, Ras al Ghuls initial choice for successor before meeting Batman, Feeling betrayed, during the battle, Ras is defeated and fatally burned, dying before he can reach the Lazarus Pit.

Damian stabs Slades right eye during the battle, forcing him to flee, Talia takes Damian to Gotham City to meet his father and ask for his protection. In Gotham City, Batman confronts Killer Croc, who is stealing mutagenic chemicals, Batman gets ambushed by Croc before Talia electrocutes the latter from behind.

She tells Batman about her fathers death and leaves their son in his care, though Damian believes that he can care of himself. Slade, now calling himself Deathstroke, captures Dr.

Kirk Langstrom, Slade threatens Langstroms wife Francine and his daughter Rebecca to force him to recreate the Man-Bat formula for him. Damian bypasses Wayne Towers security to speak to Bruce, telling him that Deathstrokes contact, although Damian wants to avenge Ras al Ghul by killing Deathstroke, Bruce objects to Damians willingness to take lives.

Talia is captured by Deathstroke when she and her assassins attack his compound, against Batmans orders, Damian leaves the Batcave and, after a chase and a long fight, defeats Ubu, whom he located by accessing the Bat-Computer. Before Damian can kill him, Nightwing arrives, mistakes him for a criminal, Batman berates Damian for his recklessness, willingness to kill and exposing their operation.

Batman then has Damian don the mantle of Robin to teach him discipline, since others are too afraid of him to medicate him without being harmed, Batman promises Croc help in exchange for information. Batman follows Crocs lead about the formulas mutagen to Langstroms apartment, before he leaves, he goes throughout the building and finds a storage room filled with caged bats, with one larger cage being empty and broken open from inside.

Batman then finds a gorilla with bat like mutations, one of Langstroms unstable subjects. A drone aircraft sent by Deathstroke then flies past and crashes on the building, destroying it, commissioner Gordon warns them about an abandoned stadium believed to house Deathstrokes men. At the stadium, Batman and Damian question Langstrom but are attacked when Damian becomes violent, before they successfully escape, they fight off a swarm of Man-Bats. In the cave, Langstrom reveals Deathstrokes plan to create superhuman, while Nightwing works with Langstrom on an antidote, Batman and Damian rescue their family.

Batman guesses that Talia has been abducted when he finds evidence of torture in an empty cell, both Langstroms daughter and Deathstrokes video tell him not to involve Batman in their fight. Robin — Batman vs. The film was shown during WonderCon on April 3,, the film was released for downloading on April 7, and was released on Blu-ray and DVD formats on April 14, During an investigation of missing children, Damian Wayne, AKA Robin and he finds the perpetrator, Anton Schott, who has mutated some of the victims into dolls.

Batman arrives, and in the battle, Robin chases Schott while Batman knocks out the dolls with gas. Upon defeating Schott, Robin chooses to spare him, but an assassin named Talon suddenly kills Schott. Batman is eventually convinced of Robins innocence after finding an owl feather at the crime scene, the next night, Bruce has dinner at Wayne Manor with fellow wealthy socialite Samantha Vanaver, who meets Damian. Later, he tries to connect with Damian, but he voices his frustration towards Bruce for never trusting him.