Phosphate ion exchange resin used in the liquid preservation of baboon red cells.
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Ion exchange is an exchange of ions between two electrolytes or between an electrolyte solution and a complex. In most cases the term is used to denote the processes of purification, separation, and decontamination of aqueous and other ion-containing solutions with solid polymeric or mineralic "ion exchangers".
Typical ion exchangers are ion-exchange resins functionalized porous or gel polymerzeolitesmontmorilloniteclayand soil humus. Ion exchangers are either cation exchangerswhich exchange positively charged ions cationsor anion exchangerswhich exchange negatively charged ions anions.
There are also amphoteric exchangers that are able to exchange both cations and anions simultaneously. However, the simultaneous exchange of cations and anions can be more efficiently performed in mixed bedswhich contain a mixture of anion- and cation-exchange resins, or passing the treated solution through several different ion-exchange materials.
Ion exchanges can be unselective or have binding preferences for certain ions or classes of ions, depending on their chemical structure. This can be dependent on the size of the ions, their charge, or their structure.
Typical examples of ions that can bind to ion exchangers are:. Along with absorption and adsorptionion exchange is liquid anion exchange resin form of sorption. Ion exchange is a reversible processand the ion exchanger can be regenerated or loaded with desirable ions by washing with an excess of these ions. Ion exchange is widely used in the food and beverage industry, hydrometallurgy, metals finishing, chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical technology, sugar and sweetener production, ground- and potable-water liquid anion exchange resin, nuclear, softening and industrial water treatment, semiconductor, power, and lots liquid anion exchange resin other industries.
A typical example of liquid anion exchange resin is preparation of high-purity water for power engineeringelectronic and nuclear industries; i. Ion exchange is a method widely used in household laundry detergents and water filters to produce soft water. Another application for ion exchange in domestic water treatment is the removal of nitrate and natural organic matter. Industrial and analytical liquid anion exchange resin chromatography is another area to be mentioned.
Ion-exchange chromatography is a chromatographical method that is widely used for chemical analysis and separation of ions. For example, in biochemistry it is widely used to separate charged molecules such as proteins. Ion-exchange processes are used to separate and purify metalsincluding separating uranium from plutonium and other actinidesincluding thoriumand lanthanumneodymiumytterbium liquid anion exchange resin, samariumlutetiumfrom each other and the other lanthanides.
There are two series of rare-earth metalsthe lanthanides and the actinides, both of whose families all have very similar chemical and physical properties. Using methods developed by Frank Spedding in the s, ion exchange used to be the only practical way to separate them in large quantities, until the advent of solvent extraction techniques that can be scaled up enormously.
A very important case is the PUREX process plutonium-uranium extraction processwhich is used to separate the plutonium and the uranium from the spent fuel products liquid anion exchange resin a nuclear reactorand to be able to dispose of the waste products.
Then, the plutonium and uranium are available for making nuclear-energy materials, such as new reactor fuel and nuclear weapons. The ion-exchange process is also used to separate other sets of very similar chemical elements, such as zirconium and hafniumwhich is also very liquid anion exchange resin for the nuclear industry.
Zirconium is practically transparent to free neutrons, used in building reactors, but hafnium is a very strong absorber of neutrons, used in reactor control rods. Ion exchangers are used in nuclear reprocessing and the treatment of radioactive waste. Ion-exchange resins in the form of thin membranes are used in chloralkali processfuel liquid anion exchange resin and vanadium redox batteries.
Ion exchange can also be used to remove hardness from water by exchanging calcium and magnesium ions for sodium ions in an ion-exchange column. Liquid-phase aqueous ion-exchange desalination has been demonstrated. Calcium and carbonate ions then react to form calcium carbonatewhich then precipitates, leaving behind fresh water. Liquid anion exchange resin desalination occurs at ambient temperature and pressure and requires no membranes or solid ion exchangers.
Theoretical energy efficiency of this method is on par with electrodialysis and reverse osmosis. Most ion-exchange systems contain liquid anion exchange resin of ion-exchange resin that are operated on a cyclic basis. During the filtration process, water flows through the resin container until the resin is considered exhausted.
That happened only when water leaving the exchanger contains more than the desired maximal concentration of the ions being removed. Resin is then regenerated by sequentially backwashing the resin bed to remove accumulated solids, flushing removed ions from the resin with a concentrated solution of replacement ions, and rinsing the flushing solution from liquid anion exchange resin resin.
Production of backwash, flushing, and rinsing wastewater during regeneration of ion-exchange media limits the usefulness of ion exchange for wastewater treatment.
Neutralized deionizer regeneration wastewater contains all of the removed ions plus 2. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article includes a list of referencesbut its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations.
Please help to improve this liquid anion exchange resin by introducing more precise citations. July Learn how and when to remove this template message. Archived from the original PDF on 23 Liquid anion exchange resin Retrieved 23 February Adsorbable organic halides Biochemical oxygen demand Chemical oxygen demand Coliform index Dissolved oxygen Heavy metals pH Salinity Temperature Total dissolved solids Total suspended solids Turbidity.
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