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Mar 10 88, I also stick to Litecoinpool because of that. One other reason could be that after three month all the new miners that hit the market late last year are running into some maintenance issues as any other hardware do….
Would you shut you fucking mouth up,motherfucker! Ltc not dying it is here to stay. How do I know this? Because I am in china deep in and I know things most do not.
Oh also I have around gh solo mining litecoin. Oh you mean like bitcoin how one person controls or try to control everything with chips pool and miners?
I have little faith on this bit of LTC pump…I had some faith at 4. I know my life is lame. I wish LTC would hang in there at the 4. Of course it is now like 2 hrs later and LTC is at 4. LTC has been in a narrow tradingrange for a couple of years.
The behaviour we see is typical for such a condition. I have seen this pattern before and usually there is a single seller putting a cap on the market. Once the the seller is gone the market rapidly moves to a new level…. Litecoin should grow up and rise! At least because I have ordered another A4 Dominator yesterday…. Very well done, sir. Litecoin difficulty dropping so strong ddr Stupid clown cxop here!
Amuse me more, clown. That is why LTC dead. Also I did not say I am one person. I know my life is lame I wish LTC would hang in there at the 4.