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Liar, Thief, Scammer trvid. The reason that Verge XVG needed to raise these funds was in order to secure a partnership between Verge XVG and a company that would be the biggest deal and partnership in all of cryptocurrency. You tried to shit to Verge Sunerok. Now you got SHIT in your face. There it is, guys! Just like I told you before! It is a truly gamechanger.
Verge will be at the end of the year around Dollar. People do not understand the value of this use case. It is just a mattter until Verge will be the payment standard of the pornindustry. The next coin to make to enter a real world use case is IOTA. It will shock the entire crypto world. Verge holders are going to get wrecked this week. I should listen to my gut and sell some Verge. This guys reminds me of terrible wanna be renters or job applicants who think they're coming across well despite not being able to really even hold eye contact.
Okay, so what's the scoop: What's on Justin's criminal record? Love the "Bitconnect" poster in the background! I need to get one of those. Good and fair comment and sharing. If you think XVG is a scam, then you are so ignorant. Does that mean Tokenpay is also a scam? The announcement will be huge. It's time to expose, and shut this shithole project down! Can you really trust someone who films in their bedroom corner sitting on their bed?? LOL, what do you expect when its a community project meaning that anybody that works on it is not getting paid?
Do you trust YLGV? He is sitting on his bed in the corner too. Those kind of people can't be trusted. I mean, they film sitting on their bed, how could you trust them? View the Twitter post below: Idiot why would token play invest so much in Vmobile.
So freakn dodgy man!!! Love how he opened up with a joke about absconding and buying an island, WTF. There's always a lil truth in every joke. I'll be liquidating my small XVG holdings on 15 April. If XVG moon after that then good for all ya'll, principles and integrity more important to me. Alot of these things you pointed out seems very shady and accually made me really doubt Verge.
We will just make a huge partnership if you guys give us alot of Verge. Otherwise they will not partnership with us. This partnership will change the world of crypto, and the world as we know it heard that one before? Hey hey hey 3. They said they were going to announce it after the verge were donated, but they are stalling.
What are happening in the meantime? If this is a exitscam, the owners will get out with alot more money this way. Founder is joking about taking all the money and leaving. Hey thats a scam 6. They are lying about the hack. Saying that the hackers got just a fraction of the sum that they really got. Search google for proof. P All these things, and after other research this seem to good to be true. Guess we find out in 1 week, but its a perfect setup for exit scam.
What are ur thoughts of achain? You havenot made a video on achain for a long time and I dont see achain been mentioned in any videos of top buy crypto. Tokenpay donated most of that amount, im sure they would knw if this was a scam.. A few weeks ago verge asked its members to buy more so they could reinvest, it never happened now they have a "Huge partnership" convenient.
GRAM tokens are driving investors crazy! Journalists got off their feet, releasing sensational articles about the new crypto currency. Its proof of weak hand. I like my developers to look like shy nerds not shifty douchebags. Thank you for your research! Not once does he look into the web cam, Not Once! Bad sign with the body language Glad you only have 4k views. For the coinbase issue you do realize that Sunerok's funds weren't frozen. They weren't allowing withdrawals into fiat, like many others.
He said he said, fuck it and bought BTC and moved it out of coinbase. So you can just go through Gemini and xfer your BTC there and go to fiat. He didn't say he didn't cash out. He said that coinbase held withdrawals and was not answering his queries for months as with many others due to backlogs.
He said the ended up xfering his money into BTC and moving it out of that exchange. He couldn't very easily cashed out through Gemini. There is no confusion if you are in the vergefam and are following what is happening. You have done no research at all for this.
YLGV so have you done some research yet. You hadn't when you made this I don't care what you say. I knew the reason behind every negative. You only found the hate, then to make it worse you added to it. The verge community is strong and you will always find the answers if you ask. I understand an NDA was signed but it was signed before the final day of the crowdfund.
I'm hoping it is. It would be great if this truly turns out to be the biggest partnership in crypto. Thanks for doing the homework on this one. Ill stay away from XVG. I suspect it may actually be a good deal they have going, but I just don't feel comfortable getting on board It just seems fishy to me. XVG Price Prediction Mass Adoption Coming For Verge!! Thutmose - Run Wild feat. Mario Joy - King ft. Verge XVG Partners with. Is Verge a Scam? Red Flags Surrounding Verge Cryptocurrency!
Verge Currency Hacked Timestamp Bug. Live with Verge's Creator Sunerok talking about the huge partnership!