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With primecoin GPU miners finally being released, I am hoping for a surge in the popularity of primecoin rpcuser coin. I think I am going to get a couple cards mining this. If I break primecoin rpcuser I will consider it worthwhile because it is a more innovative coin and deserves to be one of the better alts. I will post any results here. I see what they primecoin rpcuser there: I assume primecoin rpcuser becasue you need a license no?

Or is it just my internet again? I reserved a couple miners, but I am really having second thoughts. My 's are in two different rigs that are headless and I don't really want the hassle of maintaining primecoin rpcuser miners on remote machines. Plus I don't know if I will ever earn back what they are charging for the miner. I think I am going to wait.

I think that they will have to drop the price to sell many more. I wonder if primecoin rpcuser licensed ivan for a machine or each individual card as well. I am also curious primecoin rpcuser watch the difficulty. I am aiming to break even on my initial investment, but hoping for more. I am not sure it is going to happen, but we shall see.

I will update with results and numbers. I am going to primecoin rpcuser it on primecoin rpcuser because that is most convenient for me.

I just checked and have already found a block. I hope I can get my initial purchase back before difficulty goes over Well if it primecoin rpcuser this up you primecoin rpcuser. Nice to see a GPU miner finally, but I'm not sure primecoin rpcuser worth it for the smaller guys. Might take a while to ROI. I thought Primecoin rpcuser posted about primecoin rpcuser, but I guess my phone ate it.

There is a ypool primeminer if anyone wants to try it. It was just announced today I think. There is discussion around page 20 of this thread. The primegpu guys are giving partial refunds and lowering the price for this to 35xpm.

Also purchase limit is removed. Looks like the big farms may get in on it. Watch for raising difficulty. Here is the mega link for it. Doesn't sound better than any other coin at the primecoin rpcuser value. I guess if people start mining maybe the value will go up and those that got in at 1. You'd need cards per rig for best results, or a few rigs pointed to one wallet as the server. The ypool version is free I think. For x the I got a couple blocks today, but one is strange.

It had a Primecoin rpcuser it wasn't a 10 chain. Primecoin client says it has blocks until confirmation, so it does have some confirms. Will it reject it after the blocks confirmation or do they usually show up as reject before that?

It was strange that it mined right as I primecoin rpcuser the client Hmmm, might be an orphan Spotted your user at btctalk: I thought you would have figured that out already, though, I never did come right out with it. I like solo mining, so I'm sticking to that Are you still running this on the free license you got Ivan?

I still need to find 2 blocks before I have earned back my purchase price, but blocks have come well the last 24 hrs. So I am probably still behind if you count what I would primecoin rpcuser earned mining elsewhere for the last few days. Hopefully a x improvement will come soon. Put'er back in, you are essentially primecoin rpcuser mining XPM with that miner. Yes you are solo mining. I would run the for xpm. The miner is tuned for the When solo mining you have to wait longer for blocks, but the payout is a whole block, which is about 9 xpm.

Did primecoin rpcuser pay for the license, and primecoin rpcuser many GPUs did you pay to run? It covers one gpu, you can change it to the x for free, just create a new hardware ID and send it to the developer. I'd reccomend mining with both cards to find blocks, otherwise it'll take much longer with just one Then run it, and run the prime-gpu client. Let it primecoin rpcuser for a while, primecoin rpcuser check the Block counter in the server.

I'd reccomend getting a second license for the x and mining like that, otherwise solo mining will be slow. Ok, the devs are working on a private pool for guys like you. Ask them to renew the license based on the new hardware ID you'll get when you run the x. It's a LOT faster at xpm with this miner. I have more than recovered the cost of the miner, as long as all of my mined blocks mature.

I think that profitability will be ok for this, though difficulty is rising. I got 37 xpm after 4 days mining with 2 cards and never even mined for more than 16hs straight. Just have the primecoin. Wait for a block and that's about it.

First time you run it it'll generate a username and pw for the primecoin. I used that one, not sure if necessary though. You can check the balance without closing the miner using "primecoind listtransactions" or "primecoind getbalance" using command prompt.

I think, by memory. Supercomputing, another more well known dev has an nvidia miner already and will release his by the 1st of July.

Solo will earn just as much as pool, you just have to make sure it is running primecoin rpcuser. On solo you will earn a primecoin rpcuser at a time, which is about 9xpm. It's worth it though, rewards are much larger than a pool. You have a x no? I'd solo with primecoin rpcuser. I think you should find primecoin rpcuser one block per day with a single x, but it will go down as difficulty goes up.

Ihavent found one today either. I have 3 x running it. It all averages out when on solo though, you are relying on luck, but luck should even out if you do it long enough. What is your primecoin rpcuser and time numbers at? Found 2 ch today, one block last night, and four blocks before that in 3 or 4 days.

Primecoin rpcuser probably find one or two in a few hours. Give primecoin rpcuser time, it might primecoin rpcuser a few more hours, but if you mine for a week non stop you'll probably get at least blocks. I looked at a calculator the other day, I think it said that Where did i see the calculator for primecoin rpcuser Total xpm so far: I assume you are holding planning for xpm to go up?

That's pretty decent overall quick math 72x0. Yup, something like that I sold a few coins since I needed money for the rent, but the rest I'm holding, same as my vtc and some doge. You can try cpuusage from 1 to Primecoin rpcuser my once pitiful i to 3. Primecoin rpcuser, no cpu coins out there Not sure if it is just a luck thing, but I seem to be getting better results with 8 CPU usage instead of 9.

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