Sarednab's World Prop

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All replicas you can see in these pictures are inspired from the TV series "Smallville". Smallville kryptonite replica Luthors Lead Dragon box Author: Lex's dragon box was used to hold Lana Langs Kryptonite Necklace. Working brass hook latch and hinges. Painted and weathered by hand. Clarks Lead box Author: This box is cast from the screen used prop. It is made from special effects resin and has working hinges and smallville kryptonite replica.

The box lid will not close all the way when the kryptonite is inside the smallville kryptonite replica. This is how the original prop was made. Blue Fortress Crystal Author: Made to the exact measurements from the screen used prop. This key was used to activate Clarks Space Ship. Later Clark found a slot in the cave wall that fit the key. By placing the key in the slot it opened a secret anti-chamber.

The key is made from Solid metal and has kryptonian symbols engraved in perfectly. Lana Lang's Kryptonite necklace Author: The bell caps and 24" necklace is silver tone plated Name: Clarks Hero Kryptonite Author: This is the Kryptonite that Clark keeps in the lead box hidden in his barn. This prop has been used since Season 1 and is cast directly from the screen used prop. This item was made in semi transparent green. The rock is hollow and an LED or small light can smallville kryptonite replica placed inside.

Kara's Kryptonian bracelet Author: This item is duplicated from the screen used prop. Made from 18 gauge 1mm Aluminium CNC machined engraving. Measures 2" wide 6" long before being shaped. Smallville Police Badge, police hat pin and patch Author: All these items are cast directly from the screen used prop on Smallville Badge. Jor-el's Journey Smallville kryptonite replica necklace Pendant Author: Kryptonite Infected "Stride Gum" Author: These are the correct test smallville kryptonite replica used as Clarks blood sample.

Seen quite a bit during one of the early seasons. Stones Of Knowledge Author: The Stones are constructed from special effects resin. They were created using the screen used props as masters in a mold. Book of Rao Author: This is a replica of the "Book of Rao" as smallville kryptonite replica in season 9 of Smallville. It was sort of one of those instrumental plot devices that never quite became instrumental.

It played a good role in a number of episodes, but Smallville kryptonite replica get the feeling that the original plot-line that they had in mind for this device got lost in the shuffle of everything else going on for this season. Looks like it's all CNC'd, and hand polished. Various ID Badge Author: Replica of badges seen in the serie Name: Replica of the "Time" seen in the beginning of the series.

Gold plated RAO charm Author: Replica of the charm seen in the movie Name: Replica of the bullet seen in the movie. Smallville All replicas you can see in these pictures are inspired from the TV series "Smallville" Name: The bell caps and 24" necklace is silver tone plated.

This is the same "Stride Gum" appears in the Tv-Series. Replica of badges seen in the serie. Replica of the charm seen in the movie.

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