The Tatiana Moroz Show!

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I am also introducing a revolutionary way for artists to develop fan communities and earn a living at the same tatiana moroz bitcoin values. I hope you will join me on this extraordinary journey.

You can find out a little more about me here: My music is deeply devoted to the causes of peace, freedom and justice. I am also passionate about exploring advocacy and self-empowerment for artists. Bitcoin is a technology that is a perfect fit for these ideals. It is a peer-to-peer tatiana moroz bitcoin values currency that cuts out banks, middlemen, and governments. Bitcoin has revolutionized the transfer of value, similar to how the internet transformed the way we share information with each other.

Bitcoin takes tatiana moroz bitcoin values control away from exploitative entities and puts it directly in your hands.

Just as Bitcoin cuts out the middleman or a central corporate authority, I want my art to do the same—to enable a direct, unmediated connection with my fans. This is why I have introduced Tatiana Coin, the first digital currency created by an artist for her fan community. As an artist, I want to have a stronger relationship with my fans. Tatiana Coin enables this. It gives my fans a gateway to the Tatiana site to directly communicate with me.

Even more, fans can interact with each other in a whole new way, strengthening a sense of community. Tatiana Coins can also be redeemed for the streaming of music, for access to exclusive fan content and merchandise, for advanced ticket sales, and with more features coming in the near future.

By purchasing Tatiana Coins, tatiana moroz bitcoin values fans can help fund my current music and advocacy tour as well as finance a global launch of my new album Keep the Faith.

Through my music, I want to advocate for a world that understands the value of decentralized authority, to usher in the conclusion of a wasteful war on drugs, and to push for an tatiana moroz bitcoin values of a corrupt prison-industrial complex that has destroyed so many people and their families—a system that has, to a large extent, destroyed the life of my friend Ross Ulbricht and his family.

Ross was wrongly convicted and unfairly punished for allegedly committing nonviolent crimes for more information on his case, please watch The Deep Web by Alex Winter. I stand with Ross, and I am lucky to have Ross stand with me; the beautiful album cover for my album Keep The Faith was originally drawn by him as a birthday present to me, and I tatiana moroz bitcoin values now really excited to be able to use it as my album cover.

I invite you to join my campaign to finance the launch of Keep The Faith and for a global tour that spreads the message of freedom, liberty, voluntary interaction, equal access, and love through technology, education, and the innovative use of the blockchain. By funding my music with Tatiana Coin, you will be joining a new movement that tatiana moroz bitcoin values passionate fans to directly support artists in a tatiana moroz bitcoin values, fun, impactful, and engaging way.

Details about how you can get involved are below. With your help, we can embark together on a journey of artistic empowerment, promote peace, freedom, and justice, and create a wonderful community in the process.

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The Tatiana Moroz Show! Published on May 1st, by TatianaMoroz. Episodes of the Tatiana Moroz Show! Published on April 19th, by TatianaMoroz.

Published on April 12th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on April 9th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on April 5th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on April 3rd, by TatianaMoroz.

Published on March 20th, by TatianaMoroz. General , Episodes of the Tatiana Moroz Show! Published on February 23rd, by TatianaMoroz. Published on January 25th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on November 3rd, by TatianaMoroz. Published on October 31st, by TatianaMoroz. Published on September 13th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on August 18th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on July 26th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on July 14th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on July 12th, by TatianaMoroz.

Published on July 3rd, by TatianaMoroz. Published on June 30th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on June 14th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on May 24th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on May 11th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on May 8th, by TatianaMoroz.

Published on May 4th, by TatianaMoroz. Published on May 2nd, by TatianaMoroz.