Bitcoin: More electricity consumption than the entire planet?

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An article on Vice Motherboard came out today about Bitcoin carnivores. Below is my uncut email interview, which goes much more in depth.

InI learned about ketogenic diets because of a short lecture video by Zooko Wilcox. I read everything on these sites. I was introduced to Bitcoin in by a friend who coincidentally had been introduced to it in by Ross Ulbricht, the creator of the Silk Roadand I became obsessed with Bitcoin and crypto-anarchy after hearing a talk by Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed at a Libertarian Longhorns meeting at the University of Texas in October I have since founded the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute to curate literature on the history of crypto-anarchy, as well as economic analysis of Bitcoin.

I eat only from the animal kingdom, and mostly fat. Plant foods are not only not necessary no carbohydrates arebut they should not be assumed beneficial either. Georgia Ede has a very good article on vice bitcoin energy here. What do you see as being the connection between Bitcoin and a meat-only diet? What attracts the same people to both? The connection is intuitively obvious. Bitcoin is a revolt against fiat money, and an all-meat diet is a revolt against fiat food. In Nutrition and Physical Degenerationhe traveled the world and observed the horrific effects that modern diets had on people, ranging from the Swiss valley to the Arctic to Africa to New Zealand.

No traditional culture vice bitcoin energy a vegetarian diet, and vice bitcoin energy healthiest he saw were the all-meat cultures such as the Inuit and Masai. Sugar consumption has increased in the US from 2lbs per capita per annum to lbs. Two pounds of sugar over a year is equivalent to a can of Coca-Cola every two weeks.

The consumption of vegetable oils, a modern industrial concoction, has increased tremendously, too. Both especially in the past few decades as the US government has taken a more active role in manufacturing dietary guidelines. The 20th century was disastrous for human health and wealth, and the rise of central banking and industrial food was clearly a major reason why. There seems to be a libertarian-carnivore-bitcoin trifecta at play.

If you agree, what do you see as being the connection? Vice bitcoin energy as eating cows is our way of reviving the spirit of mammoth hunting, using Bitcoin revives the spirit of Rai stones. I think our ancestors would be amazed by the power we can leverage from having sound money that takes on all of qualities their primitive currencies desired. Bitcoin is far scarcer than anything they could have imagined.

There is currently a massive strain on vice bitcoin energy economy because of healthcare costs, much of which could be avoided if people were not consuming the foods that make them sick. The anecdotal results of all-meat diets are so astounding that scientists will no longer be able to ignore it.

Eating vice bitcoin energy meat should become standard treatment for many metabolic and autoimmune disorders, so called diseases of civilization. Many organizations say that downgrading our reliance on eating vice bitcoin energy is a way to improve our climate in the future. So, some people seem to be saying that plants, not meat, is the future. Do you buy that? And is this idea at odds with what Bitcoin carnivory espouses?

On the vice bitcoin energy hand, grazing livestock revitalize ecosystems. Through increased holistically managed animal agriculture, we can restore the environment by recreating the role of large megafauna that once roamed the earth in incredible quantities.

Why continue destroying the environment for food vice bitcoin energy makes people sick, when we can restore the environment by producing food that makes people thrive? Bitcoin mining will also incentivize an energy arms race, which will result in magnificent innovation in energy production, through nuclear power and other clean energies.

Bitcoin miners do not want a single joule to go to waste. If you care about the environment, you should be a Bitcoin carnivore. See vice bitcoin energy Twitter thread here. For more resources on carnivory, visit my site Just Meat. Traditional Urbanism and Modern Dis-Urbanism. How did you get into Vice bitcoin energy carnivory? Only meat, for every meal? If Bitcoin is the money of the future, is carnivory the diet of the future?

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