Building the world trade center deaths by floor
The World Trade Center was originally planned to be built on the east side of Lower Manhattan, but the New Jersey and New York state governments, which oversee the Port Authority, could not agree on this location. The Port Authority hired architect Minoru Yamasakiwho came up with the specific idea for twin towers.
The towers were designed as framed tube structureswhich provided tenants with open floor plans, uninterrupted by columns or walls. This was accomplished using numerous closely spaced perimeter columns to provide much of the strength to the structure, along with gravity load shared with the core columns.
The elevator system, which made use of sky lobbies and a system of express and local elevators, allowed substantial floor space to be freed up for use as office space by making the structural core smaller. The design and construction of the World Trade Center, most centrally its twin towers, involved many other innovative techniques, such as the slurry wall for digging the foundationand wind tunnel experiments.
Extensive use of prefabricated components helped to speed up the construction process. Four other low-level buildings were constructed as part of the World Trade Center in the early s, and the complex was mostly complete by A seventh building, 7 World Trade Centerwas opened in InAustin J. Tobin became the Executive Director of the Port Authoritybeginning a year career during which he oversaw the planning and development of the World Trade Center.
Ina year after the war formally ended, the New York State Legislature passed a bill that called for a "world trade center" to be established. This trade center would increase New York City's role in transatlantic trade. Dewey to develop plans for the project. Meanwhile, the Financial District of Lower Manhattan was left out of the economic boom of financial industries there. The writer Paul Goldberger states that the Financial District, in particular, was devoid of "almost any kind of urban amenity", including entertainment, cultural hubs, or housing.
David Rockefeller suggested that the Port Authority would be a logical choice for taking on the project [14] because it had experience with similar large engineering projects, and also because the Port Authority, rather than Rockefeller, would be paying for the complex's construction. Tobin remarked that the proposed project should be the World Trade Center, and not just a generic "world trade center".
The report recommended building a building the world trade center deaths by floor center along the waterfront to facilitate commerce within the Port of New York. The States of New York and New Jersey also needed to approve the project, given their control and oversight role of the Port Authority. Even though Nelson Rockefeller had been warned of the hastiness of the deal, owing to the fact that it highlighted the price disparity between the two agreements, the New York state legislature approved the bill anyway.
After taking a walk around the Radio Row neighborhood, Schachter concluded that the site could be used for the World Trade Center. This would carry multiple benefits: The new location not only was closer to New Jersey, but also was able to utilize the unused air rights above the Hudson Terminal: Tozzoli to lead the new office. The new site constituted a mostly trapezoidal plot of land, with an extension on the north that resembled a "cork".
This would become the site building the world trade center deaths by floor 7 World Trade Centeralthough that building was not added until much later. The two blocks to the west and east of the "cork" were occupied by the New York Telephone Company Building and the Federal Building, respectively.
The site for the World Trade Center was the location of Radio Row, which was home to commercial or industrial tenants, over one thousand offices, many small businesses, and approximately residents. Small Businessman" in a mock funeral.
The Port Authority opened an office to assist tenants with relocation; although this offer was accepted by some tenants, it was protested by others.
Nadel believed that this would allow the Port Authority to convince individual tenants to move out, thus causing an exodus of merchants from the area.
However, when the meeting did occur in mid-JuneNadel immediately rejected Tobin's proposal to give him a storefront space in the World Trade Center. The dispute with local business owners went through the court system to the Building the world trade center deaths by floor York State Court of Appeals.
Although several lower courts refused to hear the merchants' cases, they also ruled that the World Trade Center did not serve a "public purpose" and that the building the world trade center deaths by floor had cause harm to Radio Row merchants, contrary to what Tobin had claimed. However, in public, he acted as though the judges had already ruled in his favor on the constitutional question. Under the state law, the Port Authority was required to assist business owners in relocating, something it had been doing since First, the agency approached the United States Customs Service because the Customs Service had been dissatisfied with its current headquarters, the Alexander Hamilton U.
Custom House on the tip of Lower Manhattan. The Port Authority then solicited the New York state government, since there were too few private companies willing to move to the World Trade Center.
After considering these facts, Tobin and Tozzoli determined that the only way to make the World Trade Center appealing to private entities was to make the trade center the world's largest. Fearing controversy, Tobin kept this plan secret from the public. Tozzoli dismissed the three planners who had worked on the original World Trade Center study, due to their lack of creative designs for the World Trade Center complex. Tozzoli had a general idea of what should be in the trade center, but had not yet devised the specific details of the design.
Yamasaki remarked that the "obvious alternative, a group of several large buildings, would have looked like a housing project. At the time, it was not considered economical to build an office building with more than 80 floors. Another major limiting factor in the buildings' designs was elevators. As the building got taller, more elevators were needed to service the building, which required more elevator banks that in turn took up space.
Thus, the local elevators can be stacked within the same elevator shaft. Yamasaki's final design for the World Trade Center was unveiled to the public on January 18,with an eight-foot model. The plaza building the world trade center deaths by floor modelled after Meccaincorporating features such as a vast delineated square, a fountainand a radial circular pattern.
Yamasaki described the plaza as "a mecca, a great relief from the narrow streets and sidewalks of the Wall Street area. The World Trade Center design brought criticism of its aesthetics from the American Institute of Architects and other groups.
Monti, the Port Authority's Chief Engineer, oversaw the project. As an interstate agency, the Port Authority was not subject to local laws and regulations of the City of New York, including building codes.
Nonetheless, the Port Authority required architects and structural engineers to follow the New York City building codes. At the time when the World Trade Center was planned, new building codes were being devised to replace the version that was still in place. The structural engineers ended up following draft versions of the new building codes, which incorporated "advanced techniques" in building design. The World Trade Center towers included many structural engineering innovations in skyscraper design and constructionwhich allowed the buildings to reach new heights and become the tallest in the world.
Traditionally, skyscrapers used a skeleton of columns distributed throughout the interior to support building loads, with interior columns disrupting the floor space. The buildings used high-strength, load-bearing perimeter steel building the world trade center deaths by floor called Vierendeel trusses.
Although the columns themselves were lightweight, they were spaced closely together, forming a strong, rigid wall structure. The perimeter columns were designed to provide support for virtually all lateral loads such as wind loads and to share the gravity loads with the core columns.
The perimeter structure was constructed with extensive use of prefabricated modular pieces, which consisted of three columns, three stories tall, connected by spandrel plates. The spandrel plates were welded to the columns to create the modular pieces off-site at the fabrication shop.
The spandrel plates were located at each floor, transmitting shear stress between columns, allowing them to work together in resisting lateral loads. The joints between modules were staggered vertically, so the column splices between adjacent modules were not at the same floor. The building's core housed the elevator and utility shafts, restrooms, three stairwells, and other support spaces. The North Tower's structural core was oriented with the long axis east to west, while the South Tower's was oriented north to south.
All elevators were located in the core. Each building had three stairwells, also in the core, except on the mechanical floors where the two outside stairwells temporarily left the core in order to avoid the express elevator machine rooms, and then rejoined the core by means of a transfer corridor. The large, column-free space between the perimeter and core was bridged by prefabricated floor trusses. The floors supported their own weight, as well as live loadsprovided lateral stability to the exterior walls, and distributed wind loads among the exterior walls.
The top chords of the trusses were bolted to seats welded to the spandrels on the exterior side and a channel welded to the core columns on the interior side. The floors were connected to the perimeter spandrel plates with viscoelastic dampers, which helped reduce the amount of sway felt by building occupants.
Hat trusses or "outrigger truss" located from the th floor to the top of the buildings were designed to support a tall communication antenna on top of each building.
This truss system allowed some load redistribution between the perimeter and core columns and supported the transmission tower. The tube frame design using steel core and perimeter columns protected with sprayed-on fire resistant material created a relatively lightweight structure that would sway more in response to the wind, compared to traditional structures such as the Empire State Building that have thick, heavy masonry for fireproofing of steel structural elements.
Building the world trade center deaths by floor were recruited for "free eye exams," while the real purpose of the experiment was to subject them to simulated building sway and find out how much they could comfortably tolerate.
Davenport to develop viscoelastic dampers to absorb some of the sway. These viscoelastic dampers, used throughout the structures at the joints between floor trusses and perimeter columns, along with some other structural modifications reduced the building sway to an acceptable level.
The structural engineers on the project also considered the possibility that an aircraft could crash into the building. In Julya B bomber that was lost in the fog had crashed into the 78th and 79th floors of the Empire State Building. A year later, another airplane crashed into the 40 Wall Street building, and there was another close call at the Empire State Building. Sprayed-fire resistant materials SFRMs were used to protect some structural steel elements in the towers, including all floor trusses and beams.
Gypsum wallboard in combination with SFRMs, or in some cases gypsum wallboard alone, was used to building the world trade center deaths by floor core columns. Vermiculite plaster was used on the interior-side and SFRMs on the other three sides of the perimeter columns for fire protection. More fireproofing was added after a fire in February that spread to building the world trade center deaths by floor floors before being extinguished.
The Port Authority was in the process of replacing it, but replacement had been completed on only 18 floors in the North Tower, including all the floors affected by the aircraft impact and fires on September 11, [] and on 13 floors in the South Tower, although only three of these floors building the world trade center deaths by floor, 78, and 85 were directly affected by the aircraft impact. The New York City building the world trade center deaths by floor codes did not require sprinklers for high-rise buildings, except for underground spaces.
In accordance with building codes, sprinklers were originally installed only in the underground parking structures of the World Trade Center. Bybuilding the world trade center deaths by floor all of the South Tower and 85 percent of the North Tower had sprinklers installed [] and the entire complex was retrofitted by Even once the agreement between the states of New Jersey, New Building the world trade center deaths by floor, and the Port Authority had been finalized inthe World Trade Center plan faced continued controversy.
Byby which time the intended scale of the scheme had been made public with plans for twin story towers, private real estate developers and members of the Real Estate Board of New York also expressed concerns about the World Building the world trade center deaths by floor Center's much-"subsidized" office space going on the open market, competing with the many vacancies in the private sector.
The city and developers used a myriad of arguments to stall construction for two years. Wagner's successor, John Lindsayand the New York City Council raised concerns about the limited extent that the Port Authority involved the city in the negotiations and deliberations. Negotiations between the New York City government and building the world trade center deaths by floor Port Authority were centered on tax issues: This dispute went on for two years, during which time the projected price of the World Trade Center increased sharply.
By Julyneither the city or the Port Authority were able to come to an agreement.
New Yorkers reflect on what the symbol of the Twin Towers meant to them and to the world. Completed inthe towers stood at stories each, accommodating 50, workers anddaily visitors in 10 million square feet of space.
On September 11,the World Trade Center became the target of a massive terrorist attack that took the lives of nearly 3, people.
The disaster also radically altered the skyline of New York City, destroying the twin columns of glass and steel that over the years had come to embody the city itself. Aldrich, headed a new building the world trade center deaths by floor agency whose proposed goal was a permanent trade exposition based in New York.
Market research indicated that the city would benefit more by modernizing its ports, however, and the plan was soon scrapped. The grandson of Standard Oil founder John D. RockefellerDavid decided to revive the World Trade Center concept as the core of a revitalized lower Manhattan. For the resources and power to make the project work, Rockefeller turned to the Port of New York Authority.
The Port Authority had been chartered in by New York and New Jersey to build and operate all transportation terminals and facilities within a mile radius of the Statue of Liberty. After a bitter legal battle with representatives of the Radio Row merchants, the Port Authority won the right to continue its plan.
Instead of the traditional stacked glass-and-steel box construction of many New York skyscrapers, Yamasaki worked with structural engineers to come up with a revolutionary design: Floor trusses connected this exterior steel lattice to the central steel core of the building.
Wien even ran an ad in The New York Times in May predicting that a commercial airliner was likely to fly into the towers. Plans had already been made to guard against such an accident—which had happened in July with a smaller plane at the Empire State—and the towers were designed to be safe in a collision with a fully loaded plane the largest existing plane at the time.
It was assumed such a plane would have to be lost in fog for such an event to occur; a terrorist attack was building the world trade center deaths by floor envisioned. Because the ground in lower Manhattan was largely landfill, engineers would have to dig down 70 feet to reach bedrock.
Excavating machines dug a three-foot-wide trench down to the bedrock, and building the world trade center deaths by floor dirt and rock were removed, they were replaced by slurry: Workers then lowered a ton, seven-story-high steel cage into the trench and filled it with concrete by using a long pipe.
As the concrete flowed in, it displaced the bentonite slurry. By making more than of these slurry trench segments, workers enclosed an area two blocks wide and four blocks long. All in all, 1 million cubic yards of landfill had to be removed. At the end of construction, these cranes had to be disassembled and brought down by building the world trade center deaths by floor.
When the towers were finished, each one would have 97 passenger elevators, capable of carrying loads of up to 10, pounds at speeds of up to 1, feet per minute. In all, the towers were assembled from more thanbuilding the world trade center deaths by floor of steel manufactured around the country, 3, miles of electrical wiring,cubic yards of concrete, 40, doors, 43, windows and six acres of marble. Construction went on until Aprilwhen the five-acre outdoor plaza, dominated by a foot-tall bronze sculpture by Fritz Koenig, was completed.
Still, the towers held an incomparable mystique. They inspired incredible stunts, beginning in Augustwhen Philippe Petit walked a high wire between the two towers. The Port Authority loved these stunts because they endeared the towers to the public and made them seem like giant toys.
They worked at turning the towers into an attraction, adding the Windows on the World restaurant, which opened on the th floor of the north tower in April and was an immediate hit. Smaller importers-exporters were now being pushed out by rising rents, making way for major businesses.
Six Islamic extremists were tried and convicted in connection with the plot. The towers reopened 20 days after the bombing with new security measures in place, including restrictions to parking lot access and electronic identification badges for building tenants. In Julyjust two months before the terrorist attacks of September 11, the Port Authority agreed building the world trade center deaths by floor lease the twin towers to Larry Silverstein, a New York City developer. At the time, over 99 percent of the The first plane ripped a hole in the north tower from the 94th to the 98th floors, causing massive structural damage and igniting some 3, of the 10, gallons of jet fuel the plane was carrying.
The second plane hit the south tower at an even faster speed, striking the corner and gashing the building from the 84th to the 78th floors. The damage done at each point of impact forced the physical weight of the towers to be redistributed, and the undamaged part below the hole had to support the floors above. At the same time, the fires raging in both buildings weakened the steel trusses holding up each floor.
With damage to a greater number of floors lower down on the building, the south tower gave way first, crumbling to the ground at 9: The north tower collapsed less than a half hour later, at Debris from the falling towers ignited fires in the remaining buildings of the trade center complex, including 7 World Trade, which burned for most of the day before collapsing at 5: Start your free trial today.
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Contents World Trade Center: World Trade Center Author History. Fifteen Septembers Later 3min. Feats of Engineering at the World Trade Center Because the ground in lower Manhattan was largely landfill, engineers would have to dig down 70 feet to reach bedrock. We know you love history. Sign up for more! Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. You can opt out at any time. Oops, there's a problem. You have already subscribed to this list.
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