Lego mindstorms chess playing robot
This project has been realized in Damascus University, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering as a 4th year project. Three motors are used for the movement; the first one for the movement on the X axis, the second one for the movement on the Y axis and the third one for picking up and putting down pieces. The opponent movements are captured by a mobile camera fixed on top of the board, the images are analyzed to detect the moving piece, which will be fed to the chess engine that will give the new action which will be send to the NXT by Bluetooth.
The mechanical movement program is written in RobotC. The chess engine is an ope n source Java library CuckooChess 1. The mechanical design will be available soon for everyone. The project is implemented by: For more information, please send us an Email: Lego Mindstorms NXT 2. Comments to the video: SM Kadri 1 month ago. Maria Bustamante 1 month ago. Darrous Hadi 1 month ago.
NUKE 1 month ago. KubRubTV Kubik 2 months ago. Matvei Klimkiv 2 months ago. Techniq YT 2 months ago. PVT 5 months ago. The machine does not look what you've put. But a very nice lego mindstorms chess playing robot. Darrous Hadi 5 months ago.
HI, just for clarifying, there is a smartphone above, it takes pictures and send it to analyse on a laptop, after that, the chess engine on the laptop take the decision of the best movement and send it to the NXT.
And thank you for your complement on the construction, if you want to have the building instructions:. Monika Siegrist 6 months ago. The Rust Admin 7 months ago. Amiay Narayan 7 months ago. I am a sophomore from IIT Bhilai. I am also planning to make a similar kind of project. So I wanted to talk to you regarding this. It would be so nice of you. Darrous Hadi 7 months ago. Techno Spyform1 7 months ago. JickVlogs 8 months ago. RubenDeGamer 9 months ago. Julia Amber Fernandez 9 months ago.
Krystian Serafin 9 months ago. Yuri Geelen 10 months ago. NeilOnFluff 10 months ago. Franciszek Huzior 1 year ago. Miguel angel arcila 23 1 year ago.
Emil Lerner 1 year ago. No to hate, but your king and queen is on the wrong side for lego mindstorms chess playing robot black and white. Lego Master Boss 1 year ago. Enej vato 1 year ago. Boommob 1 year ago. Michael VPS 1 year ago. I Drink Legos 1 year ago. Queens start on their own colors, not the kings.
Also, when castling you have to either move the king and the rook at the same time or move the king first. If you move the rook first it's counted as a rook move and not castling. That's how it is outside the USA. In America you're allowed to castle touching the king and rook at the same time. PwnUrBadCock 1 year ago. I Drink Legos you can't move 2 pieces at the same time. You move your king first and then rook. Jezriel Yap 1 year ago. Hi, this is great. Dong-Hyun Kim 8 months ago.
Darrous Hadi hi, could you please send me the instructions as well? My email is kimtony gmail. Thanks in an advance. Lego mindstorms chess playing robot Hadi 1 year ago. George George 1 year ago. Is it possible to have some plan, or building instructions to build it? I would lego mindstorms chess playing robot amaze to enjoy a game against my own Lego pieces. First Name Last Name 1 year ago. Since this is a robot, would it have a lego mindstorms chess playing robot significant chance of beating anyone?
Jignesh shah 1 year ago. Josef Rychtecky 1 year ago. The former king stretches and then to rock. Wim den Hertog 1 year ago.
M0gi 1 year ago. The King has to stand on e1 and the queen on d1. Correct me if I'm wrong! Naters CNF 1 year ago. Yussuf Gaming is MLG 1 year ago. Lucas Chang 1 year ago. Silphy 1 year ago. Jeb The Pleb 1 year ago. Cool Dude 1 year ago. Eduardo Estrada 1 year ago. Kadu 7 months ago. Kadu 8 months ago. In castling the king should be moved first THEN the rook just a technicality. But really cool creation nonetheless! Logan Willey 1 year ago. Logan Willey Depends on the situation.
In the professional setting it matters greatly, but to each its own. As long as the people who are playing lego mindstorms chess playing robot having fun, right? CerebrexMOS 88 1 year ago. Lego mindstorms chess playing robot 1 year ago. Eventually, it might lose, but that's improbable as it takes a long time and good strategy about as much as Charlie here to beat it. Anywho, I heard it detects if the player is cheating. My guess is the chess piece analysis is what make it all happen.
Anywho, despite being over a year old, that's a mighty lovely piece of work you got there. Maciej pmi 1 year ago. Konatta 1 year ago.
Cubing for life 1 year ago. Ramonack 1 year ago.
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