Primecoin pool mining ubuntu desktop
We would like to payout quicker. We may implement a payment inside of the mined blocks themselves, ala eligius for BTC. I prefer this method because your earnings actually show up as mined earnings.
However its somewhat complicated and could also add latency to the server end so we arent sure on it yet. By the way I hope you notice a nice bump in profitability with the new server! I think server performance is very underlooked despite having a huge impact. Could you implement a worker overview, or how can i see with how many workers i'm working on the same payout-address?
People often overlook that its not just client performance that matters but server as well. We put just as much effort into the server as we did the client. From this point of view I understand there is no source available.. Pool seems running well and intuition told me to redirect all miners there.
Until now beeeer was nice one no need for fancy pool webs , found them few blocks and got more back.. Ypool got faster miner but you still earn coins slower? I don't investigate too much but I'm positive to give this pool a big try..
I'm going to reiterate this because some people don't know: And ramp back down after you quit. I solo mined too so I understand coins needs in XPM case to mature over 1k confirmations or how it was ATM you seem to give most decent earnings as beeeer's miner could do 0. By solve a block, we mean mined it for payout. If it says "you solved the block" it means you personally found the chain that mined the block.
The 60 shares were awarded for the 10 chain, which happened to solve the block, it should be counted in the rewards for that block. We've changed the server code to make it as fast as possible delivering work, and I suppose there could be a bug attributing the shares to the wrong block now off by one error.
Your 60 shares will still count toward future blocks, but yes this sounds like a bug, and we will definitely have to fix it. And thanks for the report, this is the kinda thing we need to iron out before we can stop calling it a beta. We bumped into the default maximum number of file descriptors open and the server restarted when it encountered the problem, This has been fixed now.
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Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. This is an archived post. You won't be able to vote or comment. Want to add to the discussion? Some stats about blocks found by pool would be nice, is this on the TODO? These transactions are broadcast to the network and the miners collect them to include them in a block.
Since primecoin still has a really low amount of transactions and since your mining a reward transaction this will swing between 1 just your reward transaction and 2 someone just made a transfer. Since you have a fully fledged primecoin client on your system to be able to mine primecoind it will also generate new addresses on demand, and the balance will be credited to those addresses.
Primecoin defaults to the wallet in. You should be able to transfer funds from the primecoind wallet to another one easily enough. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.
Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Bitcoin Forum February 03, , Please login or register. Latest stable version of Bitcoin Core: October 22, , Windows, Linux Current stable release version 9. The solo-mining server code is at: The windows version crashes on shutdown, have not been able to fix this. If you have dynamic ip: Please try it out if you arent too discouraged already.
Was going to try to get 2. But not being a Linux expert I don't want to hose the system. We've put up a new version with different linking. Please try that out and see if it works for you.
Can I see somewhere how many chains and length I did with my worker? This information would be great for me. I've been running this since Tuesday this week and I have to say I'm impressed with the speed. My only suggestion would be better documentation on what arguments can be added via batch file for the windows client. Things like this could make it more inviting. Not everyone is an expert: Hey we restarted the server and crashed some clients at 2: Because of this we added a bonus for all miners on when it occured block If you wake up to a crashed client could you please let us know what operating system you are running?
I need the x86 build for workstations at work, they all run quad cores on XP, 32 bit: Using beeer miner now, its extgremely slow, 20 times slower than their x64 build. Running in bit mode a bit capable x86 processor has 16 scalar integer architecture registers with each bit wide. If you run that same processor in bit mode you're down to 8 register that are bit wide.
That's a quartering of data you can hold in your architectural registers. I'll look into making a bit version - no guarantees though. Its much harder then just setting some compiler flags. They have numerous stability fixes. Older clients have issues reconnecting if they lose their connection to the server. Primecoin is different from a lot of other coins. It requires confirmations before you can spend them after you have mined them.
Each confirmation takes about a minute. We would like to payout quicker. We may implement a payment inside of the mined blocks themselves, ala eligius for BTC. I prefer this method because your earnings actually show up as mined earnings.
However its somewhat complicated and could also add latency to the server end so we arent sure on it yet. By the way I hope you notice a nice bump in profitability with the new server! I think server performance is very underlooked despite having a huge impact.
Could you implement a worker overview, or how can i see with how many workers i'm working on the same payout-address? People often overlook that its not just client performance that matters but server as well. We put just as much effort into the server as we did the client. From this point of view I understand there is no source available..
Pool seems running well and intuition told me to redirect all miners there. Until now beeeer was nice one no need for fancy pool webs , found them few blocks and got more back.. Ypool got faster miner but you still earn coins slower? I don't investigate too much but I'm positive to give this pool a big try.. I'm going to reiterate this because some people don't know: And ramp back down after you quit.
I solo mined too so I understand coins needs in XPM case to mature over 1k confirmations or how it was ATM you seem to give most decent earnings as beeeer's miner could do 0. By solve a block, we mean mined it for payout. If it says "you solved the block" it means you personally found the chain that mined the block. The 60 shares were awarded for the 10 chain, which happened to solve the block, it should be counted in the rewards for that block.
We've changed the server code to make it as fast as possible delivering work, and I suppose there could be a bug attributing the shares to the wrong block now off by one error.
Your 60 shares will still count toward future blocks, but yes this sounds like a bug, and we will definitely have to fix it. And thanks for the report, this is the kinda thing we need to iron out before we can stop calling it a beta. We bumped into the default maximum number of file descriptors open and the server restarted when it encountered the problem, This has been fixed now.