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Dispatched from the UK in 10 business days When will my order arrive? Home Contact Us Help Free delivery worldwide. Equity Markets in Action: Description This book takes an in depth look at the nature of market making and exchanges. From theory to practicalities, this is a comprehensive, up to date handbook and reference on how markets work and the nuances of trading.
It includes a CD with an interactive trading simulation. People who bought this also bought. Dark Pools Scott Patterson. Trading and Exchanges Larry Harris. The Barefoot Investor Scott Pape.
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Trend Following Michael W. Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns Thomas N. One Good Trade Mike Bellafiore. Quantitative Trading Ernie Chan. Following the Trend Andreas F. Naked Forex Walter Peters. Stock Market Wizards Jack D. Table of contents Preface. Role of an Equity Market. From Information to Prices. The Evolving Scene in the US. The Evolving Scene in Europe. Dimensions of Informational Efficiency. The Concept of Self-Regulation. Review Text " Equity Markets in Action should be required reading for all aspiring traders and equity money managers.
The computer simulation model should further enlighten the reader. Stern School of Business. Earlier in his career, in , Francioni was named to the executive board of Deutsche Borse AG, where he was responsible for its entire cash market division.
In , he became Deputy Chief Executive Officer. He has held management positions in the securities exchange, corporate finance, and banking industry. Flap copy Reading all about market structure, trade clearance and settlement, and other foundational elements of today's markets gives exactly the in-depth knowledge-on electronic trading, the role of market makers, the impact of economic forces, and other behind-the-scenes aspects of market architecture-that is essential if one is to operate successfully in today's highly dynamic trading environment.
Equity Markets in Action is a comprehensive and thoroughly up-to-date course on how markets work, what really drives the movements of the market, and the nuances of trading. Written by two of today's most globally recognized and respected market authorities, this hands-on exploration of the modern trading environment examines: How exchanges function as market centers, and how their efficiency-or lack thereof-drives a market's quality and valueArchitecture of different markets, with particular focus on U.
Simulations provide hands-on practice in making split-second tactical trading decisions. Equity Markets in Action is a detailed look at the foundations of today's markets, and will provide all traders-whether professional or independent-with new insights and answers into the dynamics of the marketplace. This important book includes a comprehensive and readable account of the sources of liquidity and illiquidity.
All in all, this is a very appealing book. I highly recommend it as a valuable source and aid to understanding the dynamics of securities markets. Both newcomers to the subject and longtime professionals will find it a very enlightening read. Robert Schwartz and Reto Francioni masterfully succeed in presenting both modern theoretical and practical aspects of the transformation in one book. I am sure that this book will find a lot of enthusiastic readers!
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