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Passengers are allowed to check in their luggage according to the stipulations of the class of ticket they purchased from their respective airline company. They are also allowed to take with them some small, lightweight objects, with determined dimensions, into the airplane cabin. These objects are qualified as hand luggage. Hand luggage consists of two pieces: The carry-on luggage has to fit into the device for hand luggage allowance , situated next to the check-in desks. Please make sure that it does not exceed the following measurements: The check in of the rest of your luggage will make it on the counter assigned to the airline at the airport for the purpose, where you will be given your boarding pass and baggage check.
In accordance with the safety regulations, passengers may pass the filters or security checkpoints, before they access to the restricted safety areas of the airport, as boarding gates and passenger-only zones.
These security checkpoints consist of metal-detector arches for the passengers and X-ray detectors for their luggage. Passengers are forbidden from taking articles to the security restricted area , or to the cabin of the aircraft, which constitute a risk for the health of other passengers, the crew and the safety of the aircraft and the cargo.
Otherwise, the security staff can requisition. Security staff may also deny access to the boarding area and the aeroplane cabin to any passenger in possession of an object which, even if not considered forbidden, arouses their suspicions. Do never check in or transport any luggage from unknown persons for your own safety and for the safety of other passengers.
There is no a specify or definitive list of dangerous objects due of its ambiguity rods, tripods, sports accessories The final decision rests with the security staff. If you have doubts about some object, please access the security control with enough time in advance.
Remember that if your airline accept some ambiguous items as hand luggage, maybe they not be admitted into the boarding area at later security controls.
In , the European Union established a series of restrictions concerning transport of liquids and gels on board of aircrafts. These restrictions apply to all passengers, departing from airports of the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland - independent of their countries of destination. The limitations refer to the quantity of liquids or products of a similar consistency, passengers are allowed to transport in their hand luggage. These limitations apply only to products, the passengers bring with them.
If you buy these products in sealed bags, please don't open them until you finished your journey. If you are planning to continue your journey from another airport of the European Union, don't open the sealed bag until you have left the last airport, member of the EU. These security measurements only affect the luggage you carry with you inside the aircraft or in your hand luggage.
All previously mentioned articles can be transported in your checked luggage. The following articles may neither be transported in your hand luggage, nor stored in the luggage department:. Security authorities may deny the transport of any hold luggage, containing an article arousing their suspicion, even if it is not listed. If you have to travel with solid medication we recommend to take it in your hand luggage.
You should accompany your medication with a corresponding receipt, a medical prescription or a specified statement about the passenger's health condition, in case the security staff so requires. Even if the regulations for liquids do not apply in this case, all liquid medication should be demonstrated to the security staff, apart from the transparent plastic bag, used for the transport of other liquids.
In case that you need to transport other types of medical devices such as syringes for diabetics, measurement devices, etc. In case that you intend to transport firearms, you should contact the Department of Central Inspection for Arms and Explosives at the airport, in order to receive the corresponding authorization.
All kind of firearms should be wrapped in an appropriate case. Telephon weapons and explosives Inspection: Terminal T1 floor 3, check in hall. Terminal T2B floor 0, Arrivals hall. Security forces at the airport: Guardia Civil and Police, see complementary passengers services. The liquids must be transported in individual containers with a capacity of less than ml.
These containers must be carried in a resealable, transparent plastic bag for its easy inspection , with a capacity of not more than 1 litre. Maximum one bag per passenger. You can buy these products in the shopping area , located beyond the security checkpoint, or within the aircraft.
Check with the shop staff about how to transport. If you do not have these bags and containers upon arrival at the airport, you can purchase in the public area of the terminal T1 floor 3, or T2B floor 0.
Airlines List of airlines Check-in Check-in Check-in flight-cruise.