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You freeze, a drip of gravy plopping off the ladle. First, you know that the state of crypto is very, very good. This has been a banner year for cryptocurrencies.
Check out these graphs:. Interestingly, as the price has risen and the fluctuations have become more manageable, talk of crypto investing has died down. There are many reasons, but the primary one is that the crypto world loves to keep quiet and take profits on the sly. Ethereum, on the other hand, will be the utility. The price should rise until after January but will probably fall drastically once the first of the poorly-orchestrated ICOs fail.
This will happen in the first and second quarters. How do you pick a good token sale? Your best bet is to buy Ether on a dip and avoid the weirder token solutions that come over the pike. Tokens are, in my my opinion, the future.
Just not in their current form. Is your aunt still hounding you for advice? If she owns she should hold. Let her watch it move and begin to acclimate herself to the news cycle and, more importantly, the hype cycle.
Cryptocurrencies are entering the mainstream. There are a few problems with its current popularity, the primary one being that people are entering the market without understanding it.
This is fine — this has been practiced for decades on the NASDAQ with untrained traders making gut-based guesses on complex companies — but in crypto the technology is wedded to the price and misunderstanding the news coming out of services like CoinDesk can get you into a lot of trouble.
To a degree the crypto loyalists love the fact that their world is inscrutable. To another degree this makes for some nail-biting times. Tell your family that cryptocurrency will eventually replace the way we send money from computer to computer. Tell them that there are a lot of smart people doing a lot of cool stuff that was impossible even a few years ago.
Check out these graphs: Welcome to Bitcoin, newcomers! Who should I trust? When should I sell? What have I gotten myself into? How do I learn more?