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Click here if you accept the disclaimer below and wish to go to the Naked trader site. My name is Robbie Burns and I have been a successful trader for more than ten years. I've also bitcoin 30m charter the book "The Naked Trader" which turned into a best seller. The first edition was published inthe second edition in late and the third edition in This website was created after I left my full-time job as a finance editor for BskyB to trade full-time.

I had been writing an diary page for its teletext service since and decided as I was leaving to transfer that to the internet. This page really is what you would call a "disclaimer" page and you should read it carefully before entering the site - by pressing the "I Accept" button.

The website is simply a "diary" of my life, or what you would now bitcoin 30m charter a "blog". I detail what I've bought, sold or shorted and briefly why. I use various spreadbetting companies and stockbrokers to carry out the trades. I ignore commission but also dividends and I reckon the two balance each other up. So you should be aware this is not a "tipping" site and I do bitcoin 30m charter consider myself, nor do I want to be, a "tipster".

In other words tipsters will urge you to "buy" something - and they generally are regulated to do so by bitcoin 30m charter FSA. I simply state I have already bought or sold something personally. Because of that I am not "regulated" - so I am not an bitcoin 30m charter "tipster". I am simply a trader who states his positions. That is quite a big difference. I am not allowed bitcoin 30m charter give what is called "Individual investment advice".

What that also means is if you e-mail me and ask me anything along the lines of "Should I buy or sell this share?

For website purposes my buys will often be to smaller stakes than in reality. So although my buys are real bitcoin 30m charter, as are the prices, I can and often do buy much bigger stakes in the shares. My reasoning for this is I simply do not want to encourage people to blindly follow me into something when they do not understand the potential risk.

It's ok for me because I can afford to lose money I put into the market. It may not be the case for you. I am generally a medium term investor holding my shares usually between 1 week and on occasions up bitcoin 30m charter 3 years. Average holding time is probably about 3 months. Quite often, as I play momentum, a share I have bought may already be much higher than when I bought it, especially as I do not update every day.

If you follow me blindly you may be buying at a much higher price and you may end up selling at a much lower one. If you follow me into something and lose money, you only have yourself to blame and not me. You should learn about markets and understand what you are doing bitcoin 30m charter entering bitcoin 30m charter. The most risky way of trading of all is spreadbetting, which I do quite a bit. You bitcoin 30m charter carefully read all the warnings that the spread betting firms issue together with all the warnings in my books.

And never, ever, play with money you cannot afford bitcoin 30m charter lose. The aim of this site is to entertain, and perhaps stimulate debate, and that is the condition of entry!

I really bitcoin 30m charter you enjoy reading about my triumphs and mistakes, but please, just watch and enjoy my triumphs and learn from my mistakes. Consider this site as entertainment. If this is your first visit to the Nakedtrader website site, I thank you for visiting me, and hope you will find this site useful.

After reading and agreeing to the disclaimer, click the "I accept" button below. Please remember, I cannot give any specific advice, as to whether you should buy, hold or sell any individual share. Naked Trader information is given in general terms only and does not constitute personal advice to any individual. Investors are responsible for formulating and applying their own strategies based on their own personal circumstances.

Naked Trader recommends bitcoin 30m charter you obtain independent financial advice from an FSA-authorised intermediary before investing money. Information bitcoin 30m charter in previous editions of Naked Trader daily updates may become outdated and should not bitcoin 30m charter relied upon unless confirmed by recent comment. Naked Trader takes every care to ensure that the factual information on its website is accurate but cannot guarantee this.

My email address is robbiethetrader aol. Click here if you accept this disclaimer and wish to proceed to the Naked trader site. Click here if you accept the disclaimer below and wish to go to the Naked trader site Hallo and welcome to the Naked Trader Website.

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