Ethereum Competitors: Guide to the Alternative Smart Contract Platforms

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Anyone keeping up with financial news today is surely inundated with stories ethereum logo contestants Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. While most of the news is about the potentially inflated value of some of these coins, and how drastically they have changed in price in just a decade, there are other interesting things going on behind the scenes. For example, the currency Ethereum allows for a distributed programming platform of sorts to be implemented in the blockchain, which [GusGorman] has taken advantage of in his latest project YouTube link, embedded below.

The device that he built is based on an ESP which connects to a router running an instance of a Go Ethereum node. While this might be ethereum logo contestants misleading name, a smart contract is basically an autonomous program that can do virtually anything a programmer writes into it. Ethereum blockchain allows to post little programs called contracts on the distributed storage and then execute them via calling functions on them. What he did, he wrote a contract that turns an LED on and deployed it on Ethereum network.

His contraption monitors the blockchain and changes the state of the LED based on the state of the contract. Anyone in the world in theory could access ethereum logo contestants contract and tell it to turn lights on, which within 15 seconds is reflected on the LED. Ethereum logo contestants for uses of this particular contract — there are none. Distributed programs aka malware?

Yep, but this is a case of malware which needs to burn [some currency] to operate. So to switch this diode on and off, you must pay some amount to do it. I you know enough programming, you can connect anything with anything, so that when you open your fridge door, you can send ethereum logo contestants to release a pidgeon which upon going home will send sms message delivered to twillio that will notify your home server through rest service, which will open your window by ethereum logo contestants some udp packet to esp32 which will send CAN message to your smart servo controlling a servo.

Totally yes, but impressive? Ethereum logo contestants like any other Rube Goldberg machine, stops being amusing after a while. A power meter for community grids that makes sure the power consumed has been paid for. How is this not useful? I mean if you consider IOT in general useful, this could be useful as well. This video uses something called a Proof of Authority network Rinkebyno mining involved.

It is a test network, meaning the ether has no monetary value unlike the public mainnet where miners mine and investors invest and ethereum logo contestants Proof of Work. They are dealing with the energy grid and are also a Hackaday prize contestant https: It seems to ethereum logo contestants to produce schadenfreude.

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VariabL leverages blockchain technology to offer trustless, secure and efficient financial derivatives. We use trustless smart contracts to match traders, hold users funds and settle contracts.

Your funds are always securely stored on the blockchain. We have developed a unique infrastructure using blockchain only when needed, allowing for near real-time operations. Release on September 12, New Features: State channels, Stable tokens.

Hedging derivatives, Stable wallets. From now on, Alpha testers will earn Contribution Tokens. Help us test our products and pave the way to financial stability on Ethereum. These positions are implemented as Zero-sum ETH contracts on the blockchain. Individuals and businesses can use our derivatives to hedge themselves against currency risks. Open Alpha, VariabL 2. The last few months, we have been focused on creating a new infrastructure for the production version of the VariabL exchange, together with running and improving the existing alpha.

Thanks to our numerous participants, it has been a very valuable Within the EU, operating an exchange of financial products is subject to extensive regulation in terms of licensing, operating, and compliance. This regulation has been designed to maintain a trustworthy environment in a system based on This article gives the following details regarding our Price Feed implementation; 4 exchanges, 4 prices?

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Just like in the first round, we had about contestants trading for 2 weeks during the second round Contribution Tokens coordinate and reward a focused audience, including but not limited to; platform testers, advisors, part-time contributors, bug hunters, and smart investors.

Once the product is proven, the Contribution Tokens would be converted Contributions offered will be kept at low-scale during the Open Alpha release of VariabL.

Biggest VCT holders will very likely benefit from various features such as early access to new features and special gifts, VariabL goodies, priority passes to VariabL is an exchange that allows for trading of next-generation financial products built on the Ethereum blockchain VariabL is built on Ethereum, a next generation blockchain protocol enabling advanced smart contracts.

Ethereum is censorship resistant, globally available, and provides transparent guarantees about future operations of the platform. With Ethereum, we can eliminate middlemen and counterparty risk. Secure We use trustless smart contracts to match traders, hold users funds and settle contracts. Efficient We have developed a unique infrastructure using blockchain only when needed, allowing for near real-time operations. Learn more about VCT. StabL Mechanism Individuals and businesses can use our derivatives to hedge themselves against currency risks.

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Leveraging the True Power of Tokens Contribution Tokens coordinate and reward a focused audience, including but not limited to; platform testers, advisors, part-time contributors, bug hunters, and smart investors.