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Lincolnshire Trading Standards carry out calibrations in our purpose built laboratory. You can be assured that all calibrations can be traced to national standards and the service that you will receive is independent and confidential. Within the laboratory there are five comparators which are all tested routinely to check accuracy and we can test from 1mg to 20kg. A report is produced following each calibration in the Laboratory so you have accurate, traceable information in relation to your weight s.
We also have equipment available to test Liquid Fuel Measuring Instruments and other items away from the laboratory. For more information please see the information detailed below. There are six fully qualified officers who are available to carry out the calibration and verification work so we can always offer a good turnaround for the work you require.
Along with the calibration services that we offer we also hire out hand weights. We have 1 tonne of 20kg weights available as well as 10kg and 5kg weights. The following files will open in their associated programs. To upgrade or for help, visit the Adobe website. Cookie Policy This website works best using cookies. Skip to main content Skip to navigation Switch to default style. Save Email this page to a friend Print this page.
For an estimate or further information please contact us: Telephone and press Option 2 TSBusiness lincolnshire. Contact us You can contact Trading Standards Business Development team by completing the online form: Our Primary Authority Partnerships. For Consumers Report a problem or obtain advice and guidance Find out more.
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