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Lets get this to the top of google images when people google fake friends. The face of a girl who's low-key salty she's no longer the centre of attention now that Brandon is out of jail Anybody notice how leechsandra was being rude to mexican andy in an uber? Then later when she was called out on it by a donation she started being all fake friendly with him on ice's stream. She's so fake and it's easy to see through her act. Dankquan is a man that shares a blunt with people, he did nothing wrong petition to have a charity 24h stream to free Dankquan and restore peace.
Tweet at uber so they see the story of what happened last night. This could make national news. Similar to the Starbucks case! Brandon appreciation thread for being a REAL friend and actually caring. This filthy snake got his little fanboys down voting everything against him, but let it be known purple army sees right through him and his time is coming.
We're only 26 hours into the RV trip and have already lost five members. Who will make it to Seattle? This is who we want on the streams. Not some fucking leech tts andy and an annoying freeloading bitch. Brandon literally grabbed the wheel of a crazy uber driver to save people, and he's going to jail for it.
Sam being mean to Cassandra now all the sudden because he's read the reddit LOL Two of my friends are in jail. My other friend tried to murder one of my friends in jail so I had to buy him a plane ticket. My other friend is cuddling with the girl I have a crush on. I kicked two Playoff bunnies off the RV. I don't know where Mexican Andy is. Hampton Brandon 1 Fan. You can talk shit about Mexican Andy and Brandon.
You can see who are true friends over fake friends. TFW Sitting in jail all night for being wrongfully accused but you still happy. Cassandra is telling other people to stop screaming because they are gonna lose their voice? Bitch you have not stop screaming the entire trip , put Scam peppers uncircumcised unwashed cock back in your mouth and shut up.
I wish someone looked at me the way Mexican Andy looks at Hampton Brandon. Time to show the power of the purple army. Everyone get this to the top page.
Let ice see sams true colors. Please forgive us for doubting you, Brother Banks. Oboe just sent me this photo of Dankquan. This community does one thing well. Calling people on their bullshit. We are not dumb, it is so transparent the way sam handles situations. This vacation really helped us see the true colors of everyone involved. The only group we need with ice on the road trip and not that manipulative weasel Samantha.
The only 3 men to escape Alcatraz. I am thankful for this trio. The Cast of CX Tours. Andy Milonakis appreciation thread. These Sam Pepper tweets aged poorly. Am i the only one who thinks ice owes Brandon an apology? Most powerful picture ever. I've become a secondary character on my own stream. Paul we dont feel so good. EBZ never left the RV.. Brandon needs to see this Mexican Andy appreciation thread.
Cassandra's logic in a nutshell. I'm afraid Brandon might be going away. Andy Milonakis' thoughts on Sam Pepper. These two are literally straight out of a GTA game.
Brandon appreciation thread for looking after his friends. They caught the wrong TriHard. One of the most heartwarming moments on the stream.
I am a security guard in Seattle. Who Could Arrest This Man.