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Hi, I am a newb at mining. Looks like the Samsung versus Micron concerns are false. It was actually so gtx easier to download and run the command-line miner than MinerGate, it is kind of embarrassing.
Unfortunately, as download as I hate to admit it, I honestly have to say directx June edited June Do some searches on Bitcoin and Proof-of-Stake as that is what Ethereum is going to switch over directx.
I am very frustrated that I cannot download out bitcoin I cannot get a decent hashrate gtx of this Video I have the HDMI plugged into the motherboard. Make sure to have your own Ethereum wallet address where you can get payouts. Post edited by Nebell on June If u cant get 1st tier.. I was using the same settings that u have recommended for my card, and after 40odd hours of non stop mining, the screen got a purple tint, the temps were all fine, stable at 64 degrees centigrade, I was using claymores dual miner.
Currently I'm hitting about Mhs and I don't pay for electricity. So, I basically flipped a coin and it came heads, so I went with Alpereum for a mining pool. I do bitcoin think it will make much difference for memory overclocking though.
I got it to work just by moving to Linux. You can end up with 24 coins this year. There is a ehOS, is it worth it? But on top of that they require you to send your hard earned ethereum and other coins gtx Minergate's wallet on their website Not your own locally download on a exchange and they require you to have a fee just for directx or transfer to another wallet.
Reporting 36 Mhs for the pair and averaging 35Mhs as actual. And yesterday I took delivery of 2 Gigabyte 6GB cards to finish my final rig. Hashrate should be about the same - eventually. Less happy this time. So I posted a couple of reviews on Newegg. Fast , cool Bang for the buck Rock solid 18Mhs at stock with Linux and ethminer from repos. Bang for the buck? Because the gamers love them so much? A card you cannot SLI?
Is it Newegg or MSI? Way to gouge buddy. Undervolt to 70 watts - yes! So I have a card which actually produces 1 degree c of heat for every watt of power it uses. Of the 12 Nvidia cards that I run the next hottest is a classy at 59c, and that sits right on top of a ti. Like a pizza oven. Buy one of these for Xmas - give it to someone you hate. This is NOT a qc issue, this is by design - shoddy design and a fu attitude.
No refunds, no exchanges, RMA for two more of the same. Cost of shipping, loss of use. Just have to wait until the fans burn out - which they will. Then RMA and sell the new cards to a gamer. And add Gigabyte to my shitlist. I have acquired a lone for testing. My farm has more than 50 AMD cards. So I would say that I have a fair bit of experience with mining.
They all run under Linux just fine. So, I tried compiling for cuda mining and I can't get it right. In the end had to install Windows before I could get the going. Can you point out what exactly you downloaded to get it working in Linux? You may not actually need ethereum if you are just mining but it's a habit I have now and I sometimes use geth.
Then open a terminal and - ethminer --farm-recheck -G -F http: But increasing driver problems and the introduction of the Maxwell cores sent me to team blue.
Genoil's Cuda only works on Ubuntu But there are no AMD drivers available for The image I posted is from the Nvidia-smi utility which is excellent but you have to set fixed values for the fan speeds Hope that helps. Thanks for taking the time to explain. Elder III on May 31, , ZacsCustom on May 31, , But on top of that, they require you to send your hard earned Ethereum and other coins to MinerGate's wallet on their website not your own locally or on a exchange and they require you to pay another fee just to withdraw or transfer your earnings to another wallet!
The way I see it, MinerGate's just profiting off of others that don't do enough research into mining and if I can make a recommendation, stay away from them, you'll profit more at a different pool, just research low fee pools, and low payouts you'll be fine.
I'd recommend using Claymore's ethereum miner, its well optimized, only thing I dislike about it is the constant never ending dev fee. Sure it's nice to give back for the software that's being made, but the fact that its constantly requiring the fee just for using it kinda sucks You can opt out of it for slower mining. Extreme and that's what I've been getting until I sold it for RX 's which do the same. Unfortunately, as much as I hate to admit it, I honestly have to say that There, I said it I just feel like such an idiot for procrastinating for as long as I did before ditching that stupid MinerGate and using some mining software that actually WORKS!
I think part of it was I was just psyching myself out earlier in the week thinking that it was going to be this long, involved process installing and setting up another miner software package on my computer and getting it to work with a new mining pool.
It was actually so much easier to download and run the command-line miner than MinerGate, it is kind of embarrassing. Well anyways, moving on then So, what did I end up doing then you may ask? So, I basically flipped a coin and it came up heads, so I went with Alpereum for a mining pool.
They are an anonymous mining pool too, so there was no account to create before I could start mining there or anything. You just use your wallet address you are going to use to receive your payouts as your "account name" when you configure the miner software to point at the pool. Then the next step was to pick the miner software to use. Once I downloaded the ZIP file, there was nothing to even install.
It is just an EXEcutable with a few. DLL libraries and that's it. I mean it was just stupid how easy it was to get running. I just created a. BAT file in the directory to call ethminer. I'm glad to see that you got it working for you. It's a good time to be a miner right now indeed. You can open GPU-Z and see what memory brand you have.
Once you max out the memory I usually dial it back 50 MHz and then I start lowering the power target. Every card is different on how far you can lower the power target and I usually lower it until I have stability issues or the hashrate starts to decrease. Thanks for the help! A reboot fixed it though: No tips needed, but folks can white list the ads if they wanted to support the site as that is what has made this site last so long.
Hi, should I get started in linux or windows Have been doing only Windows 10 for a month now but have been wanting to switch if it means better performance and stability. I have a Zotac AMP! I have heard a few stories of how weak the gigabyte fan is so I personally would steer clear of that the Asus dual and msi are the next good ones. Also keep in mind if you use a x1 riser you will greatly reduce any heat issue.
Running 4 cards in one board will get the pretty hot, but putting them up with riser cables on a platform will drop the temps nicely. I earn 85 bucks per hour for freelancing at home. Well I am mining I am not actually using the card as the display adapter. Maybe Ill bench it later to see if there is any artifacts put that will have to wait.
This is my observation so far on ETH mining. The core clock does not affect the hashing speed at all. Even if I downclocked it, I still get the same hashrate. In Pascal when we drop the power target, the clock speed will follow suit.
Looking good to me, I think I will build my first rig with 4 x and see how it goes. I will have to retest micron with display too. Done more testing, and the Samsung is superior to Micron but not by much. Despite the far superior cooling capacity of the hybrid card, the Samsung runs mhz higher base memory clock, making it mhz higher effective clock. Been testing for two days now, Samsung at mhz is flawless, no artifacts or crash at all, with running two displays off of it.
For the same config, Micron can only run mhz with watercooling, will test with the other micron with basic fan and see how it compares. I do not think it will make much difference for memory overclocking though.
But hey, it is still pretty good considering the stock clock is only mhz. It is partly due to silicon lottery and partly due to the voltage curve.
For the laptop you can adjust the voltage curve to lower power consumption while retaining the same clock speed.