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It's difficult to stand out in the often bonkers world of cryptocurrency. With all the scams , hacks , and animated dancing coins , it can be really hard to break through the noise and into the public's consciousness with your surely revolutionary tech. That's where the fake protest comes in. Dispatches from the 'Coachella of Bitcoin': Lamborghinis, crypto-jewelry, and fake protests. As the Consensus blockchain conference kicked off today in Midtown Manhattan, one bitcoin mining company apparently decided that the best way to make a splash was with a few shouts.
As the event was getting started, a group of people could be found marching in front of the hotel hosting the 8,person-strong gathering. They chanted slogans like "hey hey, ho ho, Bitcoin has got to go," and held signs informing anyone who passed by that "paper checks use less electricity! The "protest" was ostensibly organized by a group calling itself Bankers Against Bitcoin, which, as you have probably guessed, is not a percent real protest group.
It does have real backing, though. Specifically, that of Bitcoin mining company Genesis Mining. Importantly, it's not like Genesis Mining is trying to hide it. As the organizer's website explains, the company wants everyone to get on the cryptocurrency rocket ship before it's too late. Please retweet to SaveJamieDimon This is an important cause. We reached out to Genesis Mining with the hope of getting a little more background info on what appears to be, in effect, a well executed publicity stunt.
Were the protesters, for example, paid? Unfortunately we don't know, as we didn't hear back as of press time. But that shouldn't surprise anyone. After all, when it comes to making it in the world of cryptocurrency, simply grabbing headlines is often good enough. We're using cookies to improve your experience. Click Here to find out more. Tech Like Follow Follow. This space heater mines bitcoin while keeping your house warm.