Bitcoin, Ether, and Ripple, Oh My! How the IRS Taxes Digital Currency

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A devoted group of entrepreneurs and activists believe they see the writing on the wall, and they're determined to add a new chapter. In their view, the world banks and governments harbor too much control over the financial vitality of the masses. But what if an ordinary citizen could bypass all the regulation and manipulation of the financial industry to become their own bank? The insightful new documentary The Bitcoin Gospel examines one such method for making this hypothetical a tangible reality.

The concept took hold in following the global financial crisis of the previous year. Rising from the ashes of that catastrophe, Bitcoin represented a tidal shift in the way we procure, save and bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio money without involvement or interference from banks or other mediators. In short, this exciting new digital currency held the promise of a world in which we would no longer be slaves to the financial elite. Consumers could buy and sell goods anywhere around the world without the constrictions of currency exchange or conversion.

While the popularity of Bitcoin has blossomed since its initial inception, the system has faced significant hurdles and adversity along the way and a number of setbacks are now beginning to come into focus.

In cutting out the middleman, Bitcoin provides an escape from the burdensome fees that banks and other institutions normally charge for traditional transactions. But that anonymity comes at a price; it may appeal to most users for their legitimate every day transactions, but it can also empower greater flexibility for criminal activities to flourish.

Detractors also claim that the rising prominence of Bitcoin has inspired exactly the sort of elitist society the system was devised to defeat. As a bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio of these and other concerns, the currency has inspired the critical eye of government legislators and major players from the monetary sector. The Bitcoin Gospel covers all of these issues and more in admirably even-handed fashion. According to the evidence and testimony presented in the film, and in spite of its myriad of potential defects, Bitcoin represents a growing movement of citizens who want to redefine the nature of capitalism on a global scale.

Bitcoins are not shares or certificates. Value pegged to current rates of currency prices. Still looks like people making money off money. The most unproductive occupation in the world. As long as that's the case they will be banks by another name.

The documentary went from how this can help me get away from the tyranny of financial institutions to how bitcoins can turn a profit very quickly, too quickly. What we'd need is a free app that enables us to exchange money between ourselves full stop as the originator intended I hope. No ads, no updates, nobody punching the ticket on the way through. But already there seems to be people looking to make a bitbuck so the cycle of corruption will be embedded into the system before it even takes off.

The other concern is hacking but then that's an ongoing concern now. The concept is a worthy one but with the capitalist mentality still very much bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio I wouldn't give this infomercial much credence. Man the at 3: We might be related, don't know. Even in Communism people are rewarded for services rendered!

What I see is some people took nothing and said it's worth something. It's backed by existing currency so to say it's a new currency is nuts. I see another scam. Long term and legal but all the big scams are. It is interesting how people can watch a video and process it so differently.

Some people have strange filters and limited comparators based on limited information and experience. Others see the exact opposite of what was shown legitimately not trying to fool anyone. Commenter "Face" sees people making money off of money when bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio chart went up and it went down. When the bitcoin miner describes some he knows as losing money at mining them.

Very similar to gold miners, some win, some lose. However both contribute to the money supply so that the price of gold nor bitcoin rise too rapidly unless there is another reason besides lack bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio supply. Rather than hording, Gold miners often sell into a rising market for two reasons: They have no idea how high it will go.

To meet current expenses. Some Gold miners hold bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio gold in a falling market hoping for a higher price in the near future or they sell to the futures market getting a higher price now for delivery later when it is lower yet.

It is somewhat similar for Bitcoin except for the absolute upper limit on supply. The major risk to the Bitcoin miner is if it bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio to fail. Now if one were paying attention to economics and nonsense going on in the Eurozone, one would have good reason to believe that Bitcoin "may" bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio the Euro and "may" be a better store of value. Bell above calls a scam applies to the current fiat paper money system: People attributing value to something that is worthless except the micro amount the paper and ink cost.

Any money system is attributing value to some Thing. Yet those who don't look around to see what there is to see, think Bitcoin should be stable and not rise against a fiat money system where the private banksters print as much as the govt wants to bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio, while you get 2 wonderful benefits: Loss of the value of the money you exchanged your work, your time of life for.

You get to pay the taxes on all the wasteful spending to buy the votes of those who prefer not to work rather than vote the bums out. Rather than date transaction accounting, several banks issuing debit cards will rearrange your spending time and date to cause you the highest fees.

Then of course notify you of the overage in the slowest way possible, by mail, so that your fee will be even higher. They call this legal since your bankster bought and paid for congress approved it. What happens when a bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio portion of the people using credit cards cannot pay what they owe?

Theoretically the bank should fail and the deposit insurance should bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio those who had deposits Then who knows when you will get paid. Could be a couple years or more. Today, with govt approved mark to fantasy accounting, banks get to value those debts as assets and remain open and get bailed out by the taxpayer for operating cash to pay their employees and the power company to keep the doors open.

As soon as people get tired of paying for this nonsense many banks will fold. Not only for bad credit card debt but they doubled down on bad mortgage risk as well. All of the above nefarious bank activity are the very intended consequences of the powers that be, the banksters, to arrange a tighter grip on every aspect of your life when you beg for relief from starving, when the property tax and income tax upon farmers comes to the point they decide it isn't worth it.

All of which would be bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio using gold or the more bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio bitcoin. If there was a means to feed gold into a Bitcoin machine and get gold out of a Bitcoin machine, the people would be MUCH freer, without big brother trying to squeeze you for every dime to buy another vote with. It "seems" that "may" make the Bitcoin more stable in price.

However, it would cause all fiat backed by nothing [all major currencies] paper currency to fall to nothing eventually, as it rightly should since it truly has no value but that which is agreed upon by those using it as a medium of exchange.

Unfortunately, there are gold hackers bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio so the machine would have to have a good way to make sure it was actually gold, for those of you who see the biz opportunity. It would seem the govt would outlaw crypto electronic currencies if they became too popular, too widespread.

Would you just go quietly home from you seat of power and income or would you try to maintain your power and source of income from a pesky competitor? Hopefully people will see to it that doesn't happen. Govt controlled cashless economy means bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio simply will have to be happy and smile at everything govt does to you and how much they decide to take.

Much the same as being nice to the boss who may fire you. Are you going to irritate those who can easily just turn off your account? For the rose colored glasses wearers, and I know some, who think govt is just people trying to do good Get back to me bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio one of their oil and gas company friends wants to put a pipeline through the money making part of your property.

Bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio that biz Y will pay them more in taxes than you do so they are going to confiscate your street corner biz X and give it to biz Y. That was determined to be fine by the US Supreme Court. Bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio just WHO do they think bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio are? They are just flawed people like any other. There simply needs to bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio a quicker and easier and ethical ; way to get rid of treasonous presidents and supremes.

Bitcoin could go a long way to straightening out a lot of messes of problems govt causes, a lot of thieving it bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio. Do I own any? Not yet but considering it. Qibs; Shares or certificates are just another form of currency which has value because people have given it value, and that value fluctuates based on other markets gold, oil, projected future value of a corporation Bitcoin is exactly the same.

Bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio who is stopping him from transferring his Bitcoin into the currency of his choice? Bitcoin and crypto bitcoin phoenix technologies ohio are great when they work. Anything that frees us from the corrupt systems created for the financial elite are great But, I just posted this on the Block Chain documentary:.

But they all have the same blinders on -he who pays for the development rules the outcome. It's like monetizing the pathetic mantra "I don't care about personal privacy because I have nothing to hide. Sure, I love the idea of ridding ourselves of the killuminati bankers and their satanism and pedophilic lifestyles Do you really think they care what these geeks are doing?

They know if there is ONE global financial platform for day to day transactions - they win the game. No need to transition us through plastic money they can defund when they want too.

They'll just prevent our access to the medium of the internet - and you can probably think of a really long list of ways they could do that.

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Many family and colleagues of mine recommended The Phoenix Project a while back and watching the Ethereum community "resolve" its current dilemma has been like reading the book all over again. We like to quote the idiom, "Haste makes waste," but how many of us actually follow its message? For the time being, my enthusiasm toward Ethereum has ended, outside of speculation. In this post, I reflect over bitcoin and what I'd like to see in the future for smart contracts, as far as the system.

Hero worship should concern us all because we're all imperfect and to quote Keith Jackson, "We sing his praises and then he damns us. Stop and think about that for a second; here was a great idea from someone and yet this person tried to reduce the enthusiasm and passion in the community by reminding everyone that we all needed to make a better product. How often do we see that in tech?

In fact, this is the polar opposite of many American businesses: American businesses usually sell first and build later, as if their customer doesn't matter. Before you criticize me for hating on the American business leaders, the government is no different, as Jim Rickards highlights.

Notice "Kittie's" reply to Jim, Would you have been honest? Or would you have told them whatever they would most likely agree on? Does anyone wonder why people are losing trust in businesses and governments? This is their attitude and its complete fraud at its core. Now find an example of a company or government that focuses on the vision of building something with high quality and not selling the product until its ready.

Outside of bitcoin, I can't think of one example of this recently. We hear critiques about capitalism all the time, but outside of the bitcoin community, most people - in their critiques - demonstrate they don't know what capitalism is.

At its very least, capitalism requires:. In addition, even though the banks failed , they didn't fail; they were bailed out by you and me. Finally, even though many of us didn't support this, we were forced by the government. I've asked people in the cryptocurrency community who is Ethereum's competition, as I have two smart contract ideas that I want to develop, but this whole bailout has moved me away from using Ethereum for these contracts.

So far, I haven't heard of any competition to Ethereum and it desperately needs a competitor. Competitors keep companies, governments and systems honest; the solution to corruption is often a competitor.

A simple example of this is when I was living in Austin and experienced car issues, several mechanics preyed on my ignorance of cars to make a lot of money that didn't help with my problems. When we stop and think about this, it makes sense - I know nothing about cars, so why not exploit my ignorance? In game theory, this is referred to as the alpha strategy, and it's good strategy for a short term gain. But what happens in the long run is it builds distrust, especially as friends told me, "Wait, that's not needed.

They don't sound very honest. I took their advice and they were all right; Juke's did the right thing and earned a permanent customer. Competition gave me options to easily switch my business. Anytime someone asks where to go, I say Juke's Automotive. Competition keeps us honest; we should all want it because only a dishonest person would fear a competitor.

Let's also remember that there were concerns about The DAO that went ignored and once it failed and I was part of this failure and want to take the loss , many of us with integrity said, "We have to eat this loss. No one needs to be a genius to see the parallels to the mainstream financial crisis. Smart contracts are inevitable; Ethereum is wise for moving in this direction, but they're bailout of the DAO is obvious to people who are disgusted with mainstream financial corruption and how is it any different?

I suspect that other programmers, like myself, will prefer an alternative smart contract system that is honest in the long run.

Sure, Ethereum is good for speculation at certain prices and there are some companies on Ethereum that, for the time, seem honest and have done their due diligence DigixDAO hasn't had problems yet. But I don't want my contracts in a system that Henry Paulson, Goldman Sachs, and other mainstream financial powers would be proud of and Ethereum is something I think they'd all love to join.

Let's remember that the cryptocurrency community started when the corruption of the mainstream financial system became obvious. Again, read what Jim Rickards says because is exactly when the idea of bitcoin floated and started. We're a community of people disgusted by this corruption. If you build a system, make a mistake, and then try to "undo" your mistake, you don't understand this community. That's exactly what they did - how are you any different? Oh look, another bank bailout coming in the mainstream financial system!

Bitcoin is a technical and financial solution to the problems of the mainstream financial system as a note, I agree with Jim that gold is also a solution because it enforces integrity - bitcoinaires like gold and bitcoin. It unites both engineers who see how the problem can easily occur, as well as the people who grasp game theory and how its being played against the public the insiders aren't cooperating and have no interest in cooperative plays.

We all remember the pain of MtGox. It hurt to fail and lose, yet look at what we all learned. We learned that keeping bitcoins on exchanges is risky, we learned how to assess the risk of exchanges, and many of us learned the value of paper and cold wallets.

I think that technologies, like Trezor, have become popular because we all remember that failure - it hurt. And finally, some of the ideas around multi-sig and security get the attention they deserve because of failures that our community hears from others and discovers, making our community stronger and stronger. When we fall off our bike because of reckless biking and hurt ourselves, we avoid reckless biking in the future. Consequences teach us what not to do as well as what to do.

We only grow stronger when we fail, both financially and technically. The mistakes in Ethereum don't surprise me - even bitcoin has had failure.

The response to the failure did. Still, there will be competition and many of us who despise corruption will build contracts in a system that allows failure. In fact, our contracts may fail too - and many of us have considered already the consequences of how we imagined them aim small, miss small. My point here is be excited about the future of smart contracts because it will be awesome, even when it's under a different cryptocurrency and community. I can't really type that much but I did a video kind of about this too..

Respect For Satoshi Hero worship should concern us all because we're all imperfect and to quote Keith Jackson, "We sing his praises and then he damns us. Let's Remember What Capitalism Is We hear critiques about capitalism all the time, but outside of the bitcoin community, most people - in their critiques - demonstrate they don't know what capitalism is.

At its very least, capitalism requires: Exactly, how is this a capitalist system? Now, let's consider Ethereum. Ethereum Needs Competition I've asked people in the cryptocurrency community who is Ethereum's competition, as I have two smart contract ideas that I want to develop, but this whole bailout has moved me away from using Ethereum for these contracts.

A Technical and Financial Demographic Reminder Let's remember that the cryptocurrency community started when the corruption of the mainstream financial system became obvious. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. D I can't really type that much but I did a video kind of about this too..