Bitcoin plunges over fears Tether traders inflated cryptocurrency price

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Catch up on stories from the past week and beyond at the Slashdot story archive. If I were a gambling man, I'd be tempted to invest now. Analysts in the media have bitcoin plunges again that Bitcoin's price is largely the result of 4 promoters of the currency.

This is another way of saying it is a MLM or a game of musical chairs, last one holding the currency gets burnt. Congrats to the 4 guys who have managed to skyrocket the currency in the last 12 months possibly because it is nice a vehicle for money laundering in Asia particularly China. I'm more of ramblin' guy [youtube. The whales are driving the price down because the first of the futures contracts come due tomorrow.

They'll drive it back up when they want to take profits. Go add up the numbers yourself from a Bitcoin Rich List. If I remember a recent Ars Technica article correctly, bitcoin has had 4 hyperbolic spikes in prices similar to the current one. But now bitcoin plunges again have a new variable. Those past spikes were when bitcoin owners were largely geek speculators who were also true believers in bitcoin. This current spike coincided with wall street specul.

I bought a little after the first crash after the run-up. Not so much because I thought I'd make a lot of money, but missing out on the massive rise was annoying, and in a weird bit of psychology being in the market took away that annoyance.

I don't know when this bitcoin plunges again will stop of course, no one doeswe're going bitcoin plunges again see a few big bitcoin plunges again shocks down as big holders start walking away from the table a bit there's not much volume and bitcoin plunges again fundamental tech issues remain.

You should compare the 5 year market price of bitcoin to the published models of a bitcoin plunges again. Take note where we are on the bursting part and then consider yourself lucky you're not that gambling man. If the price bitcoin plunges again BitCoin is falling over fears of crackdowns, doesn't that mean that it's no longer primarily bitcoin plunges again by criminals?

Criminals want a currency bitcoin plunges again can be traded for real money - and if it cannot be, they'll abandon it too. Now that enough time has passed and I won't spoil the enjoyment of thinking through it, I just wanted to let you know you won the "most astute response" award. Bitcoin is primarily used to evade currency controls and pay for illegal goods.

With a looming crackdown, demand from these use cases drops, and a drop in demand is a drop in price. With an actual crackdown, demand and price will drop much further. Legal use cases are stymied by the slow and expensive transactions bitcoin plunges again to the limited block size.

Legal transactions were inhibited by the block rate long before the blocksize limits pushed the transaction fees up. Bitcoin is no good for everyday use for a LOT of reasons. The reason it is falling is speculative. Latest news with potential negative effect on bitcoin price, bitcoin is worthless, bitcoin has many flaws which in the long term means it is worthless, bitcoin crackdown, warren buffet says crypto are worthless, don't invest in bitcoin investment guidance articleetc So we do know that bitcoin price is dropping.

The reason, it is getting harder to find people who bitcoin plunges again pay the current price of bitcoin so the sellers are swamping the buyers. Now you have the panic. I sold my house, car, wife and kids and put the money in bitcoin.

Sell now before I get nothing back and take bitcoin plunges again huge loss B. Hold on with a deep fear that bitcoin price will never recover and possibly go back to price 0. Check myself into a mental hospital due to the stress D. You lament the loss of your house and car, but then you cheer up because at least you got rid of your wife and kids! Pushing it underground will help, no tracing your wallet because you used it to buy coffee. Just a pure 'fuck you' to the government.

They can't keep drugs out of maximum security prisons. They will fail at controlling bitcoin. The main purpose of bitcoin was stated as 'avoiding government capital controls'.

Bitcoin plunges again are you getting this from? Which doesn't say it as explicitly as I remember. Bitcoin is intended to avoid controls, banks, governments bitcoin plunges again. There is more in there, but apparently the people that curate 'quotable' don't want to stir up too much shit. The word "government" appears twice in the posts attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto on that site.

The word "capital" does not appear in the posts attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto on that site. The word "control" appears in 14 posts attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto on that site. Not one of the posts revealed by the above searches mentions anything about the purpose of bitcoin being to avoid government capital controls.

Or are you suggesting that your entire supply chain including rent, utilities, employees all use BTC and that y. Down 28 percent in one day. Hope all you speculators have iron nerves! At the time he was really thrilled with the turnout.

That was the first I'd really heard of it, and it was already at the "mining them costs more in electricity than you get in coins" point, so I brushed it off as not worth the trouble.

Bitcoin plunges again course, I probably would have also had all my coins lost or stolen in the various scandals, and I'd be sitting here talking about what could have been, like that. I certainly would, at least a good fraction of my gains. My Ethereum holdings are bitcoin plunges again doing a good impression of a rollercoaster.

Bitcoin plunges again quite exciting - I'm starting to understand the thrill some people get from gambling. I sold one third when it tripled; everything since then is free money. My original investment amount is back in USD, but I got several times that in crypto now. That is called investing. In a previous thread I asked, how does a public blockchain die? More exactly what are the 'death throes' as one reduces in popularity? For people, what happens when a blockchain falls in popularity because 'all' the fools have moved on to the next big 'coin', and there is no reason to keep using this particular token bitcoin plunges again it has already failed as a currency due to ridiculous transaction fees and times?

When a blockchain has all of its arbitrarily predetermined tokens mined, what keeps the miners from mo. When a blockchain has all of its arbitrarily predetermined tokens mined, what keeps the miners from moving on to the next big 'coin'? Well heck for that matter when the rate of newly mined tokens falls below some rate or if its even getting close to the bitcoin plunges again of the number of tokens would some already start to migrate?

For Bitcoin, whenever you do a transaction, bitcoin plunges again specify how much you want to pay for the transaction. That money goes to the miner that locks the transaction into the blockchain. This is like a fucking bitcoin plunges again on how large groups of people act. We haven't even hit sustained adversity yet. It's somewhat ironic that everything folks cited that was a plus to BitCoin is turning out to be the exact oppose:.

No government or central body control. Except when countries decide to ban it causing market crashes. Good currency for goods. Except when it yo-yos so badly that no sane vendor will use it because they can't predict prices.

Except that it's so unstable it's closer to gambling. Needing control of more than bitcoin plunges again the bitcoin network to take over means the rich won't be able to get to it. Except they can and do by putting a lot of money which I assume they can afford to lose into the market in a bid to control it.

The sad truth is very few people control almost the entire market. Only the computational network that's running bitcoin is blowing more resources than some small thou admittedly "poor" countries. At bitcoin plunges again end of the bitcoin plunges again, it seems if you were there bitcoin plunges again and out at the peak then you won.

But overall the whole system seems worse or more world wrecking than country issued currency. I wouldn't be surprised if bitcoin crashes badly or dies someday leaving a sour taste in crytocurrency. Bitcoin is like an IPO for a company listed as NUTN, with a prospectus that says they have no assets and their business plan is to do nothing, but helpfully points out that its stock will have some inherent value so long as smart people like you want to buy it.

Unlike the tulip and wooden nose bubbles, bitcoin plunges again cryptocurrency is speculating on nothing. I'm glad you quantified that with 'on Neptune' because the Great Boston Molasses Flood of would prove you wrong. I've been saying this for years now as a rebuttal to those who claim crypto or gold are better than the Fed. Under the Fed, the money supply is controlled by a board with some political influence via our elected officials. There are a lot of complaints about the Fed, some more justified than others.

Under gold or crypto, the money supply is controlled by powerful speculators who have NO transparency, and no political influence via our el. Bitcoin is, and always has been, a scam to separate stupid people from their money. Now that the Bitcoin curtain is being drawn back to reveal the shady players behind it, those people are cashing out and making a killing while Bitcoin is ludicrously overpriced.

But the sad thing is that dumb people are being taken to cleaners o. Honestly, it seems to me that Bitcoin is less world-wrecking than country-issued currency. Simply burning the energy consumption of a small country seems like a lot but. It's doing that now, as bitcoin plunges again giant market bubble. How much power do you think it will consume as a global currency?

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Lately, nobody knows for sure. After losses over the last few days, the digital currency fell as much as And many ignored the warnings and risk assessment and invested in the virtual money. Some are still confused what it is. Twitter is filled with bitcoin jokes and memes and with the fall in its value, hilarious gifs with hashtag bitcoincrash also started flooded the micro-blogging site.

Meanwhile, some were also excited about the sale. The history of Bitcoin in a gif bitcoincrash pic. Bitcoins price right now. Giving some expert bitcoin advice to your friends and family this holiday season be like: Next Halloween, dress as guy who bought bitcoin Dec.

If you buy Bitcoin it seems to have gone on sale for Christmas. I know I had a Bitcoin on my list. Just like toys at Target. Bitcoin is a multiplayer game dressed up as a real world experience.

When your friends and family still refuse to invest in Bitcoin… pic. Experts are warning that bitcoin is a bubble about to burst, but things might get crazier before it does: A lot of people have heard of bitcoin by now, but very few people own it. The general public, unfortunately. Ewing said 40 per cent of bitcoin belongs to just 1, people, and hedge funds and other major investors are going to start buying it soon.

But those funds may buy bitcoin and also protect themselves by placing bets that it will fall. Trends Desk New Delhi Published: December 23, 5: Bitcoin Social media viral.