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Windows Vista used to be available for public download on servers owned by Digital River, Microsoft's service provider for e-commerce. As of February , these downloads have been pulled. The download servers msft-dnl. If you own a legit Windows Vista product key, Microsoft might send you a replacement disk. A small processing fee applies. Apart from this, Microsoft no longer distributes Windows Vista disks or disk images. Replacement disks can also be ordered from Amazon.
This is the fallback solution. If you're not eligible for a replacement disk, you can still buy a new or second hand Windows Vista system, and receive a fresh disk with it. If you have an existing key, you can of course use it with the purchased disk as well, and hence equip two computers with Windows. Windows Vista is available from online shops such as Amazon and eBay in four different editions:. The following table is provided for reference only, so that you know which file name is which Windows version, in case you find some of the files from an alternative download source.
The downloads in this table are no longer working. Hashes for most Vista ISO files can be found in our hash database. This is a collection of screen saver, side bar apps, background images etc. Please don't just indicate your support. The actual download disappeared from Digital River's servers in February together with the other Windows Vista downloads.
The following instructions work with the former Digital River downloads. You need to have backup files of your downloads if you want to proceed with it. The following screenshots show the process of creating an English Windows Vista 64 bit iso image on Windows 8. Other languages and bit editions work exaxtly the same. As you can see, the restriction that 64 bit iso files could only be created on a 64 bit system is no longer valid.
Since ImgBurn runs on all Windows systems as well as on Wine, things will be much easier now. Only a few clicks are required. So you start with all three Windows Vista files in one folder. It should look like on the screen shot now. X is the setup file for the English Windows Vista 64 bit. It contains a subfolder named "sources".
You do that using ImgBurn. Let's look at the screen shot first. This is the settings screen for ImgBurn. You don't need to change a lot from the default settings. Browse for the "Vista" folder as the source.
Choose a file name and a location for the iso file you want to create "destination". Then go to the "advanced" tab, and select "bootable disc". In the options screen for bootable discs, select the check box to make the image bootable. As the boot image, select the "etfsboot. Then enter "Microsoft Corporation" as the developer ID. All other settings, please do not change. So, that was already it, you can trigger burning the disk or creating the iso image now, and ImgBurn will do its thing.
ImgBurn will offer you to auto fix some issues like a missing name tag, and the disc type. You can confirm all the auto fixes. After about 5 minutes, your disc or your file is already done. Windows Vista Direct Download Links.
Important Note February The download servers msft-dnl. Purchase a fresh Windows system This is the fallback solution. Windows Vista is available from online shops such as Amazon and eBay in four different editions: