History of bitcoin

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A lot of you may have looked at the title here and are currently shaking your head in disbelief. I have no crystal ball and I have no magic genie to tell me the future price.

So lets look at the evidence. Firstly, bitcoin value 2017 june should be obvious, we are in the midst of a massive bull run. Bitcoin value 2017 june the intensity of this run has only been increasing. The above chart shows the first stage of this run. From March to Mid-June the price rose to a saliva inducing all time. A pullback did follow, due to the ongoing debate around the scaling issues that continue to face bitcoin, but following the slaying of opposing chains, the bitcoin bull only got stronger.

The strength of the bull perhaps surprised many, but one look at the global LocalBitcoin volume an indicator of bitcoin demand and you will see that adoption of the cryptocurrency has strengthened exactly in line with its price movements. We must remember from this that the price of bitcoin is set by the market. The market is determined bitcoin value 2017 june the users, and the demand for real world uses has only increased. From its acceptance as a legal currency in Japan back in April, its pending acceptance in India, and to it finding its home in major global industries such as online gaming or money remittance.

This relentless demand has only pushed the price up beyond what even Satoshi Nakamoto himself thought was possible.

That would require an unprecedented acceleration the likes of which we have not seen. This price is the lower bound for normal price, as indicated in the charts above. The next pair of lines the widest space is the accelerated growth phase and the final phase is the super growth phase.

With bitcoin demand sharply growing it seems the super growth phase it where the trend will find itself very soon. Some of you may question the impact of the scaling debate on this. Segwit will activate on 23rd of August. This will solve the block size limitation problem, packing data more efficiently into each block and thus more transaction data per block will help to speed up transaction speeds.

Followed up by Segwit2x in Bitcoin value 2017 june, the strengthened bitcoin chain that emerges will have plenty of punch and the price will only reflect this. More press coverage only brings more users, more adoption and more in price bitcoin value 2017 june. There is a great wave of momentum building and it is set to carry bitcoin to unprecedented heights. August 23, by Bitstarz Team.

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