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As is technical Knowledge, the cooking botijoes liquigas mechanics generally used as fuel for burning, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas. Thus, the gas from the container that stores or directly from the public network, is conducted to botijoes liquigas mechanics cooking equipment for a specific pipe to the entrance of the product. It happens, however, that the conventional equipment used in the current prior art do not provide the user any means for monitoring the volume of gas consumed.

This prevents the consumer is informed about their average consumption over time, its total consumption and estimate the remaining amount in the gas Bottled thereby preventing a cooking operation is interrupted before its completion due to lack of fuel. Still, the manufacturer of the appliance can enter a possible leakage in the circuit identification botijoes liquigas mechanics and alert the user or restrict the use of the product until a safe condition is reestablished.

In an attempt to solve such inconveniences, were developed some solutions for determining the flow of fluid passing through a duct with more specific use of the cooking and similar equipment, for example, the botijoes liquigas mechanics described in US document, which discloses a system fluid flow measurement through a pipeline, however, uses an additional section of pipe, which comprises a conical internal device to cause acceleration and deceleration of the flow to allow for pressure readings inside the device itself by means of which subsequently calculates the gas flow.

It should be clear that the current state of the art has long since aware of methods similar to the document cited involving necessarily sections with specific geometries for measuring the flow through the pressure drop between two points.

This pressure drop - or load loss - in the specific case of home appliances, where the pressures are already normally low, the introduction of an additional charge loss implies problems in feeding the demanding burners, consequently, a full realignment of components such as valves, nozzles and even the burners, so they can operate in an appropriate manner, ie with maximum and minimum power levels required, as well as the midpoints of them.

Another document of the same holder of the present invention describes an alternative way to estimate the consumption of gas by reading the angular position of the valves. However, this method botijoes liquigas mechanics not provide any measurement of the working pressure - which obviously provide more reliable results since the working pressure varies significantly depending on the characteristics of the pressure regulators necessarily disposed between the canister and the appliance botijoes liquigas mechanics cooking.

Thus, botijoes liquigas mechanics is one objective of this invention to provide a botijoes liquigas mechanics flow measurement system for home appliances that does not require the installation of additional components in the appliance from the gas supply pipe. It is a further objective of the present invention, disclose a gas flow measurement system based on the measured pressure at least two specific points in the pipe system.

From the gas flow the device, you can know gas consumption during a given period of time, botijoes liquigas mechanics gas volume still available in case of use of bottled gasand other related information. The objectives mentioned above are achieved by a gas flow measurement system for electrical appliances, specifically for electrical appliances, especially cooking equipment.

In a preferred embodiment of the invention, said system comprises at least one pressure sensor cooperating with the main pipe or manifold, wherein said sensor determines the pressure at at least two points PO and P1 of the main pipe.

Furthermore said system comprises means botijoes liquigas mechanics allow user access to the data recorded and processed by the cooperating device compelo least one pressure sensor; and in addition, at least one data display device cooperating at least one pressure sensor, and such data display device is integrated to a cooking device. Also, in a preferred embodiment of the invention, the means for user access to the data recorded and processed by the cooperating device with at least one pressure sensor comprises at least one of: The present invention will be hereinafter described in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:.

Figure 1 illustrates a scheme of location points read-pressure gas flow measurement system for electrical appliances object of the present botijoes liquigas mechanics, and. Figure 2 shows a flowchart botijoes liquigas mechanics the operation of the gas flow measuring system shown in Figure 1. The object of the present invention will be described below in more detail, but in merely exemplary character and not limiting, as the device shown here can understand different details and structural and dimensional aspects without thereby escape the scope of protection wanted.

The botijoes liquigas mechanics invention relates to a gas flow measurement system for home appliances comprising the use of at least one pressure sensor that performs reading of the pressures of two specific points of the pipe, as shown in Figure 1 attached.

In the preferred embodiment of the invention, a pressure reading is performed in the manifold at a point before the arrival to the burners, and another reading is preferably performed at the end of the pipe, after passing through the valves of the burners.

Data recorded and calculated by said electronic device can be transferred by any receiving device eg, cell phones, computers or the like by any means available, such as cable or wireless connection, for example. In addition, the cooking equipment may still contain some kind of screen or device issue visual botijoes liquigas mechanics, cooperative with said electronic device to indicate to users the information processed.

From the pressure PO and P1, the velocity V1 can be calculated. Being known the cross section of the pipe, it is possible to perform the calculation based on the flow rate calculated previously. Thus, without the need to compromise the cross-section of pipes or require any upgrading botijoes liquigas mechanics components, obtained in a simple, practical, economical and accurate flow of the appliance from the gas stream. Having the value of the gas flow in the pipe becomes possible to obtain the following information:.

In short, the gas flow measurement system for electrical appliances object of the present invention comprises the following steps:. Note, therefore, the object of the present invention device solves the technical problems bandied, providing a more practical, efficient and versatile use than that obtained with the current state of the art.

Note that the above description is solely intended to describe by way of example some preferred embodiments of the device for mounting components according to the present invention. Therefore, it is clear that the skilled in the art understand that various modifications, variations and combinations of constructive elements that perform the same function in substantially the same way to achieve the same results, still within the protection scope defined by the appended claims. Country of ref document: Botijoes liquigas mechanics code of ref document: Background of the Invention As is technical Knowledge, the cooking equipment generally used as fuel for burning, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas.

Objectives of the invention Thus, it is one objective of this invention to provide a gas flow measurement system for home appliances that does not require the installation of additional components in the appliance from the gas supply pipe. Summary of the Invention The objectives mentioned above are achieved by a gas flow measurement system for electrical appliances, specifically for electrical appliances, especially cooking equipment. Brief Description of the Drawings The present invention will be hereinafter described in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: Figure 1 illustrates a scheme of location points read-pressure gas flow measurement system for electrical appliances object of the present invention, and Figure 2 botijoes liquigas mechanics a flowchart of the operation of the gas flow measuring system shown in Figure 1.

Detailed Description of the Invention The object of the present invention will be described below in more detail, but in merely exemplary character and not limiting, as the device shown here can understand different details and structural and dimensional aspects without thereby escape the scope of protection wanted.

Having the value of the gas flow in the pipe becomes possible to obtain the following botijoes liquigas mechanics You can also obtain the following information: In short, the gas flow measurement system for electrical appliances object of the present invention comprises the following steps: Botijoes liquigas mechanics flow measuring system for household appliances, specifically for household appliances, especially cooking equipment fitted with gas control valve 1 for the burner, with said botijoes liquigas mechanics control valve 1 fed by a pipe main 2characterized by the fact that said system comprises:.

System according to claim 2, characterized in that said data display device is integrated to a cooking device. EP EPA1 en US USA1 en Flow rate measuring device, and gas supply system employing it, method for specifying gas appliance. Gas monitoring system and sidestream gas measurement system adapted to communicate with a mainstream gas measurement system.

Arrangements and methods for monitoring processes and devices using a web service. Using practical predictions of economic intervention frequency to botijoes liquigas mechanics short-run economic leakage level, with or without pressure management.

Device for detecting a blockage of a mechanical fluid meter, and meter featuring blockage detection. Monitoring and fault detection of electrical appliances for ambient botijoes liquigas mechanics. EP Kind code of ref document:

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