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The US Federal Trade Commission has stuck another pin through Butterfly Labs, obtaining a court order that the company hand over any Bitcoins it had mined for itself. The order PDF was granted as part of the receiver's process to try and liquidate the company's assets to hopefully provide some refunds to buyers. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community.

Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts. The Register uses cookies. Blame everything on 'computer error' — no one will contradict you If you're a Fedora fanboi, this latest release might break your heart a little Microsoft's latest Windows 10 update downs Chrome, Cortana LLVM contributor hits breakpoint, quits citing inclusivity intolerance. Password re-use is dangerous, right? So what about stopping it with password-sharing?

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Junk food meets junk money: Facebook privacy audit by auditors finds everything is awesome! FTC's heavily redacted report says everything's hunky dory. Lloyds Bank bans Bitcoin purchases by credit card customers B-b-b.. Cops seek 4 for aggravated burglary in Midsomer Murders town Fintech workers reportedly targeted. Low-code platform provides fast delivery, innovation and a great user experience. Businesses of all sizes are undergoing a digital transformation, moving applications and services to the cloud in an effort to boost productivity and speed innovation.

To understand how Windows approaches managing permissions, this paper will provide some background on how permissions or privileges work. Sponsored links Get The Register's Headlines in your inbox daily - quick signup! About us Who we are Under the hood Contact us Advertise with us. Sign up to our Newsletters Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts Subscribe.