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Running a Bitcoin node gives you a the warm, fuzzy feeling that comes from helping people download the blockchain faster. Same as seeding torrents provides warm fuzzies. You are supporting the overall Bitcoin network, relaying transactions and allowing people close to your server location to download the blockchain faster. Note- this was written for Ubuntu, but in step 2. This is a good way to learn some basic linux because the install is fairly straightforward and I address most of the problems you could encounter.
First, check what kind of linux distro you are running. Check if you have apt-get installed, this is needed for my install. Just type apt-get If centos install bitcoin daemon get a return, then you have it installed go to 3, if not see below. Next, this is a script that will save us 10 steps adjusting the firewall, ect. What this does is: Firewall rules; allow 22, Updates Ubuntu Creates Swap Creates config Sets up autostart cron Adds limit to bitcoin connections in order to help control bandwidth; reduce from 40 in step-8 to limit it further.
Everything will install perfect, however Bitcoind may not be in the package, Check by typing: If yes, go to 4. When you start Bitcoind it will start to download the blockchain. This will take weeks! If you are OK with that, then you are done. If not, below I will show how to download the centos install bitcoin daemon via torrent.
Next, we need to download the blockchain. Install transmission-daemon, which is a BitTorrent cliet so we can torrent it instead of waiting for it to download. In the terminal, type: If it is type: Next, we need to edit the the config file of transmission to whitelist and setup This will allow us to go to www. Most linux distros have Nano or Vi as text editors. Save the file and exit. Login to the webui of transmission by going to www.
It will take anywhere from 30min — a few hours depending on your connection. It will download into a folder called Downloads in your root directory, or user directory. Once its downloaded, move it into the. Now, it will start verifying the blocks that are in the bootstrap. Will take a few hours. You check what its up to by centos install bitcoin daemon Its finished once the block amount is the same number as the blockheight on blockchain.
This is extra, If you want to be able to see your centos install bitcoin daemon status from going to centos install bitcoin daemon IP, being able to show your friends like this: Run the script to update every time. You can also use it to create a chron job. Once BitcoinRPC is installed, run the node script again and it will update! How to run a full Bitcoin node on a Virtual Private Server.
What is Bitcoin Mining?