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Integrate Coinhive on your Website. Your users run the miner directly in their Browser and mine XMR for you in turn for an ad-free experience, in-game currency or whatever incentives you can come up with.

These services, while fully supported, should coinhivemonero javascript mining serve as an example of what's possible. We are excited to see how you will use our service. We dream about it as an alternative to micro payments, artificial wait time in online games, intrusive ads and dubious marketing coinhivemonero javascript mining. They will pay you with just their CPU power. All with the added benefit of earning you money.

You just load a script tag, create a div and validate a token on coinhivemonero javascript mining server on form submit. See the detailed implementation guide in the documentation. If you have an URL you'd like to forward your users to, you can create a cnhv. The user has to solves a number of hashes adjustable by you and is automatically forwarded to the target URL afterwards.

Users can solve hashes on your behalf in return for benefits you provide. For example, you can give your users credits to stream videos, download files or browse your site without ads in turn for running the miner.

To mine Monero, you have to calculate hashes with an algorithm called Cryptonight. This algorithm is very compute heavy and — while overall coinhivemonero javascript mining slow — was designed to run well on consumer CPUs. There are solutions to run the Cryptonight algorithm on a GPU instead, but the benefit is about 2x, not x like for other algorithms used coinhivemonero javascript mining Bitcoin or Coinhivemonero javascript mining.

This makes Cryptonight a nice target for JavaScript and the Browser. Of course, when running through JavaScript performance still takes a bit of a toll, but it's not that bad. Technically yes, economically probably not. Implementing a coinhivemonero javascript mining system for your site or game where users have to keep mining for longer durations is far more feasible.

Coinhivemonero javascript mining just 10—20 active miners on your site, you can expect a monthly revenue of about 0. If you run a streaming video site, a community site, an online game or anything else where you coinhivemonero javascript mining give your users an incentive to run the miner for longer durations, then by all means: We pay per solved hash.

The payout rate is adjusted automatically every few coinhivemonero javascript mining based on the global difficulty of the network and the average reward per block. The payout rate is calculated like this:. With the current network difficulty of Unlike a traditional mining pool, this rate is fixed, regardless of actual blocks found and the luck involved finding them.

We try to run this service with as much transparency as possible. If your users solve hashes, you get paid. The minimum payout threshold is 0. Payouts are fully automated and are initiated every 2nd hour, 12 coinhivemonero javascript mining a day.

If you reach the minimum payout threshold, you'll automatically receive your money in the next batch. Coinhive Documentation Login Signup. A Crypto Miner for your Website. Spam Protection Rate limit actions on your site.

Link Forwarding Monetize shortlinks to your content. In-Game Money Offer rewards in your online games. Ad-Free Content Run your site without ads. We'd like to further close this gap and are working on solutions to do so. Fair Payouts We pay per solved hash. The payout rate is calculated like this:

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Yesterday I found a tweet about a monetisation possibility that enables cryptocurrency mining through JavaScript. More precisely it lets you mine XMR or Monero , a cryptocurrency not unlike Bitcoin, through users of your websites. The JavaScript miner and mining pool is provided by Coin Hive. Unfortunately the script has been blocked by the most significant adblock plugins already, since a lot of sites have enabled the miner without any opt-in dialogue, as did I for 24 hours for screens larger than px.

I have re-activated the miner as a sidebar-widget and it gives everybody the option to opt out and it stops after hashes about 20 seconds of CPU on an average desktop computer and it does not even start on smartphones. This step is literally as simple as installing Google Analytics. Somebody also already has created a coin-hive WordPress plugin on the official repository.

You can read the full documentation and throttling possibilities on the coin hive documentation. After 24 hours of mining the value at sessions according to Google Analytics, so probably a couple more is at around.

Even though the frequencies and amount of cores are comparable between smartphones and PCs, the performance of a desktop CPU still beats laptops and smartphones. A conversation I saw on twitter pointed out that compared to ads, that will just be displayed once, a client side miner gains value when a user remains on the page for a longer while, which counters the click bait trend a lot. For my format of content, in depth tutorials or at times opinion pieces and reviews, that fits perfectly.

The next steps for me will be to implement the miner with a consent click for users, like a cookie bar when they enter the page. Also a progress bar like on kickstarter, including stretch goals could be a fun way to show: Look at this bar: Thank you for reading! If you have any comments, additions or questions, please leave them in the form below!

You can also tweet them at me. If you want to read more like this, follow me on feedly or other rss readers. Can you please tell me what is split of your traffic between mobile and desktop? I am asking that cause I am trying to understand if this can work on my blog. Yours is pretty neat could you share it?

Hi Michael, thank you! I found the below blog about mining Monero even without a website like piratebay. Not sure is this workable. Your average user would have to stay on the page for nearly an hour for you to make 70 cents per 1k users.

That seems a little excessive. My anti-virus blocks coinhive saying Js: Miner-A On internet I have read it is a dangerous trojan. Is it or is it not? If faucethub and moonbitcoin have this miner…take them the risk to lose members?

I propose the miner as well on my site. Hello How does mining with the shortlink at coinhive. Can I do this myself by creating a php page? Please do correct me if you spot an error! Lets do an example like your website. Right now according to SimilarWeb you are getting But lets stick to the direct numbers that you report because they are the real thing, say for example visitors a day. Your site would generate 1.

Great info you are sharing here. I am looking to implement Coinhive as an alternative monetization solution instead of displaying ads. I will give it a try for sure. I did some tests also. If Coinhive pays out 0. I believe that if you using ad networks you will earn much more money from this. Ofcourse this is an alternative way to earn money, you can combine it with all your ads.

No hash rate is recorded at the coin hive back end. But hey, you have to try to buy, or put in down the drain!