Trade Credit Insurance Products

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Smart Business spoke with Altman about trade credit insurance, what it covers and how it can be used to grow a business. Any company that sells good or services could use this insurance. While some industries — mining, energy, metals and automotive, for example — are ideal candidates, given our current economy, for credit insurance, the type of business and sales volume are less relevant than a specific industry or buyer base.

Companies in highly cyclical industries will find it prudent to insure their accounts receivable. With respect to circumstance, highly leveraged companies with tighter cash flows should consider credit insurance as well.

A general rule of thumb is companies that company saved by trade credit insurance receivables of a magnitude that nonpayment could impair their ability to service their debt or cover payroll should be insured. Company saved by trade credit insurance could be too late or too costly if a company waits for the industry to deteriorate before insuring. In those cases, it can be tough to get approved, or there will be higher-than-usual rates because of the inflated risk.

What policy provisions should businesses consider or be ready to discuss with their broker when negotiating credit insurance? Pay specific attention to reps and warranties, exclusions and the length of the waiting periods. The insured will want the fewest reps and warranties and shortest claim times after a default occurs.

For example, sanctioned language that says if the U. Businesses considering insuring their accounts receivable should expect their insurance broker to understand their business and not just have insurance product expertise. In addition to mitigating risks to accounts receivables, savvy companies have company saved by trade credit insurance credit insurance to grow their businesses. They use it to increase domestic credit lines, offer extended terms to clients and explore new geographies.

In other words, they use it to proactively make their business larger and stronger in a manner consistent with their risk tolerances. Consider one growth-minded Western Pennsylvania company that put this coverage in place. With help from the insurer identifying which prospects had the financial wherewithal to pay invoices, they generated enough incremental net sales to cover the policy premium within a company saved by trade credit insurance. Rather, they should be opportunistic and grow their business through strategic use of trade credit insurance.

In what situations does it make sense to have a trade credit insurance policy? Why is credit insurance a good investment?

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Allianz Group Communications Koeniginstr. Our research has shown that credit-insured companies save on the operating costs of receivables. The Credit Management Research Centre at the University of Leeds interviewed 2, companies in ten European countries about their trade credit habits. Then we compared credit-insured with non-credit-insured companies. The final report was published recently. For smaller companies, the costs of late payments or non-payment are even higher because they depend on a smaller number of customers.

You could almost call it a vicious circle: Credit insurance is certainly worth its premium. Not only is the receivable paid if the customer fails, further credit information and market intelligence help reduce companies' losses. It's quite the contrary — we have found credit-insured companies to be more customer-focused. Credit-insured companies extend more trade credit to their customers and not less as some might think. The fact that a credit insurer checks on your customers' credit requests doesn't mean you have to refuse credit; it just helps spotting a black sheep.

Credit insurance has shown to improve the customer relationship: According to the study findings, companies with credit insurance receive trade credit more often, for longer periods and at more preferential terms. This has a positive impact on a company's cash flow. But that's not all: They have a better and longer relationship and give them loans at lower interest rates — 3.

In the face of today's changing domestic and global economic climate, recognizing future risks and managing trade receivables has become a priority for business leaders. Therefore we indeed intend to remain as attentive as possible and provide our clients with all required analyses.

We will continue to research trade credit evolution as a key component of this. As with all content published on this site, these statements are subject to our Forward-Looking Statement disclaimer, provided on the right. Receive the latest Allianz news. Follow Allianz in the social networks: Credit insurance helps companies to protect cash flow and profit against the risk of insolvency. Euler Hermes Group Paris, Jan 02, How did you come up with that figure?

Isn't credit insurance quite costly, especially for medium and small companies? Many decision-makers are afraid that credit insurance could deteriorate their relationship with customers… Von Weichs: Euler Hermes' HQ in Paris. I suppose that suppliers are also happy when their customers are credit-insured… Von Weichs: Are you working on further research projects on the subject?

For further information Credit insurance supports companies' profitable growth pdf, KB www.