How to mine Ethereum "the Easy Way" - an Ethereum Mining Contract?

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OP Is trolling but does make a point or two. At the rate people are moving to mining it will surely be destroyed in a month or two. I have yet to see anything come out of ether beside sergei's ethereum doubler fraud ponzi russian scam and augur, which is nothing special anyway and could have been implented with other crypto currencies.

When it does go to POS what will the network be doing besides facilitating ether transfers and students trying to start their own coin?? Yes, mining 'right now' is great which is why we're seeing an explosion of farms. People still have that money to spend, and obviously some are spending it on huge GPU farms.

Because of this, mining profits in a months time will probably crash out with the diff explosion. Earn ethereum daily payments mining guide really has nothing to do with POS.

OP is not trolling, just inexperienced and not fully aware of the more likely factors that threaten our POW returns. As a noob, I need to hear this honestly before spending money. So I can buy Ether outright at it's current price and use that earn ethereum daily payments mining guide forward.

Where can Earn ethereum daily payments mining guide do this? An exchange I'm assuming. This week will be a really good price because ETH will be dumped massively on the exchanges.

If you can catch falling knife, you will be rewarded. I bought eth directly when it was inexpensive up to 0. Maybe one or two more cards and that's it. Will mine whatever i will mine, then hold. Will not convert back to fiat, or at least not for a while.

In the longer term, through IoT in particular, Ethereum will have physically tangible interaction with mainstream society, as common place and commonly used as are mobile apps now. That is a real social capital. What will Bitcoin have? I'm buying rigs with with mortgage redraw, effectively borrowing from my house with my eth holdings as security.

I have read the blog, and the conclusion is fairly simple. We are now in PoW and are able to mine, once PoC starts then mining will stop. It looks like you're new here.

If you earn ethereum daily payments mining guide to get involved, click one of earn ethereum daily payments mining guide buttons! March in Mining. If you are thinking of getting into Eather mining and start building an expensive rig then dont, soon in a few months you will not be ble to mine anymore. PoS will take over and mining will no longer be possible. PoS stands for Proof Of Stake, meaning people that hold Ether can do so called staking where they deposit their coins into a "staking vault" and receive fees for confirming transactions on the network.

That works via a consensus algorithm. Its too late to get into mining, instead buy Ether now with that money and you will make much more money. But if you allready have a few AMD cards laying around, then you can at least mine some Ether for now. The party is already over and the only way to make money with Ether is to buy ether as an Investment and hold on to it for future gains in price.

Ether mining is very profitable right now, and while I don't disagree, I think a better way to approach this is to exercise caution and moderation, especially in this stage of the game. Mining will not always be profitable and it is unknown how long this will last. Rapidly declining mining profits is something that HAS happened with every other crypto since the beginning and it will happen to Ether at some point Don't put in what you can't afford to lose.

I can't tell if the OP is serious or really trolling hard. March edited March I am seriously not trying to troll anyone, just informing people if the coming change. The majority of the suggestions here are pretty vauge and cryptic, and no one is giving anyone a clear answer.

The simple fact is that mining will stop soon and then you will sitt there With a lot of shinny Cards you have to mine something else With. If you can find a profitable alt coin that is. I was seriously thinking of getting into mining myself. But buying equipment for 5k and only being able to mine for a few more months is not such a great Investment idea. Not if you want a ROI I have read the blog, and the conclusion is fairly simple.

For earn ethereum daily payments mining guide who have allready bought Equipment then mine as its the last day on Earth and hope you recoup the Investment. I know this is not what most people want to hear because they really want this to be earn ethereum daily payments mining guide next bitcoin. But the ether mining train is leaving very soon, for those who started early did good. Even those who started 6 months ago,but starting now with shinny new cards in hope of making a killing is just kidding yourself really.

Most will not even get a ROI. But no one is forcing anyone, if anyone wants to spend a few k on a new rig then more power to you. That was my understanding, but it's been quite a while since I read the original project timeline months.

And digging up the old blogsyes, you're certainly right. Only Serenity will have POS, so I've been make many a wrong assumption over the last few days and so apologies to everyone. Especially regards to POW time left, which now is almost certain to be another two years, well beyond a 2Gb GPU's mining ability anyway. The entire post is FUD intended to reduce network hashrate. Sorry dude, this forum is not the alpha and earn ethereum daily payments mining guide of eth mining, and hashrate will increase regardless of your shitposting.

So going out and maxing out your credit card at Newegg doesn't seem earn ethereum daily payments mining guide a big risk like it did 2 years ago. As we agreed in an earlier exchange, Ethereum wall take a lot longer to be fully baked than anyone can imagine, at this point.

BTC is a store of value, the ultimate number of BTC that will be available is already now; it has no potential for inflation. ETH will inflate, but it's core value is not as a currency, but as a smart transaction platform. ETH is, essentially, the stock of Ethereum. Ethereum is already working hard to develop a bridge between the BTC blockchain and the ETH blockchain to facilitate smart contracts with BTC as one of the base contract currencies. So, although I see great potential for further grow in ETH as a stock proxy, I don't really see it displacing BTC, and even if it were to do that, certainly not in the timeframe you've proposed.

Obviously, though, no one knows how this very interesting game will play out. It has utilitarian value for the problems it solves by being a geo-politically agnostic currency and it can be traded for goods and services.

However, it's earn ethereum daily payments mining guide is not related to any physical fundamentals, not even the energy wasted to keep it going. It was always an experiment, a prototype and so the truest value of Bitcoin is what has been learnt in order to give rise to something like Ethereum. And that is a qualitative value rather than quantitative. I also don't understand why people say eth is not intended as a currency.

It is both a currency and a commodity, and if you don't own any then you can't interact with those real world Etherum conveniences. I've covered this territory on 'value' in a previous thread There is nothing in Bitcoin where I can't see Ethereum doing a better job except for perhaps Bitcoin's deflationary economic philosophy.

That's why I'm BTC pessimistic, it's being superseded. I'm not saying it will disappear but who will want it, who will want to mine it and who will want to maintain it? So just to summirize everything said. I'm not quite sure what is the idea behind "betting" and "penalty" may be somebody could explain. There will be more stages in between Maybe POS in ! From the official ethereum blog: Sign In or Register to comment.

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